User information for Roger Corman

Real Name
Roger Corman
Concealed by request
He/Him, Pro-Workers Rights, Leftist, Atheist, LGBT+ Friendly, Anti-Neoliberalist, Pre-2000's Movie buff. I tend to make spelling and grammatical errors.
None given.


Signed On
July 2, 2015
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1762 (Pro)
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1762 Comments. 89 pages. Viewing page 21.
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Re: Sunday Tech Bits
Mar 26, 2024, 07:54
Re: Sunday Tech Bits Mar 26, 2024, 07:54
Mar 26, 2024, 07:54
RedEye9 wrote on Mar 25, 2024, 12:51:
ZeroPike1 wrote on Mar 25, 2024, 06:36:
Humans be weird.
And your point?

I'm listening to "The Plantagenets: The Warrior Kings and Queens Who Made England" by Dan Jones.
Not only did they pay a king's ransom for vials of christ's blood (a century after his death) and splinters of the cross, they also shelled out bank for tiny jars of annointed oils in the thoughts that it would bless their rule - Royalty and the wealthy (or parts of them, the organs were frequently removed and taken to different parts of the kingdom) were buried with their belongings (that would include livestock.) But women had it worse, It wasn't until 1829 when the British Governor-General of India enacted the Bengal Sati Regulation, declaring the practice of burning or burying alive of Hindu widows to be punishable by the courts.

To this day there are still billions of people who think a "magical being/entity/sky wizard" controls things.
But the only reality is that a huckster who proclaims they have "talked/communed/became one with" said "magical being/entity/sky wizard" can easily control those billions for fun and profit.

Just refreshing my disgust at the human race at large again. You know? Typical Me.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

Avatar 58207
Re: Sunday Tech Bits
Mar 25, 2024, 06:36
Re: Sunday Tech Bits Mar 25, 2024, 06:36
Mar 25, 2024, 06:36
I always find it weird to find intact burial grounds from so long ago. It was such an important site back then and all that work into elaborate burial ceremonies and the stupid idea of killing animals just to get stuffed in with the humans. And for what? Just to be forgotten.

Is it a great way to view the past? Sure. But to me it just seems sad to do all that for nothing. The manual Labor involved, the cost of resources which were probably hard as hell to come by back then. And for what? For some archeological dig site to be formed out of it 1000’s of years later and its contents stuck in a museum somewhere. While the site itself becomes land for a factory producing high tech cpus.

Humans be weird.

Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Quoteworthy
Mar 23, 2024, 09:55
Re: Quoteworthy Mar 23, 2024, 09:55
Mar 23, 2024, 09:55
I'm happy they say they at least reworked it. if I ever do a playthrough again I look forward to any changes they put in.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Issues & Activism
Mar 23, 2024, 09:53
Re: Issues & Activism Mar 23, 2024, 09:53
Mar 23, 2024, 09:53
Beamer wrote on Mar 22, 2024, 16:02:
Mashiki Amiketo wrote on Mar 22, 2024, 16:00:
GHOB wrote on Mar 22, 2024, 13:14:
I don't think most of the people who actually play video games, pay much attention to these activists who masquerade as journalists. Just look at Kotaku as a prime example of this. An activist website with no real gaming content to speak of and now it's going under.
Kotaku is now dead. The progressives are fleeing because they're being forced to write about video games.

And unrelated to your comment, there is an extremism problem in the video game industry. It comes from the same people promoting SBI.

Have you not realized you're the extremist here?

They are consistent in that and like... never look in the mirror. Zero ability for self reflection. Makes for a bad time.

I also like how they rewrite the narrative to fit their world view. Kotaku lost its writers because they wanted to be paid for their work, and the owner did not want to pay them. Conveniently forgetting the GMG union Kotaku writers tried to get going... Just ignore all that. Its obviously cause of inclusion they died. derp.

I mean its written how Kotaku died right here; GMG

Ignore facts and sound like an idiot at your own risk.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Quoteworthy
Mar 23, 2024, 06:01
Re: Quoteworthy Mar 23, 2024, 06:01
Mar 23, 2024, 06:01
Armengar wrote on Mar 22, 2024, 09:17:
i really do not understand the hate for this game. It was bug free, had decent content, wasnt boring and was grind free. It was worth its money for the enjoyment gained.

