MacLeod wrote on Mar 27, 2015, 11:39:
Yea, of course he's okay with that now... he sold it to facebook for 2 billion. I can bet he wouldn't be saying that if he was still just an independent kickstarter company funding himself.
Oculus wouldn’t commit, except to note that something has gone wrong if it takes until the 2015 holiday season to ship.
Illumin wrote on Mar 9, 2015, 04:22:
Pre Alpha.
PHJF wrote on Feb 17, 2015, 13:08:
Starbound is/was inferior in every respect to Terraria and, last I played, showed a distinct lack of direction or intelligent game design.
Wolfox wrote on Dec 11, 2014, 20:51:
Just to add to your excellent list, there's also Limit Theory.
jdreyer wrote on Oct 27, 2014, 13:02:
1. You're not trying hard enough. There have been OR stories in various sites almost daily for the past year. Interviews, game journalists visiting the office, etc. Just a few weeks ago I was listening to a podcast where the guy went to the OR office and tried the new prototype. He couldn't give details, but he said it was higher res, higher refresh, and lighter than DK2.
2. You write that they have fulfilled their KS obligations, yet their "lack of transparency" is tarnishing KS's rep? How does that work exactly? Also, see 1. above.
HorrorScope wrote on Oct 27, 2014, 11:28:
Plenty of successes and failures, probably a lot like there are in any invention type space.
Oculus, still wonder how they were ever going to ship if they didn't get the miracle from Facebook?
Fion wrote on Oct 24, 2014, 14:42:
Have you heard about the Long War mod? It's the most popular XCom: EU/EW mod that ups the difficulty, choices and really puts that classic feel into the game. I suggest you check it out.
eRe4s3r wrote on Oct 24, 2014, 14:19:
What you are really saying is that Brian Reynolds was the reason Alpha Centauri was what it was, one of the best 4x games ever made.
eRe4s3r wrote on Oct 24, 2014, 11:24:
But what really bothered me was how lazy everything looked. The factions are cookie cutter identical, gone are the different city styles from Alpha Centauri per race (now only per affinity), the Aliens are Starship Trooper style cannon fodder (actually, literally starship trooper style bugs) and the various factions don't even have any identity: You could call them AI 1 AI 2 AI 3 and you'd not notice a difference between them. You won't get a angry letter that you just destroyed half the planets aliens... and the win screen doesn't even have sodding stats.
game devs becoming lazy and this is so clearly a CIV5 mod (where the modders got the actual SDK) that it is sad. This is nothing a mod team couldn't have done if there'd be a decent CIV5 SDK.