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December 3, 2011
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86 Comments. 5 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: Sunday Metaverse
Apr 9, 2023, 21:36
Re: Sunday Metaverse Apr 9, 2023, 21:36
Apr 9, 2023, 21:36
At least it's an easy undo for one of Musk's idiot ideas.
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Re: Midday Multiplex
Jul 5, 2022, 23:14
Re: Midday Multiplex Jul 5, 2022, 23:14
Jul 5, 2022, 23:14
Like the guy says in the video, after all these years Star Citizen is complex and clunky mess that is nonetheless impressive. But I was sold on a successor to Wing Commander and I wish that's all it was. I'd be happy with the old formula of space combat missions interspersed with static scenes where you interact with various characters. I wish someone would make games in that genre instead of whatever Star Citizen/Squadron 42 has become.
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Re: Morning Previews
May 10, 2022, 18:21
Re: Morning Previews May 10, 2022, 18:21
May 10, 2022, 18:21
Well, I guess no more Star Citizen for me until I change OS. No big loss, since every patch seemed to make it run worse anyway.

Yes, I still run Windows 7. Because it's the best. Shut up.
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Re: We Were Here Forever is Here
May 10, 2022, 18:13
Re: We Were Here Forever is Here May 10, 2022, 18:13
May 10, 2022, 18:13
I can't recommend this series enough. It's such great asymmetrical co-op fun. The first game is free, albeit brief, if you want to try it out.

Also, you can get a better price on Forever with the We Were Here Series Bundle if you already own the other games. Or just buy them all if you haven't yet, because they're worth it.
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Re: Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation Delisting Next Week
May 9, 2022, 17:34
Re: Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation Delisting Next Week May 9, 2022, 17:34
May 9, 2022, 17:34
Looks like the sale ended shortly after this posting. Not sure why they didn't keep it going until the 20th, but I managed to get a copy on the chance I'd enjoy it. Skipped the DLC, though.

Ostensibly this is happening because of a license expiration, but it's beyond me why such expirations occur. You'd think all parties would be happy as long as they're getting their fair share of profits.
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Re: Steam Going Rogue Festival
May 2, 2022, 23:39
Re: Steam Going Rogue Festival May 2, 2022, 23:39
May 2, 2022, 23:39
Hollow Knight at $6 USD is a good buy for anyone who enjoys Metroidvanias. Really can't recommend it enough.
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Re: Quoteworthy
Apr 15, 2022, 22:38
Re: Quoteworthy Apr 15, 2022, 22:38
Apr 15, 2022, 22:38
The Half Elf wrote on Apr 15, 2022, 20:31:
Fuck it, just take BF4, remaster it and sell it for 30 bucks and I'd buy it again (All DLC)
Even if they came out and said that's exactly what the next game will be, I'd be skeptical they could pull it off. I have no confidence that DICE can make a good Battlefield game again. They seem to have lost all perspective on what made BF3/4 the pinnacle of the series.
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Re: Ghost Recon Frontline Closed Beta Postponed
Oct 14, 2021, 11:45
Re: Ghost Recon Frontline Closed Beta Postponed Oct 14, 2021, 11:45
Oct 14, 2021, 11:45
FrostyRei wrote on Oct 14, 2021, 01:29:
Strange something you've never played is a Dislike. I'm entirely neutral, neither given a Like nor Dislike: the world is mad with strong emotions taking over logic.
It seems logical to me that taking a game franchise cherished for its adherence to specific traits in a direction contrary to those traits and in defiance of what fans of the franchise have been requesting for years provides enough evidence to warrant an opinion.

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Re: Into the Black
Jul 26, 2021, 20:47
Re: Into the Black Jul 26, 2021, 20:47
Jul 26, 2021, 20:47
jdreyer wrote on Jul 26, 2021, 19:46:
We truly live in a gilded age. We need to get back to a 90% top bracket tax rate, inclusive of capital gains.
You damn dirty socialist.

