Steam News announces they are now selling Gothic 3, the RPG sequel from Piranha Bytes. They also announce sales of the Madballs Devil's Night Skin Pack as well as Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror and Broken Sword III: The Sleeping Dragon. Here's the accompanying blurb about Gothic 3: "Myrtana, a world in upheaval: overrun by orcs from the dark lands in the north, King Rhobar is defending Vengard, the former stronghold of the humans, with his last troop of followers. Chaos reigns without: rebels are offering resistance, and the Hashishin of the south are openly collaborating with the orcs."
Did Gothic 3 ever get patched into some semblance of a good game?
I liked it before the community patches and now, after v1.72, love it. Had no technical problems during the 5 weeks I spent playing it. Total playtime was around 150 hours, or more.