User information for Roger Corman

Real Name
Roger Corman
Concealed by request
He/Him, Pro-Workers Rights, Leftist, Atheist, LGBT+ Friendly, Anti-Neoliberalist, Pre-2000's Movie buff. I tend to make spelling and grammatical errors.
None given.


Signed On
July 2, 2015
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1753 (Pro)
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1753 Comments. 88 pages. Viewing page 17.
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Re: Subscriptions, Clouds, & Streams
May 10, 2024, 05:11
Re: Subscriptions, Clouds, & Streams May 10, 2024, 05:11
May 10, 2024, 05:11
I had game pass on and off for a while now. Mostly off. I do not see a reason to stay subbed to it for more then a month at a time.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Evening Legal Briefs
May 8, 2024, 14:51
Re: Evening Legal Briefs May 8, 2024, 14:51
May 8, 2024, 14:51
Mr. Tact wrote on May 8, 2024, 07:33:
ZeroPike1 wrote on May 8, 2024, 06:10:
Could just expand legal drug use. Not only would the cartels virtually die overnight the amount of taxes the state and federal could make off it would probably offset half the bloated military budget.
Has illegal marijuana sales dropped significantly where it is available legally for recreational use? If we can even reasonably track such a thing. Even if legalizing drug use destroyed the illegal market for them, which I have serious doubts about, the cartels are already into other things. They are not going away any time soon.

Aye, but taking away a major part of their income would take them down a peg significantly. And there is not really a stat tracker for illegal drug sales to look towards, just rough guess-timents from a couple sources.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Morning Safety Dance
May 8, 2024, 14:46
Re: Morning Safety Dance May 8, 2024, 14:46
May 8, 2024, 14:46
You are not going to convince everyone. Some people really feel the need to BS themselves into thinking they know something few others do, such as which Candidates actually won or not. You could sit a denier down, hold their hand directly in-front of the entire process as it happens from beginning to end and there is a high chance they still think its rigged, its some agenda, its some insert bullshit here But I suppose its better if some people are shown the facts, maybe it will reduce how loud these dregs can be.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Evening Legal Briefs
May 8, 2024, 06:10
Re: Evening Legal Briefs May 8, 2024, 06:10
May 8, 2024, 06:10
Could just expand legal drug use. Not only would the cartels virtually die overnight the amount of taxes the state and federal could make off it would probably offset half the bloated military budget.

But whatev’s, the war on drugs is a good excuse to hoover up tons of private citizen data and allow police nearly free rein on search and seizures. Hard choice to make there I’m sure.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Saturday Legal Briefs
May 5, 2024, 05:31
Re: Saturday Legal Briefs May 5, 2024, 05:31
May 5, 2024, 05:31
And were off the to Races! Let's see how much more Nintendo will flamethrower emulation work from now on. Nice work on poking the bear guys, thanks for that... You did everyone such a good service.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Evening Mobilization
May 3, 2024, 04:55
Re: Evening Mobilization May 3, 2024, 04:55
May 3, 2024, 04:55
Pr()ZaC wrote on May 2, 2024, 07:13:
ZeroPike1 wrote on May 2, 2024, 06:08:
Seen a kid around 5 years old walking around the store playing Minecraft in creative mode on it. Barely following his mother around.

Smartphones are the new anti-crying child solution.
Seen teenagers sitting at a table in a restaurant, not saying a word to each other and interacting only with their phones, during my entire meal.

Anyway, it's an uphill battle for parents not to expose their children to technology or restrict its use, in a world where they are bombarded with it since they're born.
Good luck to them.

I’m fine with a child using tech in moderation. Not as a catch-all to prevent crying. Tech is just the new toys I guess. Instead of dragging a teddy or a doll around now they drag a smartphone around.

But I lack kids. I will never have kids. So my opinions remain only that. I will never force another persons kids to like or dislike tech.

