jdreyer wrote on Sep 17, 2017, 19:03:Prez wrote on Sep 17, 2017, 17:39:
Such a shame - Battleborn was a really well-designed and fun game. Too bad they made every conceivable mistake one could make along the road (not too mention being attached to Randy Pitchford who is a lying fuckwit). Had it launched free to play before Overwatch things may very well have gone very differently.
I dunno, I saw this trailer before I saw anything for Overwatch and thought it looked pretty generic. Also, the marketing was not good: after watching the trailer I had no clue as to what kind of game it was.
Slick wrote on Sep 7, 2017, 13:12:OldDirtyEwok wrote on Sep 7, 2017, 10:19:
The low player numbers are unfortunate but the market is simply saturated with shooters. I'm definitely having more fun with Lawbreakers than Quake Champions tho.
Oh man, I played the quake beta for about 5 minutes before uninstalling. I bet it will sell millions of copies.
Gamers are just dumb as fuck these days, don't know what to tell you all. You could get the same experience with QuakeLive, infact a better one without dumb hero classes as a "me too!" cash grab.
Or you could try Lawbreakers, the game that costs half the price, and easily quad-times the fun It really is a "true" spiritual successor to quake/unreal.
MoreLuckThanSkill wrote on Aug 13, 2017, 19:50:RedEye9 wrote on Aug 13, 2017, 18:35:Blahman wrote on Aug 13, 2017, 18:30:But that means we will have to bitch and moan about something else that we don't understand.MoreLuckThanSkill wrote on Aug 13, 2017, 18:28:
reading about bannings, when it's still in Early Access, is a bit of a turnoff. Catering to streamers is a huge turnoff, but I guess that's how multiplayer games work these days.
It's a total non-issue. No one "accidentally" stream snipes. The people that do it, do it on purpose, and pay the price. If you play legitimately you have nothing to worry about.
Welcome to the internet.
If I get banned because I was driving around, beeping a horn or doing something else deemed unbecoming a Murderous PUBG inhabitant, I'll be sure to do an "I told you so" to you guys.
Nighthawk wrote on Jul 29, 2017, 11:38:
If someone VOLUNTARILY streams, and gets killed because of it, that is a them problem.
Being too stupid to set a delay, or not stream is not something to ban the killer for.
VaranDragon wrote on Jul 27, 2017, 10:11:There's nothing shocking about this, as the GTA franchise is basically a money printing press, so it's a question of when to expect GTA6, not if.
Yeah, this. Pretty much. The only thing that might be a little bit of a mystery is how long the PC version will lag behind the console releases.
RedEye9 wrote on Jul 9, 2017, 13:16:
Wow, hitting between 250-350k and growing. https://steamdb.info/app/578080/graphs/
Speaks well for Early Access and a quality game.
Blahman wrote on Apr 23, 2017, 15:02:
Congrats to PLAYERUNKNOWN and Bluehole for PUBG beating out KotK on the top 10 peak concurrent players: https://twitter.com/BattleRoyaleMod/status/856164010198056960
Rigs wrote on Apr 12, 2017, 11:30:
See, this is what drives me nuts about gamers today...you guys have no clue what's in the game at this point, only that it has a story underpinning and covers all three trilogies...and has 'heroes', like the first. The game could literally have everything you're all complaining about wanting but you don't know. Yet we'll complain anyway. I'm guilty of it too but I think that for this industry to return to what it was back in it's heyday, we need some optimism and enthusiasm. I'm not saying to go out and pre-order but maybe be a little excited about things. I constantly (constantly) hear people wanting another Tie Fighter, including myself, and this could be a big step to that. It looks like it's going to have more focus on space combat.
I have the smallest bit of hope that EA heard all the complaints about the first and is going to change it. And for once, I'm going to go in excited to see what they'll give us this time instead of grumbling about it. Will I be disappointed? Probably. But fuck, I'm tired of being down and negative about this shit all the time. The mood is always 80% 'It's gonna fail - hard!' and 20% 'Well it might rock'. We need to change that.