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219 Comments. 11 pages. Viewing page 3.
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Re: Morning Tech Bits
Oct 1, 2019, 11:27
Re: Morning Tech Bits Oct 1, 2019, 11:27
Oct 1, 2019, 11:27
The Sensei mice are garbage. I had one a few years back, and it barely lasted a year before the scroll wheel started scroll back up one notch as you scroll - very frustrating and rendered it useless for eg swapping weapons in an FPS. I returned two of them (which had to be at my cost for postage to the Netherlands from the UK), by which point I'd paid for the mouse twice after the third one played up the exact same way. Ditched it and switched to a Logitech mouse, and had no problems at all since.

I note the comments on that article echo my sentiments too!
Re: RAGE 2 – Rise of the Ghosts Rises
Sep 27, 2019, 04:23
Re: RAGE 2 – Rise of the Ghosts Rises Sep 27, 2019, 04:23
Sep 27, 2019, 04:23
Their magic currency is an old idea that is the purest, hottest garbage, but honestly, they're calling the Bethesda Launcher "BNET"? That's not at all confusing for Battle.Net users that also abbreviate it to the same thing...
Re: Evening Mobilization
Aug 13, 2019, 04:28
Re: Evening Mobilization Aug 13, 2019, 04:28
Aug 13, 2019, 04:28
1badmf wrote on Aug 12, 2019, 21:12:
honestly touch interfaces are way overrated imo. haptic feedback can be super important for a lot of applications. i always thought it was silly how scifi shows like Trek and mass effect thought the future was all touch or even holographic interfaces. gimme a solid keyboard i can crack a skull with any day.

Scotty disagrees :)
Re: Ring of Elysium Launches
Jun 26, 2019, 03:47
Re: Ring of Elysium Launches Jun 26, 2019, 03:47
Jun 26, 2019, 03:47
Heck of a day to launch on the Steam Store.. surely they knew the sale was starting?
Re: Diablo 4 Speculation
Jun 26, 2019, 03:46
Re: Diablo 4 Speculation Jun 26, 2019, 03:46
Jun 26, 2019, 03:46
Sacrifex wrote on Jun 25, 2019, 11:21:
I'm not sure Blizzard is in the position to make anything that is going to be worthy of the Diablo brand these days. They're lodged under the thumb of Activision, so, what would we be looking at as almost certain?

- Creating a campaign that will follow up one so bad that it was basically patched out of the game (effectively) by Adventure mode in Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls. Oh, and, under a regime that has started removing campaign modes from their games. A real recipe for quality.

- Grotesque horror themes are going to push away some users - it should have a more accessible feel to ensure maximum purchasing audience. Definitely going to soften the tone further.

- They're not going to want to retcon the entire plot from 3, so, we have to continue from the mess that is now the Diablo story universe, unless it's a prequel. And, yes, I know I already mentioned plot. It was that bad. In an ARPG it shouldn't even matter - it was so bad in Diablo 3 that it matters twice.

- Activision isn't going to want them taking risks - who cares if the genre has seen notable improvements and refinements from the likes of PoE, Grim Dawn, etc... we're looking at more of the same formula, likely simplified further. Diablo 3 was already pretty heavy handed in cuts from D2, could you imagine a cut back Diablo 3 system?

- While we'll almost certainly not see full Activision greed, Blizzard has shown that they're not above selling anything without a stat-point attached these days. Expect more micro-transactions than you can swing a Loot Box at if you want to look cool - and a full retail price to go along with them. Maybe sell us some character slots while they're at it.

- It can't be marketed as an E-sport, so, expect minimal after the sale content/support.

- ...Unless they make it a true live service (Which could fit why they are not ruling out hiring a Lead Character Artist and Lead Concept Artist for a game which is not even ruling out a 2020 launch). If it fails like D3 did at first? Go ask the Anthem player-base how that feels.

I loved the Diablo franchise, but, at this point the horse is dead. If you really want to come out and bludgeon it a few more times, just don't expect us to show up to watch.

Whilst I'm not commenting on what might happen with D4, it's worth pointing out that Activision don't own Blizzard and aren't subject to their whims. They (Activision and Blizzard) partnered up to create a stock-holding company, under which Blizzard, Activision and King Games are independent dev companies (along with MLG esports). You can check the wiki link below and a Blizzard CM confirms it in the second link.

