RedEye9 wrote on Dec 20, 2018, 22:06:
From the pageIf we don’t reach our goal or come significantly close we will refund every single penny. We are working on a time frame to achieve.Notice the "or come significantly close" which doesn't mean a damn thing, typical scumbag bull shit.
And you gotta love the "we are working on a time frame to achieve" statement.
You can't make this shit up.
Ozmodan wrote on Dec 11, 2018, 22:11:
Putting CNN nonsense under a science label is a complete joke. Their articles all have an agenda that is never science or fact-based. We don't do enough on the climate change issue, but the article is one sided trash.
jdreyer wrote on Dec 9, 2018, 23:58:CJ_Parker wrote on Dec 9, 2018, 19:13:
OMG. LOL @ all the SHEEPLE buying Farming Simulator!
Meh, some people like non-violent management sims. More power to 'em.
Creston wrote on Dec 3, 2018, 19:42:
Here's a better question. Why the fuck is this pathetic fucking failed asswipe allowed to get away with this shit?
jdreyer wrote on Nov 26, 2018, 23:07:Wowbagger_TIP wrote on Nov 26, 2018, 17:51:
Given that the only way to even have the vaguest of ideas of how your data is used, is to spend a ridiculous number of hours trying to read and understand the innumerable, and incredibly lengthy, T&C and privacy policy documents, we can either choose to not use the internet for much of anything, or we give up data that we don't actually know the value of, or how it can legally or illegally be used against us.
The information asymmetry is simply crazy at this point. You either unplug and refuse to participate in the electronic world, or you become a security professional in your spare time to try to begin to understand how to protect your information. And then you'll probably realize that you really can't. Don't want to give up your info? Then you can't have your cancer treated. The power and information imbalance is too great.
Well as far as cancer treatment goes, the data you give to health orgs is actually protected by HIPAA, although health orgs aren't always the most secure companies. But they are trying to improve, and at least they can't release your data without your permission, unlike say Apple, Google, etc.
Cutter wrote on Nov 11, 2018, 09:40:
I'll look into that, thanks.
Edit: Oh it's a physical product. Enh nevermind. Looks cool though, solid concept.
Cutter wrote on Nov 10, 2018, 22:01:
That's the problem with all these card games. It's all about P2W. I like the gameplay of these sorts of games I just can't stand the P2W model.
Fion wrote on Nov 8, 2018, 13:07:
Having never read the Altered Carbon novels, I adore the show.
Beamer wrote on Nov 5, 2018, 14:24:
I'm not saying Blizzard is right. They clearly did this wrong. This game is made for, and will appeal primarily to, the Chinese consumer.
But the feedback is just childish. Again, not from you (but absolutely from jdreyer, as always!), but elsewhere.
VaranDragon wrote on Nov 5, 2018, 16:52:jdreyer wrote on Nov 5, 2018, 16:20: is a fan-made site that redirects to Path of Exile's homepage…
LOL. My only complaint about PoE is that the levels reset if you don't return to them fast enough.
PoE is pretty damn good. At least it was the last time I played it. If I had to fault it, it would have to be for very hard to break gear walls at certain levels. I don't know if they made those a bit milder to get through, I haven't played in a quite a while.