Kxmode wrote on May 6, 2023, 02:12:Brilliance… Chess… You jest, right? It takes literally decades to achieve a high skill in chess, unless you’re a rare genius.
Esports is not a sport but a demonstration of brilliance on the same level as Chess. The only difference is that it is a "video game" with intrinsic spectator allure. Very hard to "esport" chess.
Schkorpio wrote on Apr 24, 2023, 19:12:Confusing. Ambiguous. Rude?
"OK, 007. Fuck Off"
Steele Johnson wrote on Feb 24, 2023, 22:25:Riahderymnmaddog wrote on Feb 24, 2023, 20:54:
Split screen? Who has friends to even play split screen with in 2023?
That's right. 2023 is the year without friends and family