1badmf wrote on Aug 12, 2019, 21:12:
honestly touch interfaces are way overrated imo. haptic feedback can be super important for a lot of applications. i always thought it was silly how scifi shows like Trek and mass effect thought the future was all touch or even holographic interfaces. gimme a solid keyboard i can crack a skull with any day.
Sacrifex wrote on Jun 25, 2019, 11:21:
I'm not sure Blizzard is in the position to make anything that is going to be worthy of the Diablo brand these days. They're lodged under the thumb of Activision, so, what would we be looking at as almost certain?
- Creating a campaign that will follow up one so bad that it was basically patched out of the game (effectively) by Adventure mode in Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls. Oh, and, under a regime that has started removing campaign modes from their games. A real recipe for quality.
- Grotesque horror themes are going to push away some users - it should have a more accessible feel to ensure maximum purchasing audience. Definitely going to soften the tone further.
- They're not going to want to retcon the entire plot from 3, so, we have to continue from the mess that is now the Diablo story universe, unless it's a prequel. And, yes, I know I already mentioned plot. It was that bad. In an ARPG it shouldn't even matter - it was so bad in Diablo 3 that it matters twice.
- Activision isn't going to want them taking risks - who cares if the genre has seen notable improvements and refinements from the likes of PoE, Grim Dawn, etc... we're looking at more of the same formula, likely simplified further. Diablo 3 was already pretty heavy handed in cuts from D2, could you imagine a cut back Diablo 3 system?
- While we'll almost certainly not see full Activision greed, Blizzard has shown that they're not above selling anything without a stat-point attached these days. Expect more micro-transactions than you can swing a Loot Box at if you want to look cool - and a full retail price to go along with them. Maybe sell us some character slots while they're at it.
- It can't be marketed as an E-sport, so, expect minimal after the sale content/support.
- ...Unless they make it a true live service (Which could fit why they are not ruling out hiring a Lead Character Artist and Lead Concept Artist for a game which is not even ruling out a 2020 launch). If it fails like D3 did at first? Go ask the Anthem player-base how that feels.
I loved the Diablo franchise, but, at this point the horse is dead. If you really want to come out and bludgeon it a few more times, just don't expect us to show up to watch.
Slick wrote on Jun 13, 2019, 05:36:
Am I the only one that misses the original puke green of the original Steam? Something about it make it feel distinct and unique.
Drayth wrote on Jun 10, 2019, 10:18:
That... actually looked better than I was expecting...
pacbowl wrote on May 22, 2019, 01:50:
I had to login to the Origin website to redeem this. The client kept wanting to gift it even though it's not in my library.
Bill Borre wrote on May 15, 2019, 00:49:
I wonder if they might make classic WOW F2P and keep the sub for regular version.
roguebanshee wrote on May 3, 2019, 05:36:Kxmode wrote on May 3, 2019, 00:20:I'd argue that Steamworld Dig is a higher quality game than both Mirror's Edge and Medal of Honor.
EA's freebie Origin offerings started dropping in quality too. Near the end of the promotion they gave away Peggle and Steamworld Dig. When it started they were giving away Mirror's Edge and Medal of Honor Pacific Assault.
Sepharo wrote on Apr 3, 2019, 00:14:Kxmode wrote on Apr 2, 2019, 21:40:
It's a day-late April fools joke people.
Speaking of which.. Hey Pink, it's April 3rd.
Acleacius wrote on Mar 14, 2019, 22:52:
So WoW is a monthly fee and all the whole game is available to play?
jacobvandy wrote on Mar 13, 2019, 15:29:Hanneth wrote on Mar 13, 2019, 13:25:
because a large portion of the hard core gaming user base is still on Windows 7.
(citation needed)
Vigil wrote on Mar 14, 2019, 04:04:
Why have I not seen anyone ask why World Of Warcraft requires DX12 now? That game looks as old as anything, or have they updated the graphics lately?
SpectralMeat wrote on Feb 28, 2019, 08:45:Darks wrote on Feb 28, 2019, 08:26:Have you actually done this?
You could have used your in app coins to buy a 20 percent off voucher to use for the games purchase.
Cant get any better discount then that.
If you are referring to the Ubi voucher, that doesn't work with new games or pre orders