Sure it isnt a game I will keep repeating but I can say that about CoD and BF series too.

I thought it was fine for what it was. I reserve the right to shit on parts of it that I feel need to be shat on however.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Evening Metaverse
Mar 23, 2024, 05:56
Re: Evening Metaverse Mar 23, 2024, 05:56
Mar 23, 2024, 05:56
Wait it I stalled a VPN and an AI assistant by default?

God dang it! You really cannot trust the crypto-bros at all!
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Overwatch 2 PvE Reportedly Cancelled
Mar 23, 2024, 05:49
Re: Overwatch 2 PvE Reportedly Cancelled Mar 23, 2024, 05:49
Mar 23, 2024, 05:49
This mode has my interest. When they released over watch 2 without it I decided to stay away from it until it had this mode.

So thanks Blizzard now I know I do not need to bother with it at all! Nicely done everyone!
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Quoteworthy
Mar 22, 2024, 07:55
Re: Quoteworthy Mar 22, 2024, 07:55
Mar 22, 2024, 07:55
"We were finally at a state in the project where we could play through the whole [game]. And it became very clear that we were missing the large final location that was going to tie the story together and have a satisfying action-filled payoff,"

There's your problem, it did not need to be action filled. It did not need the gauntlet combat section that drags on and on at all. But that is what you went with.

And thinking about it, yeah, New Vegas had an end gauntlet sequence. However that sequence was altered in certain ways based on what the player accomplished or has learned through out the game up to that point. And if so inclined, you could even talk your way out of the final boss fight. Starfield had none of this.

And do not give me that 'but that one dialog choice matters' moment near the end. That felt... that FEELS like nothing.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Evening Legal Briefs
Mar 21, 2024, 06:22
Re: Evening Legal Briefs Mar 21, 2024, 06:22
Mar 21, 2024, 06:22
Razumen wrote on Mar 20, 2024, 20:12:
ZeroPike1 wrote on Mar 20, 2024, 05:05:
The unspoken rule is to not emulate or break or what ever, any current selling mainstream Nintendo product is. Doing so invokes there wrath more then any other method.

We learned this back in the 00s when PlayStation and N64 emulators made the scene.
No one's ever followed that "rule" 😅

And when emulation provides a far better experience than official hardware, I have no sympathy for Nintendo.

Nor do I but if you do not keep your head down they notice. And much like Mr. Bowser you can and will get the book thrown at you at Nintendo’s sole behest.

I know people ignore the unspoken rule. Sure, but when they are dumb enough to go public with it and make themselves a giant target. I have no sympathy for them. Because it puts emulators back in the spotlight which they certainly and legally do not need. And I for one like my emulator options to be open.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Game Crossovers
Mar 21, 2024, 06:05
Re: Game Crossovers Mar 21, 2024, 06:05
Mar 21, 2024, 06:05
This is a game series where canonical airships which have the weight of a smaller aircraft carrier, can float in place with little reaction to wind currents.

Just go with it.

To quote “if your wondering how he eats and breaths and other science facts? Keep in mind it’s just a show and you really should relax”. Better words were never spoken.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Alpha Protocol Revived
Mar 21, 2024, 05:59
Re: Alpha Protocol Revived Mar 21, 2024, 05:59
Mar 21, 2024, 05:59
Kxmode wrote on Mar 20, 2024, 14:33:
Couldn't Obsidian have replaced the licensed music with public domain stuff?

You want to NOT Turn Up The Radio?! Blasphemy I say!
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Game Crossovers
Mar 20, 2024, 13:01
Re: Game Crossovers Mar 20, 2024, 13:01
Mar 20, 2024, 13:01
Leahi84 wrote on Mar 20, 2024, 02:10:
SO HYPED!! She acts exactly like you'd think a fresh vault dweller would in that situation. Just wonderful.