Kidding aside, yes. I'm baffled why average citizens are opposed to higher brackets. We're talking about taxing incomes orders of magnitude higher than most of us will ever see, and yet people act as though they themselves will be driven further into poverty as a result. It's absurd.
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Re: Mike Morhaime on the Activision Blizzard Lawsuit
Jul 26, 2021, 14:49
Re: Mike Morhaime on the Activision Blizzard Lawsuit Jul 26, 2021, 14:49
Jul 26, 2021, 14:49
TriggleDiggle wrote on Jul 26, 2021, 06:15:
I mean just swap the groups around.

Are you really so blind as to think the left would excuse the behavior if perpetrated by BLM or other left-leaning groups? You really can't imagine that they'd still be held accountable, can you? That's sick.

They assaulted the capital. Beat cops. Tore down the American flag to fly their own, including the flag of an enemy nation. Breached the building by smashing doors and windows. Showed up with zipcuffs, assorted weapons, and a gallows. Spoke of and threatened to kill members of the government. Forced said politicians to flee their workplace in literal fear for their lives.

All of this in an effort to overturn the results of the most secure, free, and fair election in American history. And you think changing the identity of the perpetrators would make it okay in the eyes of liberals. Riiight. And they're the bad guys.

I don't know if it's treason or terrorism (whynotboth.gif), but it sure as shit doesn't matter if it was committed by the left or right. Investigate, charge them, and throw their traitorous asses in prison.

Rilcon wrote on Jul 26, 2021, 11:28:
How did this go from "sexual assault is bad" to "there was/wasn't an attempt to overthrow the government" earlier this year...
You're absolutely right and I apologize for the above off topic rant. I said I wouldn't get distracted, but the egregious ignorance was too hard to ignore. I guess they win this round.
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Re: Mike Morhaime on the Activision Blizzard Lawsuit
Jul 25, 2021, 19:04
Re: Mike Morhaime on the Activision Blizzard Lawsuit Jul 25, 2021, 19:04
Jul 25, 2021, 19:04
Cutter wrote on Jul 25, 2021, 18:56:
Cute how you always fail to bring that up.
Gish. Gallop.
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Re: Mike Morhaime on the Activision Blizzard Lawsuit
Jul 25, 2021, 18:59
Re: Mike Morhaime on the Activision Blizzard Lawsuit Jul 25, 2021, 18:59
Jul 25, 2021, 18:59
Cutter wrote on Jul 25, 2021, 18:51:
Korrd wrote on Jul 25, 2021, 18:27:
None of these things prevent you from living a life of self-obsession and privilege...

Bullshit! That's exactly what you're doing. You're trying to DICTATE how everyone else should behave, what they should believe, what they should think.
If by this you mean to imply that I believe people should not denigrate, demean, or otherwise mistreat others because of their sex, then YES. I am absolutely making that demand. I am loudly and proudly demanding that we treat people fairly and respectfully and equally vociferously asserting that my position is more moral than the alternative.

Argue that I'm wrong.
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Re: Mike Morhaime on the Activision Blizzard Lawsuit
Jul 25, 2021, 18:54
Re: Mike Morhaime on the Activision Blizzard Lawsuit Jul 25, 2021, 18:54
Jul 25, 2021, 18:54
Cutter wrote on Jul 25, 2021, 18:46:
Brought to you by the same people who brought you political correctness, participation medals, CRT, victimhood, etc. etc. etc. 'Nuff said.
Each of those is a conversation unto itself that I'd love to pick you apart on, but maybe try staying on topic instead of smokebomb!ing your way out of the line of fire.

That's called a gish gallop, by the way. I tend to assume people are admitting the faults in their own argument when they do it.
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Re: Mike Morhaime on the Activision Blizzard Lawsuit
Jul 25, 2021, 18:27
Re: Mike Morhaime on the Activision Blizzard Lawsuit Jul 25, 2021, 18:27
Jul 25, 2021, 18:27
ColoradoHoudini wrote on Jul 25, 2021, 15:24:
Korrd wrote on Jul 25, 2021, 15:06:
Cutter wrote on Jul 25, 2021, 13:02:
Yes, let's all keep apologizing for everything that's ever happened from the beginning of time.
No one's asking for that. ....
Except, yes they are asking for that..
Please. A handful of people making unreasonable demands on social media (seriously?), regardless of position on the political spectrum, does not constitute this grand movement towards totalitarian politeness that you've convinced yourself is occurring. That's just modern right-wing FUD and faux outrage and a solid indicator that you're not prepared to make a grownup argument. File it alongside "they're gonna take our guns" and "America's number one!" and "socialism is bad, mmmkay."

