.net_Drifter wrote on Mar 30, 2014, 22:08:
RaZ0r! wrote on Mar 30, 2014, 16:37:
Yes but they already had a over-successful Kickstarter. They are simply milking it with Early Access now.
Had they instead called it done, and released as is, then put out day one, two, three, four, etc patches, would that have been better?
I mean, it then would have been "finished" and patched as ongoing support as opposed to "early access" with regular updates until release.
No. I'd like to see them release the game when it's truly finished using the $625K from Kickstarter, and leave Early Access to the ones who really need it.
I think everyone is clear on my view if interested. Enjoy your discussion.
I pwnz j00!