Dunno where Jay went, but I think I know what he's talking about... And I'm trying to get verification, but I believe he's right...
In your quote of the law, you forgot to list Article 1, section e. - "Entertainment technical games are those, whose result depends exclusively on the ability and skill of the player, and are used solely for entertainment."
That, by definition, encompasses computer/video games.
In article 2, it says "Operation of games of type (e) is allowed in devices of type (a). Regarding these games, it is prohibited to place bets. Such bets will attract penalties described in Articles 4 and 5."
So: Video games=ok. Just don't place bets on 'em when you're playing.
A big part of the confusion seems to stem from the term "Gaming" which we - as video gamers - tend to think of as ours exclusively. The gambling industry is also referred to as the gaming industry in financial circles, since it's a little less offensive to folks they're trying to convince to invest in a casino, etc.
One other thing to keep in mind: Those articles people have read on CNET, ZDNet and MSNBC? They're all the same one. Check the byline.