The Half Elf wrote on Apr 15, 2022, 20:31:Even if they came out and said that's exactly what the next game will be, I'd be skeptical they could pull it off. I have no confidence that DICE can make a good Battlefield game again. They seem to have lost all perspective on what made BF3/4 the pinnacle of the series.
Fuck it, just take BF4, remaster it and sell it for 30 bucks and I'd buy it again (All DLC)
FrostyRei wrote on Oct 14, 2021, 01:29:It seems logical to me that taking a game franchise cherished for its adherence to specific traits in a direction contrary to those traits and in defiance of what fans of the franchise have been requesting for years provides enough evidence to warrant an opinion.
Strange something you've never played is a Dislike. I'm entirely neutral, neither given a Like nor Dislike: the world is mad with strong emotions taking over logic.
jdreyer wrote on Jul 26, 2021, 19:46:You damn dirty socialist.
We truly live in a gilded age. We need to get back to a 90% top bracket tax rate, inclusive of capital gains.
TriggleDiggle wrote on Jul 26, 2021, 06:15:WHY DO YOU THINK THIS CHANGES ANYTHING?
I mean just swap the groups around.
Rilcon wrote on Jul 26, 2021, 11:28:You're absolutely right and I apologize for the above off topic rant. I said I wouldn't get distracted, but the egregious ignorance was too hard to ignore. I guess they win this round.
How did this go from "sexual assault is bad" to "there was/wasn't an attempt to overthrow the government" earlier this year...
Cutter wrote on Jul 25, 2021, 18:51:If by this you mean to imply that I believe people should not denigrate, demean, or otherwise mistreat others because of their sex, then YES. I am absolutely making that demand. I am loudly and proudly demanding that we treat people fairly and respectfully and equally vociferously asserting that my position is more moral than the alternative.Korrd wrote on Jul 25, 2021, 18:27:
None of these things prevent you from living a life of self-obsession and privilege...
Bullshit! That's exactly what you're doing. You're trying to DICTATE how everyone else should behave, what they should believe, what they should think.
Cutter wrote on Jul 25, 2021, 18:46:Each of those is a conversation unto itself that I'd love to pick you apart on, but maybe try staying on topic instead of smokebomb!ing your way out of the line of fire.
Brought to you by the same people who brought you political correctness, participation medals, CRT, victimhood, etc. etc. etc. 'Nuff said.
ColoradoHoudini wrote on Jul 25, 2021, 15:24:Please. A handful of people making unreasonable demands on social media (seriously?), regardless of position on the political spectrum, does not constitute this grand movement towards totalitarian politeness that you've convinced yourself is occurring. That's just modern right-wing FUD and faux outrage and a solid indicator that you're not prepared to make a grownup argument. File it alongside "they're gonna take our guns" and "America's number one!" and "socialism is bad, mmmkay."Korrd wrote on Jul 25, 2021, 15:06:Except, yes they are asking for that..Cutter wrote on Jul 25, 2021, 13:02:No one's asking for that. ....
Yes, let's all keep apologizing for everything that's ever happened from the beginning of time.
Cutter wrote on Jul 25, 2021, 13:02:No one's asking for that. But it's morally correct that people who've been wronged be heard and their experiences improved. Why does that offend you so? Shouldn't we all want people to live happier lives? I imagine since it doesn't affect you personally you simply don't care.
Yes, let's all keep apologizing for everything that's ever happened from the beginning of time.
ColoradoHoudini wrote on Apr 22, 2021, 12:39:I guess that sums up my feelings about the latest games. What I miss most is the feeling of presence I got from BF3/4, where my character seemed to have weight and the experience felt intimate (BF3 was superior in that regard). It seems like in subsequent iterations it all got glossed over; flashier but somehow cheaper and less personal.
I dont want to play a Michael Bay movie trying to be a game.