Chris Taylor on RTS Mechanics

The Supreme Commander 2 Interview on Eurogamer chats with Chris Taylor, supreme commander at Gas Powered Games, who discusses their upcoming real-time strategy sequel. As they note separately, he expresses concerns about the relentless pursuit of innovation in the RTS genre: "There's been some desperate moves in the industry to find a new place for RTS," he tells them. "All these kinds of variations, but it's like saying let's add a fifth wheel to a car, or let's take a wheel off. But maybe we can actually make the car more comfortable, maybe we can make the drive less noisy or more fuel-efficient."
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Re: Chris Taylor on RTS Mechanics
Jan 12, 2010, 23:40
Re: Chris Taylor on RTS Mechanics Jan 12, 2010, 23:40
Jan 12, 2010, 23:40
Chris Taylor: Taking an Analogy Too Far, near you!
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Re: Chris Taylor on RTS Mechanics
Jan 12, 2010, 23:36
Re: Chris Taylor on RTS Mechanics Jan 12, 2010, 23:36
Jan 12, 2010, 23:36
SupCom was good but there was something about it which kept it from being great. I'm not exactly sure what it was, maybe it was the units or simply the maps.

I didn't play through the campaign though. When it come to RTS games such as this which have skirmish modes, I generally favor those.
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Re: Chris Taylor on RTS Mechanics
Jan 12, 2010, 23:36
Re: Chris Taylor on RTS Mechanics Jan 12, 2010, 23:36
Jan 12, 2010, 23:36
Wake me up when someone pulls off the next Homeworld.

The best RTS of all time in terms of combined story, presentation, layout, audio and connecting with the player as well as actually evolving RTS from the absolutely retarded 2D rock-paper-scissors to something elegantly 3D. Not quasi-3D but true 3D.
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Re: Chris Taylor on RTS Mechanics
Jan 12, 2010, 23:12
Re: Chris Taylor on RTS Mechanics Jan 12, 2010, 23:12
Jan 12, 2010, 23:12
I agree with him for the most part, but I think innovation should be hand in hand with evolution. The genre should be evolving as well. I really love what Best Way did with Soldiers, Faces of War, and Men of War (Out Front series in Russia). The inventory systems, fully destructible environments and direct control really made for some dynamic situations. It felt like an evolution of a genre in that respect as if it was becoming deeper. Plus it was a different approach to resource management. The hoarding and rush approach gets old quick for me. Games like the Close Combat series really held you accountable for your resource management and suffer through your mistakes. Seems like there may be a few flavors in the RTS genre itself that are not well defined. <shrug>

Good read. I'll have to check out SupCom 2. Love a good storyline.
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Re: Chris Taylor on RTS Mechanics
Jan 12, 2010, 23:11
Re: Chris Taylor on RTS Mechanics Jan 12, 2010, 23:11
Jan 12, 2010, 23:11
Thank you, Chris Taylor. I, for one, want an RTS where I build a big fucking base, worry about resources, get attacked by a marginally competent AI (preferable with attacks that actually stand a chance of hurting of even killing me), then finally go take on his ridiculously massive base with a veritable horde of kick ass high-tech super units.

From the looks of it, that's going to be SC2, and that's why I'm there.

Edit : The next big thing that we did is reduce the unit count from over 300 in the first game to around 120 or so.




This comment was edited on Jan 12, 2010, 23:59.
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