User information for Vincent Murphy

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Vincent Murphy
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Signed On
March 28, 2001
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201 (Novice)
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201 Comments. 11 pages. Viewing page 4.
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Re: Spoiler
Jan 22, 2004, 12:15
Re: Spoiler Jan 22, 2004, 12:15
Jan 22, 2004, 12:15

More info about spoilers.

This comment was edited on Jan 22, 12:16.
Jan 22, 2004, 10:42
Great! Jan 22, 2004, 10:42
Jan 22, 2004, 10:42
Now I can experience the fun of working in the food services industry in order to buy that rad new spoiler for my 98 Honda Civic, despite the fact that the car can NEVER go fast enough for a spoiler to be useful. This is truely a wonderful time we live in.

Hmm, hope I can get the "Calvin Peeing" decal...

Re: No subject
Jan 16, 2004, 19:05
Re: No subject Jan 16, 2004, 19:05
Jan 16, 2004, 19:05
If I'm not mistaken, they did a great Justice League game for the Super Nintendo: Justice League Task Force. Good fun.

Jan 15, 2004, 13:23
Wow! Jan 15, 2004, 13:23
Jan 15, 2004, 13:23
I was just saying what the gaming community needed was a game based on World War II! How unique and original.

Let Me Be The First...
Dec 29, 2003, 13:42
Let Me Be The First... Dec 29, 2003, 13:42
Dec 29, 2003, 13:42 apologize profusely to the Europeans over this.

I Robot
Dec 19, 2003, 16:09
I Robot Dec 19, 2003, 16:09
Dec 19, 2003, 16:09
This movie will be pure crap. The book itself consists of short stories about robot intelligence. Since Will Smith is going to be in it, I'm guessing it follows the book only up to a point, then adds lots of unnecessary action scenes.


This comment was edited on Dec 19, 16:10.
Milk that Deformed Ape!
Dec 15, 2003, 13:25
Milk that Deformed Ape! Dec 15, 2003, 13:25
Dec 15, 2003, 13:25
2001 called: they want their toolset back.

Re: Typo
Dec 11, 2003, 07:22
Re: Typo Dec 11, 2003, 07:22
Dec 11, 2003, 07:22
"Better interface... check.
More stable... check.
Fewer bugs... check.
Weekly support patches for anticheat... check."

Run by a company that can't keep its most important assets secure... check.

Holy Crap Puppies!
Nov 25, 2003, 14:24
Holy Crap Puppies! Nov 25, 2003, 14:24
Nov 25, 2003, 14:24
254 megs for a demo? Man, that's a little much. I'll save everyone the time: you give your characters orders, then walk them around and watch them kill everything. Rinse, repeat, repeat, repeat.

It is a very pretty game with about 10 minutes of gameplay.

Re: No subject
Nov 25, 2003, 07:34
Re: No subject Nov 25, 2003, 07:34
Nov 25, 2003, 07:34
I guess I don't understand some of that criticism: you can essentially play as any of the alien races, simply by altering your intial "powers" and whatnot: yes, you still get the "human" graphics, but from the game perspective, that's just window dressing.

I'm loving this game: I can play a few moves while doing something else, then return and play a few more moves. The AI is sickeningly good, even at lower levels. Reminds me a lot of when I played Alpha Centauri.

And the support is just great: instead of moving on to Galactic Civilizations II or some other game, Stardock is continuing to provide great content for the game (and, with the next expansion, more customizations). It is a great model for gaming support.

Is This The Patch...
Nov 21, 2003, 15:20
Is This The Patch... Nov 21, 2003, 15:20
Nov 21, 2003, 15:20
That allows America to win?

Re: yay
Nov 11, 2003, 10:16
Re: yay Nov 11, 2003, 10:16
Nov 11, 2003, 10:16
Well, I ended up playing for 30 hours or so, but now my character is in a spot where she can't progress without forcing the "final battle" (I think). And she's not prepared for it.

So, I can either replay the game and hope to bypass whatever bug I hit, or I can put the game away. I did the latter.

However, I might get the PC version, because it IS an incredibly fun game and I was having a blast with it. I just dislike replaying the same stuff.

Nov 9, 2003, 07:56
Aieeee! Nov 9, 2003, 07:56
Nov 9, 2003, 07:56
"beefed-up enemy AI"

Are they insane? The AI is already beefed up. This game already has the best AI in its class, and they are still beefing it up.

Wah, I'm never going to win a game.

Re: So then it's official.
Nov 6, 2003, 12:12
Re: So then it's official. Nov 6, 2003, 12:12
Nov 6, 2003, 12:12
I wouldn't mind if my GAMES needed weekly updates (heck, I play Everquest and Dark Age of Camelot). But this is like the INSTALLER needing weekly updates. And that's worrisome.

Re: Does anyone...
Nov 4, 2003, 14:15
Re: Does anyone... Nov 4, 2003, 14:15
Nov 4, 2003, 14:15
Yes, if the company stupidly put the CD Key on the game's manual, rather than on the CD case, as Atari did, and the user happens to have a large Shepard mutt who love to eat game manuals, which I do.

Nothing like wanting to reinstall a game and finding out that you only have half a CD Key. A slobbery half.

Re: bf1942
Nov 2, 2003, 15:43
Re: bf1942 Nov 2, 2003, 15:43
Nov 2, 2003, 15:43
"One thing I don't understand is why there is not yet an industry standard key configuration that allows you to make ONE key config, and use it an ANY game. All FPS's are very similar and use the same basic set of commands."

I use a belkin speedpad (n50 and n52) and after cofiguring a few games, I can use it in nearly all FPS games without much changing.

Of course, the real value in the speedpad is setting up macros and whatnot, which tend to be game specific.

Oct 31, 2003, 15:02
Neat Oct 31, 2003, 15:02
Oct 31, 2003, 15:02
If it is anything like the game, then after 5 minutes, I can stop watching and do something more fun.

Re: Stay Away!!!!
Oct 28, 2003, 20:41
Re: Stay Away!!!! Oct 28, 2003, 20:41
Oct 28, 2003, 20:41
"Apparently Shadowbane implements this"

Using Shadowbane as anything but an example of how NOT to do a MMORPG is futile.

Re: :)
Oct 28, 2003, 11:02
Re: :) Oct 28, 2003, 11:02
Oct 28, 2003, 11:02
Hmmm. Reading the info, I guess the servers are bing updated today. Cool.

Re: :)
Oct 28, 2003, 11:00
Re: :) Oct 28, 2003, 11:00
Oct 28, 2003, 11:00
Hmm, I guess I might run out to see if I can pick it up (though I doubt many, if any places have it yet).

The launch isn't until Thursday on the servers, though, right?

201 Comments. 11 pages. Viewing page 4.
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