I'm glad someone *finally* had the balls. All the other publishers haven't been willing to risk it - they've all been waiting for one of the big boys like EA to try, and even then they were expecting a dual format test (CD/DVD). Hopefully this'll finally kick the PC games industry in the ass, the fact that we don't usually get DVD games is starting to be a problem that will only get worse. Just look at the number of 3 CD games appearing, how much of a pain in the ass is it to install them? A big one. What I don't get is this: anyone with a PC remotely capable of playing UT 2003 is BOUND to have a DVD drive, surely? The odds of someone having a 1 gig+ machine and no DVD must be stupidly slim. I'm pretty sure publishers are using stats from years back of the entire PC market rather than recent DVD drive penetration stats from gamers, which is just dumb.
Anyway, yes, let's hope this sells like hotcakes despite the "less common" format (come on, DVD drives are dirt cheap these days) and therefore starts a long overdue trend.