So I've been playing the Surge for another 7h since last night (11 total) and i still stand by my first impression: It's good.
It certainly is no Dark Souls but that's not neccessarily a bad thing in this case, and I am a huge Souls fan, probably around 2k hours on Demons Souls to Dark Souls 3, including Bloodborne.
It is slightly friendlier to the player, having an option to pause combat and with the proficiencies that will keep levelling up, no matter if you die or not.
But to answer your question, there are a lot of things I don't like about LOTF not limited only to:
Slow reacting character, animations too long, exaggerated heaviness, mushy camera controls, weird animations in cutscenes, just to name a few that spring to mind right away.
And yesterday I installed it again (with 65min played previously) and tried to keep an open mind, not even expecting a game of the quality of the Souls series and just seeing is as a 3rd person action rpg.
Still couldn't do it. ANd my biggest problem about games like this is that with a handful of tweaks it could have been good (cutscenes and voice acting excluded ofc.), and it makes me quite sad thinking of the time, money, creativity and passion people invested in a game of this size.
This is all a very personal opinon ofc and as mentioned based on only about an hour of playtime, wjhich for core mechanics is enough tho.