Honestly she is selling it. She is totally selling the fresh faced naivety an ex vault dweller would display. This increases my hopes for a good series.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Game Crossovers
Mar 20, 2024, 12:57
Re: Game Crossovers Mar 20, 2024, 12:57
Mar 20, 2024, 12:57
Pr()ZaC wrote on Mar 20, 2024, 08:20:
Why do I feel that they're in a movie set and not in a real world? 😢

Because.. they are on a film set... and not in a real world....
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: OotB: Cambodian Prime Minister
Mar 20, 2024, 12:50
Re: OotB: Cambodian Prime Minister Mar 20, 2024, 12:50
Mar 20, 2024, 12:50
He commented on his Facebook page on Monday that recent social media posts had shown “inappropriate activity committed by some people, especially youth and children, dancing on the roadside to the musical sounds from trucks’ horns”.

Hun Manet said such dancing affected public order and posed a traffic hazard that was a threat to life and limb, not least of all to the dancers themselves.

Quite literally the Fun Police. haha
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Issues & Activism
Mar 20, 2024, 12:47
Re: Issues & Activism Mar 20, 2024, 12:47
Mar 20, 2024, 12:47
If It could earn me a living I would do always positive reviews too. But since people are willing to take... 'checks notes' in game currency... to leave a positive note. I will not compromise my principles for such trite. I will be willing to negotiate my principles for a cash sum though, per review.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Alpha Protocol Revived
Mar 20, 2024, 12:41
Re: Alpha Protocol Revived Mar 20, 2024, 12:41
Mar 20, 2024, 12:41
This game was a blast for me in the back when times. The dialog options were fantastic, the setting worked wonders. And that stupid Turn up the Radio song from a boss fight reintroduced my love for 80's music.

And the twists and turns the story could take. Just a wonderful time. I recall the minigame for hacking or whatever it was could be damned annoying however.

Replayed my game several times to get the multiple endings. The ending where I joined the faction with the operators wearing the 4 glowing green lens goggles was my last one, tricky to get that one back then.

Good stuff!
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Issues & Activism
Mar 20, 2024, 05:16
Re: Issues & Activism Mar 20, 2024, 05:16
Mar 20, 2024, 05:16
Wow… it is ALOT sadder this time around. Geez….
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Ships At Sea Early Access in May
Mar 20, 2024, 05:10
Re: Ships At Sea Early Access in May Mar 20, 2024, 05:10
Mar 20, 2024, 05:10
fujiJuice wrote on Mar 19, 2024, 14:37:
Jim wrote on Mar 19, 2024, 13:51:
starts off like powerwash simulator

And they left it on too long.


The game looks good though. Seeing the kind of stuff Unreal5 can do.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Evening Legal Briefs
Mar 20, 2024, 05:05
Re: Evening Legal Briefs Mar 20, 2024, 05:05
Mar 20, 2024, 05:05
The unspoken rule is to not emulate or break or what ever, any current selling mainstream Nintendo product is. Doing so invokes there wrath more then any other method.

We learned this back in the 00s when PlayStation and N64 emulators made the scene.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Game Crossovers
Mar 19, 2024, 06:57
Re: Game Crossovers Mar 19, 2024, 06:57
Mar 19, 2024, 06:57
Prez wrote on Mar 17, 2024, 10:35:
I'm confused. You say that Fallout fans can never be pleased, but you are presumably a Fallout fan who thought the new direction that Bethesda took it in was cool. I'm a huge Fallout fan and I loved the move to 3D . Saying "you can't please {insert property name here} fans" is demonstrably false. You generally can't please property purists, and there are even exceptions to that. I've known purists who say that even though they didn't get the uniforms perfect, and they changed character 'X', they still actually liked it. Entire fandoms aren't toxic. The vocal minority often is. Why does this concept constantly bear repeating?

Because people will shit on a director for effectively saying the same thing. Were you there at the No Mutants Allowed forums back then? Ohh they went full toxic avenger on Bethesda after Fallout 3 and seeing how bitter and annoying those old hold outs were, even months after the release. I had my fill of that site and abandoned it.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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