OMG many of you people are totally clueless.
I am an industrial engineer for a company that makes billions each quarter. I am also salary. If my bosses had their way I'd be working 12 hours days, every day... weekends too. Some of my counterparts do just that.... the single ones. The ones that don't have dinner time, and homework time, and football games, soccer, band recitals, etc etc. The point is priorities. All companies look at ROI (return on investment) Their priority is to make money. Their priority is greed. They will push and intimidate and say whatever needs to be said so that the salaried workforce stays focused on work. I should know... I work with and am also one of the decision makers.
You should hear what they say about the workforce. You'd be quite shocked.I don't work the hours they want. Why? Because my priority is to my wife and kids, not to how much money the company makes. If I am not there for them then before I know it the house will be empty and I will have missed out on so much.
So understand this. Salary does not equal slavery. Get your priorities straight. Live a life, not a prison term with perks. And always remember: it's easier to be forgiven then to get permission.
...Of course to have the balls to do that your work better be tight.
Thats right! Yosemite_SLAM! The roughest, toughest hombre that ever locked horns with a rabbit!