Though if my tech restricted, 8 year old nephew ever sees my gaming rig he can play anything I already own on it if he wants too, no questions asked.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Morning Metaverse
May 3, 2024, 04:46
Re: Morning Metaverse May 3, 2024, 04:46
May 3, 2024, 04:46
I had a full Three Procentor Movement last night let me tell you! lol

Man these fascist groups are full of bellend, morons aren’t they? What I like is how they twist the words “protecting Our constitution” it’s everyone’s constitution, it even has this wonderful built in rule to adjust it because the people who wrote it knew it was never to be permanent and that times will inevitably change.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: OotB: M’aidez
May 2, 2024, 06:42
Re: OotB: M’aidez May 2, 2024, 06:42
May 2, 2024, 06:42
Mr. Tact wrote on May 1, 2024, 12:59:
RATS! Got a call from an unknown number on my cell this morning. 11 more days and I would have gone three months without one!

I do not miss getting bogus phone calls. However the phishing attempts are annoying. They fire off a message that my package is being held and not deliverable unless I write the obviously fake web address and give them my personal information.

I could see myself blindly clicking it if I panicked though. But is a sus link even in the worst of panics I could have.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Game History and Preservation
May 2, 2024, 06:25
Re: Game History and Preservation May 2, 2024, 06:25
May 2, 2024, 06:25
The ESA being the total sack of collective shits they are.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Business & Finance
May 2, 2024, 06:23
Re: Business & Finance May 2, 2024, 06:23
May 2, 2024, 06:23
So Roblox is ingrained in the youth, then slowly turns into a sort of metaverse with a totally locked in audience. And me having ignored the entire thing, feel like an old timer, because I no longer understand the appeal of it.

Ce’le’ve /bad spelling im sure.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Buffs, Nerfs, and Bugs
May 2, 2024, 06:12
Re: Buffs, Nerfs, and Bugs May 2, 2024, 06:12
May 2, 2024, 06:12
Is it a nerf to get actual maps? And not that dot matrix guff the game shipped with?

Yeah, not knowing what nerfed means, how embarrassing…
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

Avatar 58207
Re: Evening Mobilization
May 2, 2024, 06:08
Re: Evening Mobilization May 2, 2024, 06:08
May 2, 2024, 06:08
Seen a kid around 5 years old walking around the store playing Minecraft in creative mode on it. Barely following his mother around.

Smartphones are the new anti-crying child solution.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

Avatar 58207
Re: Starfield Getting Big Update Soon; Expansion in Fall
May 1, 2024, 08:31
Re: Starfield Getting Big Update Soon; Expansion in Fall May 1, 2024, 08:31
May 1, 2024, 08:31
WannaLogAlready wrote on Apr 30, 2024, 13:36:
I don't get all the hate

I remember one shamefully negative poster here that gave it a 3 out of 10 when the reviews and hype were still positive, such malice.

I'm sure Todd will do his ineffective big eared but deaf best, sad mf that he is.

Some people hate it out of spite, some hate it because they do not like it. Some hate on it because it did not deliver the experience they made up in their heads of what the game was supposed to be. I do not HATE it, but parts of it can stand out as glaring problems.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: OotB: Yikes! Why do people hear their names being called in the woods.
May 1, 2024, 08:27
Re: OotB: Yikes! Why do people hear their names being called in the woods. May 1, 2024, 08:27
May 1, 2024, 08:27
Burrito of Peace wrote on Apr 30, 2024, 14:30:
ZeroPike1 wrote on Apr 30, 2024, 12:31:
Ahh PTSD.... yeah I do have that, had it back then even. Guess it was all in my head.

Quite literally according to the article!

But I am with you. There are times, late at night, when it is quiet and still that I hear my deceased wife's voice say the nickname she had for me. It's an unusual name and not one that lends itself to the standard sound waves of whirring server fans, the overhead fan, and where I live is very quiet so there is not a lot of external background noise.

I just usually say "Hi baby. I miss you, too" and get a faint smile. Then I go on with whatever I am doing.