I know it's popular to bemoan the big bad Bobby Kotick for ruining Blizzard games etc, but it's not actually true, as much as the internet tries to make it so. It's Blizzard themselves that're losing their way.. either that, or it's shareholders that're putting the pressure on to change things for the worse.
Re: Steam Redesign Shown
Jun 13, 2019, 08:55
Re: Steam Redesign Shown Jun 13, 2019, 08:55
Jun 13, 2019, 08:55
Slick wrote on Jun 13, 2019, 05:36:
Am I the only one that misses the original puke green of the original Steam? Something about it make it feel distinct and unique.

You can always skin it..
Re: Blair Witch Game This Year
Jun 10, 2019, 10:40
Re: Blair Witch Game This Year Jun 10, 2019, 10:40
Jun 10, 2019, 10:40
Drayth wrote on Jun 10, 2019, 10:18:
That... actually looked better than I was expecting...

I saw that comment a LOT on Twitter during/just after the reveal. Genuinely took a lot of people by surprise.
Re: Get The Sims 4 for Free
May 22, 2019, 03:30
Re: Get The Sims 4 for Free May 22, 2019, 03:30
May 22, 2019, 03:30
pacbowl wrote on May 22, 2019, 01:50:
I had to login to the Origin website to redeem this. The client kept wanting to gift it even though it's not in my library.

I just had the same issue - it's because even though my Store Preferences were set to United Kingdom/English, the URL kept taking me to the en-us version of the store. I had to manually replace the en-us portion of the address with en-gb before everything would start working...
Re: WoW Classic in August; Testing begins Tomorrow
May 15, 2019, 03:24
Re: WoW Classic in August; Testing begins Tomorrow May 15, 2019, 03:24
May 15, 2019, 03:24
Bill Borre wrote on May 15, 2019, 00:49:
I wonder if they might make classic WOW F2P and keep the sub for regular version.

Almost certainly not, and definitely not initially - they've already stated back in the initial coverage that you'll need an active WoW sub to also access the Classic version.
Re: World of Goo Free on Epic Games Store
May 3, 2019, 08:32
Re: World of Goo Free on Epic Games Store May 3, 2019, 08:32
May 3, 2019, 08:32
roguebanshee wrote on May 3, 2019, 05:36:
Kxmode wrote on May 3, 2019, 00:20:
EA's freebie Origin offerings started dropping in quality too. Near the end of the promotion they gave away Peggle and Steamworld Dig. When it started they were giving away Mirror's Edge and Medal of Honor Pacific Assault.
I'd argue that Steamworld Dig is a higher quality game than both Mirror's Edge and Medal of Honor.

Seconded! I had a lot of fun with Steamworld Dig.
Re: Into the Black
Apr 3, 2019, 03:53
Re: Into the Black Apr 3, 2019, 03:53
Apr 3, 2019, 03:53
Sepharo wrote on Apr 3, 2019, 00:14:
Kxmode wrote on Apr 2, 2019, 21:40:
It's a day-late April fools joke people.

Speaking of which.. Hey Pink, it's April 3rd.

Hard Drive is a satirical news site a la The Onion, so not an April Fool's joke per se.

As for Blue's logo, if you hard refresh your browser the logo will change - I did that April 2nd and it switched back.
Re: Borderlands 3 Announced
Mar 29, 2019, 05:48
Re: Borderlands 3 Announced Mar 29, 2019, 05:48
Mar 29, 2019, 05:48
Yeah, looks like more of the same to me too, and that small gap will only narrow further after the remasters come out.

That said, I was never able to stick with BL2. I played through all of BL1 and it's DLC, but BL2 just annoyed me more with having to rekill mobs I'd only killed ten minutes previously.. I know that's the point of a shooter-looter, but it felt like they just kept getting in the way, so I gave up when I wasn't even halfway through the storyline. As such, I can't imagine I'll ever have an interest in this.
Re: Out of the Blue
Mar 18, 2019, 07:12
Re: Out of the Blue Mar 18, 2019, 07:12
Mar 18, 2019, 07:12
I just saw this.. I'm so sorry Blue Condolences and consolations.
Re: Evening Patches
Mar 15, 2019, 05:03
Re: Evening Patches Mar 15, 2019, 05:03
Mar 15, 2019, 05:03
Acleacius wrote on Mar 14, 2019, 22:52:
So WoW is a monthly fee and all the whole game is available to play?

Nearly. You can play everything up until the latest expansion, Battle For Azeroth, so you can level up to 110 and see all content except the very newest zones. You have to pay extra for that, although it is on sale at the moment ($30 for the expansion, or $40 for a month of gametime included, although that's for new accounts only).

