Timmeh wrote on Jul 2, 2018, 12:15: I wonder if this one will end up being a huge flop.
I used to love playing battlefield games.. but... the way BF1 was handled with the game, support, DLC's etc... im kind of over it.
maybe I'm just getting old.
Me too, I tried to play BF1 for awhile but I couldn't get into the maps nor the weapons as much. ..and then the usual DLC splitting everyone up again...
Then add in the fact that they nerfed dedicated servers, so no one could admin anything nor stream in a running ban list from sources,... the community can't get engaged in the game when they get cut out of it all !?!?
still boggles the mind how they expect to keep players when all the DLC from the current game isn't even out yet & they are hyping everyone up for the next big game release...???
I couldn't care less about this game but let me get this straight ... They announce they will stop supporting the original , only to announce they want people to buy the sequel !?!?
Not exactly the brightest move towards your customers,,, is it ?
They are already hosing their customers by charging full price for something that they cut out 90% of the budget costs to, which is Single player - making a storyline, cutscenes, a narrative & expensive voice actors....
You'd think they would pass along the savings to their fan base and be a little giving. .?
Even though I've been waiting forever for this & will be buying & playing the crap out of it. I feel like NO matter how good it is, it will be a letdown compared to how much it has been built up.