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218 Comments. 11 pages. Viewing page 5.
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Re: Dishonored 2 Demo
Apr 6, 2017, 13:06
Re: Dishonored 2 Demo Apr 6, 2017, 13:06
Apr 6, 2017, 13:06
No need for the snark, I thought the Blues' community was a little more tightly knit and that you might be amused by it.

Never mind!

On topic, GAME UK are undercutting Steam and selling it for £14.99 if you don't mind waiting for a boxed copy.
Re: Dishonored 2 Demo
Apr 6, 2017, 11:16
Re: Dishonored 2 Demo Apr 6, 2017, 11:16
Apr 6, 2017, 11:16
RedEye9 wrote on Apr 6, 2017, 11:09:
Nothing sells games like a demo, hope this makes a comeback.

You didn't see the previous thread on this, did you? :-D
Re: On Sale
Mar 28, 2017, 05:00
Re: On Sale Mar 28, 2017, 05:00
Mar 28, 2017, 05:00
They're actually based in the UK (just down the road from where I live, I believe), and are trustworthy as far as the legitimacy of their keys goes, AFAIK.
Re: STRAFE Next Month
Mar 14, 2017, 05:09
Re: STRAFE Next Month Mar 14, 2017, 05:09
Mar 14, 2017, 05:09
Not to be "that guy," but May isn't next month
Re: WoW Bans
Mar 10, 2017, 03:51
Re: WoW Bans Mar 10, 2017, 03:51
Mar 10, 2017, 03:51
Mr. Tact wrote on Mar 9, 2017, 21:25:
Again, my question would be does that mean the mechanics for soaking up corruption and properly grouping for special attacks are not active? Seems to me those mechanics are such they lead to wipes. Granted this is all from me watching videos trying to teach the fight.

The mechanics are there, but they're so insignificant now that you can mostly ignore them. Honestly, you'll kill him in one go unless you have the worst LFR group ever.
Steam Client Update
Jan 20, 2017, 03:46
Steam Client Update Jan 20, 2017, 03:46
Jan 20, 2017, 03:46
  • Game install folders can be moved to other Steam Library folders under Properties / Local Files

Holy moly, at last a native way of doing this!
Re: Mass Effect 2 Free on Origin
Jan 6, 2017, 09:40
Re: Mass Effect 2 Free on Origin Jan 6, 2017, 09:40
Jan 6, 2017, 09:40
MattyC wrote on Jan 6, 2017, 08:11:
It appears the DLC is free with this at least.

Nah, only some of it is. The rest you have to buy with Bioware Points, which you can only buy in bundles of 800 or 1600, so to buy all the DLC you'll end up with leftover useless points, not to mention you're paying through the nose for them. I could rant for hours about their stubbornness in not allowing us to pay actual real-world currency for them, but it's a battle we'll never win.
Re: New GeForce Drivers & Warning
Nov 16, 2016, 06:31
Re: New GeForce Drivers & Warning Nov 16, 2016, 06:31
Nov 16, 2016, 06:31
jamiedj99 wrote on Nov 16, 2016, 01:12:
Dont forget these come with Telemetry imbeded in them to send data to nvidia every hour.

PC Gamer: Nvidia's telemetry monitor is not spying on you

Ok, yes, I know, you're technically correct, they are transmitting stuff, but no more than they have for years now.

This comment was edited on Nov 16, 2016, 06:47.
Re: Dishonored 2 Launch Trailer
Nov 10, 2016, 03:47
Re: Dishonored 2 Launch Trailer Nov 10, 2016, 03:47
Nov 10, 2016, 03:47
ItBurn wrote on Nov 9, 2016, 17:20:
Quinn wrote on Nov 9, 2016, 15:32:
I used that beating heart to analyze every opponent's true heart. Evil guys (like "He will end 2 more lives before going to bed tonight") I killed. Others (like "He works two shifts only so he can feed his family") I knocked out or ignored.

What? Never heard of that heart thing! In the first game, if you killed a lot, the entire game would change. Things would look darker, and there'd be more rats, dead people and destruction. I wonder if you only killed bad people, did it still make the world darker? Even brighter than if you killed no one?

Good news - they actually are making it work like that in Dishonored 2 - if you kill the bad folk, it generates less chaos than if you kill the good folk, according to what the heart determines about them.
Re: Diablo III Necromancer Spotted?
Nov 1, 2016, 11:43
Re: Diablo III Necromancer Spotted? Nov 1, 2016, 11:43
Nov 1, 2016, 11:43
I have a large hunch that they're announcing Diablo 4. Admittedly that's based purely on a tweet from the official account the other week that asked what was your favourite part of D3 using the ThrowbackThursday tag - referring to D3 as well and truly in the past, and not a current game. But hey, that's what I'm going with.
Re: Morning Tech Bits
Nov 1, 2016, 11:15
Re: Morning Tech Bits Nov 1, 2016, 11:15
Nov 1, 2016, 11:15
Didn't you need an SSD to get over the terrible popup in the first game? Maybe that's their hook
Re: Thumper Released
Oct 12, 2016, 15:35
Re: Thumper Released Oct 12, 2016, 15:35
Oct 12, 2016, 15:35
HoSpanky wrote on Oct 12, 2016, 14:07:
It looks more like a rollercoaster with maybe some minimal button inputs for things that cross the track but that's it.

