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June 25, 2024
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2 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: Issues & Activism
Jun 25, 2024, 13:24
Re: Issues & Activism Jun 25, 2024, 13:24
Jun 25, 2024, 13:24
I posted and shared this article on the War Thunder steam forurm.
came back the next day, the post was gone.
So i posted it again with the comment that my previous post disappeared and I don't know why. I wrote it off as a steam forum bug.
A minute later it was gone.

then I asked why are my posts disappearing when I referred to this article?

I then get banned for "contesting a moderator".

contesting what?

That article I think ruffled the feathers of those Gaijin moderators.

I appealed to steam after a steam moderator then gave me a global ban. For a ban by a developer who even steam support said makes their own rules.

It is crazy that Gaijin acts like they own the forums in steam and valve turns a blind eye to that. Its valve's platform and yet they are ok to let Gaijin make up thier own rules punishments to a user that affects them on all of steams community.

In short, that article hits the nail on the head.

Gaijin and Valve both benefit from the predatory tactics discussed in this article and they tried to silently hide my posts. And when I called them out for disregarding thier own rules to silence something they didn't 'like' they banned me.
Re: warthunder
Jun 25, 2024, 13:12
Re: warthunder Jun 25, 2024, 13:12
Jun 25, 2024, 13:12
They did the same type of blind intolerance with with pearl harbor by adding the USS Arizona as a purchasable ship.

It is a Pennsylvania class battleship yet they choose to call it the Arizona which is a revered tomb of American sailors. A tomb that you can now sink over and over again with Japanese bombers thanks to Gaijin.

I asked them to change the name to the Pennsylvania because it is disrespectful .

They refused.

So I asked them if they will create a commemorative patch for the Soviet Air Force for shooting down Korean Air Lines Flight 007. Or Perhaps a commemorative patch of a burnt piece of coal titled "Komarov" for the Soviet Space program.

I got banned for that.

They don't like it when their defeats are thrown in their faces.

What else can one expect from Gaijin.

2 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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