The human mind is a weird, wacky and wonderful place all at the same time I suppose.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: OotB: Yikes! Why do people hear their names being called in the woods.
Apr 30, 2024, 12:31
Re: OotB: Yikes! Why do people hear their names being called in the woods. Apr 30, 2024, 12:31
Apr 30, 2024, 12:31
It sounds bonkers but I actually had this happen to me. Back in my teens, I would lay a blanket on the ground outside in our yard. Our house was deep in the woods so you would rarely hear anything except nature and the occasional car passing by. I would lay outside in the sunlight with the dogs. One day I was doing it and out of nowhere I heard my name whispered. scared the shit right out of me, I told the dogs to come with me and ran inside.

I assume since the dogs did not react to it as their ears did not perk up at all and they did not detect any sort of uninvited guest. Creeps me out to this day.

Such hallucinations are common in various mental conditions, including schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder and bipolar disorder.

Ahh PTSD.... yeah I do have that, had it back then even. Guess it was all in my head.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Game Crossovers
Apr 30, 2024, 12:16
Re: Game Crossovers Apr 30, 2024, 12:16
Apr 30, 2024, 12:16
Skuggasveinn wrote on Apr 30, 2024, 11:24:
Darks wrote on Apr 30, 2024, 11:06:
Ill bet you that they are now rushing to get one done Intime for Season 2.

They took 7-8 years to develop Starfield, and that was a hot cow manure.
So I can't even imagine what kind of a clown show Todd and Co. at Bethesda could vomit up if they would rush a new Fallout game.
The best scenario I can think up is that they don't rush Fallout 5, but instead get someone to remake Fallout 1 and 2, isometric and all.
That way you don't need to write anything, the plot is already in place, the characters etc. They could make it modern using 3d models from assets already in Fallout 3,4 and 76 but keep it isometric and turned based, playable on modern systems.
I would buy that on the spot.

But where is the recurrent user spending in that?! How dare you attempt a logical game design without thinking of the important money maker aspects? /s

In a serious note, I would love if they did that. Revisit the old stuff in a new engine? Count me in. That is why mods that are redoing the old Isometric Fallouts have a cult following now. There is definitely a demand for it.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Starfield Getting Big Update Soon; Expansion in Fall
Apr 30, 2024, 06:56
Re: Starfield Getting Big Update Soon; Expansion in Fall Apr 30, 2024, 06:56
Apr 30, 2024, 06:56
Parts of the game need to be torn out and replaced to fix it. Instead of infinite procedural planets. Limit it to certain planets and limit that to densely packed higher detailed points of interest. For example.

Even NMS gets eye wateringly boring after you planet hop enough. And Starfield has even less going for it then NMS does.

And that’s coming from a deluxe edition buyer. I liked the game enough, gave me 180 hours of a good enough time. I want it to be awesome. I still want my Cowboy Bebop style world out of this.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Morning Legal Briefs
Apr 30, 2024, 06:47
Re: Morning Legal Briefs Apr 30, 2024, 06:47
Apr 30, 2024, 06:47
Meta is garbage. You can report scammers and hate speech and you get an auto response that it’s not what you think it is and the hate speech is not hate speech, the scams are not scams.

And that’s living in Germany, which has pretty strong anti hate speech online laws.

It’s long overdue for a good EU probe. Better than a US probe which means very little anymore. They are a toothless government when it comes to holding companies accountable.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Engagement Ring
Apr 30, 2024, 06:30
Re: Engagement Ring Apr 30, 2024, 06:30
Apr 30, 2024, 06:30
Manor lords is a passion project for the creator. He has been working nearly solo on it for over 5 years. He never over promised anything so far. I think it’s a fine game myself. But clearly the Early Access warning will be on the game for a while.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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Re: Manor Lords Early Access
Apr 27, 2024, 04:44
Re: Manor Lords Early Access Apr 27, 2024, 04:44
Apr 27, 2024, 04:44
Its fully customizable sandbox settings from what I have seen. Decide to play it however you want.
Rimmer: “Step up to Red Alert.”
Kryten: “Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.”

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