I'll grant you here, I haven't played it (the price tag is sadly just too high), but from what I understand you've kinda summed it up. The bit you might be missing and I guess don't pick up unless you have played it is that the beat of the music only happens when you get the timing right in the jumps/grinds etc, so when it's right it "feels" good. The only other gameplay is the boss fights at the end of each level - you have to complete a set of obstacles correctly to fire an attack at the boss.

It's essentially a twisted version of the old Audiosurf games. Another equivalent I can think of is the BIT.TRIP RUNNER games - the sound your runner makes as you avoid each obstacle matches the music, and is a minor reward for avoiding each obstacle correctly.

I reckon it's more about the aesthetic anyway - if you love the foreboding music and generally evil look of it, you'll dig the game.

RPS (among many others) have a review of it that might help explain some more.
Re: Thumper Released
Oct 12, 2016, 11:15
Re: Thumper Released Oct 12, 2016, 11:15
Oct 12, 2016, 11:15
Whoops, forgot that my email address wouldn't give away what "MS" meant at the bottom of the email

Re: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Specs and Preloads
Aug 12, 2016, 06:40
Re: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Specs and Preloads Aug 12, 2016, 06:40
Aug 12, 2016, 06:40
I've been hyped about this for months, but then realised that the day it comes out I have to visit my in-laws a few hundred miles away for five days, so I'm gonna be gritting my teeth..

Lord Tea wrote on Aug 12, 2016, 04:10:
Since everybody seems to be jumping around in pure excitement because of the announcement that Steam will soon preload this game...

From the perspective of a PC gamer: has anybody actually seen footage of the PC version being played by mouse (not a stupid controller), and if yes, please point me to the source.

Because if this hyped-to-heaven console port looks like a simple console port and plays best with a controller I'll PASS.

I'll grant you I haven't seen it played with M+KB, but given the game is made by the same team as it's predecessor, and that game's PC controls were just fine, I don't think we haven't anything to worry about.

If I have any concerns, it's that they might bungle the performance on launch like they did with Human Revolution. The stuttering in that took them a fair few weeks to fix. Here's hoping history doesn't repeat itself.

VaranDragon wrote on Aug 12, 2016, 06:16:
So they already know the size of all the extra DLC that they are going to produce??? Or is it the preorder DLC or what?

Probably, yes. I'm sure at least a chunk of the DLC is already made or at least quite far along. Handwave a little worst-case estimation, and boom, there's your figure.

I did note that Green Man Gaming have two of the weapon DLCs up on their store already. Hadn't seen them announced anywhere else. No price or anything, just "coming soon." I've no care for them myself, I only want actual gameplay, but heyho.

This comment was edited on Aug 12, 2016, 06:49.
Re: is already in your Steam library
Jul 1, 2016, 03:59
Re: is already in your Steam library Jul 1, 2016, 03:59
Jul 1, 2016, 03:59
Beamer wrote on Jun 30, 2016, 14:07:
I had 2 on Games for Windows, which was the only way to have it. I think I bought it boxed, maybe? Maybe I did have it Steam but it needed Games for Windows? Or I got a free code somewhere? I'll need to see if I have it on Steam. The others I had for the 360.

Good news - they converted the retail keys to Steam keys and excised GfWL. Try activating it on Steam, I believe it should work.
Re: BioShock: The Collection Announced
Jun 30, 2016, 11:16
Re: BioShock: The Collection Announced Jun 30, 2016, 11:16
Jun 30, 2016, 11:16
It's not noted here (unless I fail at reading comprehension), but these are all also free if you own the games on Steam (end of third paragraph) - so might be worth picking them up during the Summer Sale if you're interested.
Re: Evening Interviews
Jun 8, 2016, 05:16
Re: Evening Interviews Jun 8, 2016, 05:16
Jun 8, 2016, 05:16
He could be referring to this:

Hanzo's Huge Arrows
Re: On Sale
Jun 8, 2016, 05:12
Re: On Sale Jun 8, 2016, 05:12
Jun 8, 2016, 05:12
Maybe I'm being blind, but I'm not seeing where to buy games on that Kalypso link?
Re: Nekro Game a Necro Game?
Apr 14, 2016, 10:06
Re: Nekro Game a Necro Game? Apr 14, 2016, 10:06
Apr 14, 2016, 10:06
For anyone interested, the other dev has been replying in this thread, though he mostly says/repeats "I'll make a statement, but not yet, waiting on getting more info."
Re: Dawn of War II Freebies and More
Feb 22, 2016, 10:16
Re: Dawn of War II Freebies and More Feb 22, 2016, 10:16
Feb 22, 2016, 10:16
ItBurn wrote on Feb 22, 2016, 09:43:
Download link doesn't work for me. I guess I missed it.

Mm, no, the site looks different than it did when I looked this morning. There were separate links for each prize "package" that you clicked - there was no "Download Now" button, which is new and, as you can see from hovering over it, appears to go to a Google search string. Seems they're rejigging the site maybe? They've had a lot of demand..
218 Comments. 11 pages. Viewing page 5.
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