Yea the game definitely needs some work, I'm having fun with it and looks great but I feel like im more so Beta testing it rather than experiencing it. I have run into countless animation/graphic/physic glitches; like NPC's stuck in T-pose, my character appearing TOTALLY different than what I design him as when I look into a mirror or during cut scene(most of the time completely naked). Objects randomly getting shot across the room or breaking, clipping, etc.
Quest glitches that when you complete the quest and receive the reward it show that it's still active and waypoints remain. Also glitches where you're in mission and "frozen" in place waiting for dialogue to initiate, it never does and you're stuck in the middle and having to restart from a different save point to try again. very frustrating....hope CDPR jump on these issue quickly.
FPS-wise has been bearable once I turn down shadows to medium, everything else on ultra. 1080p I'm at a constant 57fps outdoors and 70-90fps indoors - i7 9700 - rtx 2070 - 16gb ram, SSD HD.