I'm sorry but there are some genres that just can't be translated as well to consoles. Looking Glass/Ion Storm games fit well into this catagory. System Shock 1/2 are (arguably) the finest computer games ever created. Deus Ex 1 was in the same league but look what happened when the developer tried to convert this into something playable on the Xbox... DX2. IMO this game has one of the most poorly constructed, most confusing interfaces I've come across. It was clearly constructed to allow gamepads to be used as a controller and has lost the finess of the original.
Most of the other genres are of the sim variety... flight sims, "life" sims, etc.
The biggest difference between consoles and PC is the users. To make a broad generalisation console users want instant gratification, action, colour, noise, etc. PC users don't mind doing a bit of scut work to learn a game if, in the long run, it improves their experience.
As for games that have been fun over the last year or so, I can immediately think of BF1942 (and the mod scene, Desert Combat is great), Tron 2.0, Call of Duty, IL2:FB and HL and Quake mods, my personal favourite mod is Firearms for HL. If I really thought about it I could probably name a few more....
This comment was edited on Dec 16, 14:24.