eRe4s3r wrote on May 29, 2015, 09:34:
Our feature is great.. but!
Yeah, someone tell the EA PR dewbs that putting a but there invalidates everything said.
InBlack wrote on May 28, 2015, 09:57:
Wow, I thought Oculus was a tech company. This Bendan dude sounds more like a politician than an engineer. How bout a straight answer cretin!!??
1500 for a PC and the Rift? Ya think? What about a monitor? An SSD or two?
Do these chumps really think that the Rift end users are braindead morons? Maybe they've been spending too much time with their Facebook coleagues...
ForgedReality wrote on May 27, 2015, 11:16:
The rumor mills have been churning out tons of information, it just hasn't been making it to "legitimate" sites. That September update was the rumor from late last year. It's coming within a week, if you believe the hypetrain that's happening right now. If it's under $700, I may buy two and overclock them. AMD isn't even in the cards anymore (unintentional pun), not since my 4870x2.
Wallshadows wrote on May 6, 2015, 22:00:
The expansion really speaks for itself in regards to the current state of the game. They really need to end Warlords with the 6.2 release and hope they have learned from this disaster in the next expansion.
The first thing I hope they do is kick Celestalon and Holinka out to the curb for being inept twats who shouldn't even be in charge of changing the water cooler.
theglaze wrote on May 6, 2015, 12:04:
People are right to think that 1st gen hardware will have shortcomings and problems, but compared to the first gen smart watches, a VR headset from Oculus offers significantly more bang-for-buck in function and entertainment.
VR enabled content will persuade the non-believers and the masses that don't understand the potential of devices like Oculus Rift. YouTube already offers 360 content (if your phone/tablet supports it):
360 F1
360 Wingsuit
This is just the beginning...
Quinn wrote on May 6, 2015, 09:51:
But you HAVE interest in putting something IN your skull. ...
I'm still not sure how this will work, sitting behind a desk. The Oculus Rift doesn't have gloves, does it? Either way, I'm sure you'd still need your keyboard. So tell me how that works. I'm playing an FPS, an enemy is behind me. I turn around with the Oculus Rift but have to leave my ability to actually shoot behind on my desk. Seriously, tell me how this works?
I feel like it's a rhetoric question, which is why I too believe it's but a gimmick still.
That’s right. GoatZ is the latest DLC for Goat Simulator and it will be the only survival game on Steam that isn’t in Early Access!
InBlack wrote on Apr 28, 2015, 08:38:
You are using a false analogy yet again. Im talking about modding. Or if you really want to generalise, working on someone else's foundation with their permission. The whole concept of modding is built on this premise. Sort of like open-source. Once you close that shit down, and bring money into the game, bye bye modding. How many games today support mods compared to the games of the 90's? Why do you think that is? IP control. You are naive if you dont believe that is exactly what is going to happen to a rich modding community like Skyrim's once money is involved. Sure the 'big' popular mods will survive, they will even probably be bigger and better. But the community as a whole will wither away, and innovation will be limited by what you can sell and to whom.