If we want to be a better people, then maybe, just maybe:
  • we should apologize when we do something wrong.
  • we should make amends for those things.
  • we should admit that, even if we're not responsible, some people have been hurt or disadvantaged or held back and are deserving of our help and compassion.

None of these things prevent you from living a life of self-obsession and privilege, replete with whatever racist, sexist, or nationalistic bullshit you care to endorse, but as the meme goes, I don't know how to explain that you should care about other people.

But if you don't, don't. You do you. Just don't bitch and moan when the rest of us try to do better.
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Re: Mike Morhaime on the Activision Blizzard Lawsuit
Jul 25, 2021, 15:06
Re: Mike Morhaime on the Activision Blizzard Lawsuit Jul 25, 2021, 15:06
Jul 25, 2021, 15:06
Cutter wrote on Jul 25, 2021, 13:02:
Yes, let's all keep apologizing for everything that's ever happened from the beginning of time.
No one's asking for that. But it's morally correct that people who've been wronged be heard and their experiences improved. Why does that offend you so? Shouldn't we all want people to live happier lives? I imagine since it doesn't affect you personally you simply don't care.

The accusation that holding people accountable for the mistreatment of others is representative of "the radical left" is shockingly obtuse. It's sad that justice and equality are alienating concepts for so many.
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Re: New Tom Clancy Game Reveal Tomorrow
Jul 18, 2021, 18:27
Re: New Tom Clancy Game Reveal Tomorrow Jul 18, 2021, 18:27
Jul 18, 2021, 18:27
I would LOVE another Splinter Cell. Blacklist rates among the best of the genre and a personal favorite, the recast Sam Fisher notwithstanding. Given their recent missteps, though, I'll be skeptical until I see how it plays.

EDIT: My enthusiasm lasted all of a few hours.

This comment was edited on Jul 19, 2021, 14:20.
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Re: Left 4 Dead Characters Join Zombie Army 4
Jun 22, 2021, 22:26
Re: Left 4 Dead Characters Join Zombie Army 4 Jun 22, 2021, 22:26
Jun 22, 2021, 22:26
I'm not sure adding skins from a 13 year old abandoned game franchise is the selling point it they imagine it to be.
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Re: IXION Announced
Jun 14, 2021, 19:22
Re: IXION Announced Jun 14, 2021, 19:22
Jun 14, 2021, 19:22
Darks wrote on Jun 13, 2021, 20:48:
Someone stole this name from Space Above and Beyond.
Because SA&B invented it and not... you know... Greek mythology.
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Re: New Battlefield This Year
Apr 22, 2021, 20:29
Re: New Battlefield This Year Apr 22, 2021, 20:29
Apr 22, 2021, 20:29
ColoradoHoudini wrote on Apr 22, 2021, 12:39:
I dont want to play a Michael Bay movie trying to be a game.
I guess that sums up my feelings about the latest games. What I miss most is the feeling of presence I got from BF3/4, where my character seemed to have weight and the experience felt intimate (BF3 was superior in that regard). It seems like in subsequent iterations it all got glossed over; flashier but somehow cheaper and less personal.

I hope they return to form with this one, but I'll be highly skeptical until I see it in full. I wish I could get as stupid excited about this as I'd get back in the day (remember the Jay-Z trailer?), but Battlefield's decline has left me jaded. It's funny to think I used to preorder those games. A bygone era.

This comment was edited on Apr 23, 2021, 12:18.
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Re: Out of the Blue
Apr 1, 2021, 15:52
Re: Out of the Blue Apr 1, 2021, 15:52
Apr 1, 2021, 15:52
Blue does April 1 properly. Thank you for the harmless gag and for keeping all the #teehee stories quarantined. I've got fake headlines showing up in my regular news feed and it's irritating as shit.
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