The article is a bit of an exaggeration, but it's supposed to be a bit of a parody. Regardless, there is some truth there.
I've done the 'things you need but don't have', though it has never been a screw.
Last time it was a CPU cooler, the stock one was loud and sucked, so I got out my old one, turns out it was dead. Needed a new one, and the store was already closed. Woe is me.
Most computer people are nice well to do folks, and like to exchange knowledge. They'll give advice on a subject, even if it's not wanted. This can be misconstrued as putting someone's work down.
There is also a lot of mysticism about how to apply TIM. It's an easy target for a joke. Just follow the directions on the tube. If it works, it works. Don't try to min/max it like a computer game.
I never get the /best/ equipment out there, so I have no illusions that my system is the fastest. Also, my upgrade cycles are every 5 years, so the results are very noticeable.
The LEDs and pins is seriously a pain in the ass. I'm only buying ASUS mobos until other companies either change this shit or design a similar connector. My previous Mobo was an ASUS, current is Gigabyte. I loathed having to connect those stupid pins.