Near the very end of each expansion, they roll the content into the rest of the game, so folk that haven't bought it will be able to play with just the monthly fee - but of course the next expansion will require purchase, and it repeats every couple of years as they release new expansions.
Re: WOW?
Mar 14, 2019, 07:10
Re: WOW? Mar 14, 2019, 07:10
Mar 14, 2019, 07:10
jacobvandy wrote on Mar 13, 2019, 15:29:
Hanneth wrote on Mar 13, 2019, 13:25:
because a large portion of the hard core gaming user base is still on Windows 7.

(citation needed)

I can citate the other way if you like:

Win 10 is used by 64%ish, Win 7 64-bit by 25%ish. I know that's just Steam users, but there you go.

Vigil wrote on Mar 14, 2019, 04:04:
Why have I not seen anyone ask why World Of Warcraft requires DX12 now? That game looks as old as anything, or have they updated the graphics lately?

There was a graphics update a couple of years ago, although that was mainly the character models. They do up their game a touch (and their required system specs) with each expansion, but normally small stuff - water reflections, more realistic fire etc.

That said, if I turn all the settings up to Ultra on my i7-7700K, GeForce 1070 with 16GB RAM, I actually can't keep up 60fps in crowded areas like the main cities.. So it's doing *something*.

Edit: Just reread your question. WoW doesn't require DX12, it's just an option if you have a capable gfx card. It still supports DX11. There's a short post on their forums explaining:

I think the step up to DX12 was for optimisation - when they switched to DX12 a few months ago, I noticed a considerable performance improvement myself.
Re: The Division 2 Free Year One Content Plans
Feb 28, 2019, 09:42
Re: The Division 2 Free Year One Content Plans Feb 28, 2019, 09:42
Feb 28, 2019, 09:42
SpectralMeat wrote on Feb 28, 2019, 08:45:
Darks wrote on Feb 28, 2019, 08:26:
You could have used your in app coins to buy a 20 percent off voucher to use for the games purchase.

Cant get any better discount then that.
Have you actually done this?
If you are referring to the Ubi voucher, that doesn't work with new games or pre orders

Depends where you are in the world. In the UK you can use it on pre-orders too. I've just compared the UK page and the CA page - note the caveat when you hover over the "Get 20% discount" ad at the top-right (and listing difference under the cover art).
Re: Morning Patches
Jan 14, 2019, 11:02
Re: Morning Patches Jan 14, 2019, 11:02
Jan 14, 2019, 11:02
I haven't the faintest idea why they didn't just call it "DOod."
Re: Destiny 2: Forsaken Season Details
Nov 28, 2018, 09:44
Re: Destiny 2: Forsaken Season Details Nov 28, 2018, 09:44
Nov 28, 2018, 09:44
I grabbed the base game while it was free on a few weeks ago, and the shooting is pretty fun, although the range of bad guys within each race is slim. I hit max level a while ago and finished the main campaign in the last week, and I've been vacuuming up the Adventures since.

The new-player experience is terrible though. It takes way too long to explain some of the concepts, and other stuff it doesn't explain at all and I've had to google them.

I might move on to the expansion at some point, but I already have far too many other games to play. If you want some shooty sci-fi fun though, it's worth a punt.
Re: Darksiders III Released
Nov 28, 2018, 09:33
Re: Darksiders III Released Nov 28, 2018, 09:33
Nov 28, 2018, 09:33
The RPS review reckons it doesn't know what it wants to be.. parts of somewhat Soulslike and very hard, and parts are like the previous game, all hack-and-slash joy, and that it would be a better game if it committed one way or the other as they jar pretty badly.
Re: Hearthstone Celebrates 100M Players
Nov 6, 2018, 04:55
Re: Hearthstone Celebrates 100M Players Nov 6, 2018, 04:55
Nov 6, 2018, 04:55
I've been playing since beta off and on, and I've had a pretty good time with it. The only money I've spent on it was during beta where they gave you a golden legendary for testing the payment system out - everything else has been through quests.

I'm by no means a competitive player though - highest I've ever been was rank 12, and these days I just tend to bag my five wins to get the current season's card back, then play in odd moments on my phone in lunch breaks etc. I also tend to start hoarding gold at around the midpoint of each expansion ready to blow it all on the next one, and that's worked out pretty well for me in terms of getting a good start in each one.

Overall I've had a lot of fun with it, but I've no idea how it compares to other CCGs - I haven't tried any.
219 Comments. 11 pages. Viewing page 3.
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