InBlack wrote on Apr 10, 2014, 10:20:
I cant wait for this game. Unfortunately I cant support them by opting in to the alpha or beta, my budget is simply too tight. I will definitely be buying this once it hits 'retail'.
PHJF wrote on Apr 8, 2014, 17:08:
I only remember seeing Gregor the once, at the Hand's Tourney.
Bill Borre wrote on Apr 1, 2014, 12:51:
I'm just kind of curious what does a laser look like in the cockpit of a helicopter? Does it create a bright flash as it goes through the windshield? Or does the operator have to be specifically aiming for the pilot's eyes?
Numinar wrote on Mar 27, 2014, 07:54:
Anyone of you could seriously not accept 2B for this? It would be borderline negligent to your family, employees and partners not to.
If you are so rich that you could get ethical about such a sum, I could use a few thousand. Most of this complaining is jealously/I want a piece of it/FB is the devil!
Also, DK1 and DK2 are what the kickstarter promised and delivered. That the golden independant little guy driven VR future they felt they were supporting isn't happening the way they wanted, that was never guaranteed anyway.
gray wrote on Feb 28, 2014, 12:11:
I find this an odd announcement as it's been working for me the whole time, Crytek added support at an engine level a while back.
It's still a bit shonky but they are getting there, will be superb when it's fully supported if Elite: Dangerous is anything to go by.
Optional Nickname! wrote on Feb 28, 2014, 09:22:
FTA: KNOWN ISSUE – You may be able to get a better picture by setting the resolution to the native Oculus Rift resolution (1280×800)
Virtual reality, in its current, past and near future forms, is laughable and a distraction.
the next standalone installment in the Close Combat series of World War II strategy games