KS wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 12:06:I can't seem to find where this quote came from. I checked the bioware social site and the blog.
"One of our driving factors is a completely faithful reproduction of the gameplay experience. PC players can expect a completely identical experience to what console players came to love in DA 2."
Creston wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 14:18:Ah, ok. I was going to say that would turn me off the game before I even learn anything else. If there's one problem I had with DA2, (and there were a ton) it was the removal of the tactical camera for the PC version. I spent half the damn game fighting the camera.
I'm pretty sure that what he said was not an actual quote from anyone.
nin wrote on Sep 6, 2012, 13:48:It was one character and he was kind of an easter egg. You had to do a bunch of stuff to unlock him from what I remember.Ripperjack wrote on Sep 6, 2012, 13:39:
I would like to ask, were they sniffing coke, watching Kung-Fu Panda 2 and playing the Pokemon card game, when Blizziard came up with the idea for Mists of Pandaria?
I'd like to ask how many people didn't play Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, which was years before Kung Fu Panda...
netnerd85 wrote on Aug 31, 2012, 10:39:Nope. I don't think even they know what they're doing with the franchise any longer either.as we deliver the next great Command & Conquer experience next yearDo ANY original fans of the series give two f*cks about the sh*t they dribble out now?
Yakubs wrote on Aug 20, 2012, 11:13:I believe you're right. Wilson acts like an asshat and he gets 12 likes for it. If anyone wondered what the hell went wrong with D3, that should shine a bit of light on it for you.
Jay Wilson got pissed most likely because deep down he knows there's truth to what Breivik said.
Mashiki Amiketo wrote on Aug 2, 2012, 20:25:Do that and drop the 15 bucks a month and I'd be interested.
Make the game more like TBC/Wrath and they'd draw people back.
Axis wrote on Jul 25, 2012, 11:34:Sadly, you're right. I thought fighting the twilight cult and Deathwing was a step down from the Legion and Scourge themed expansions. Now instead of going somewhere interesting, they head to kiddy land of happy pandas, pretty landscapes and over the top generic asian themed architecture. Talk about veering off course. Yeesh.
...in an effort to keep the young kids with all the time in the world paying, you get this expansion -- targeted exactly to them.
Hornet303 wrote on Jul 11, 2012, 23:34:Yikes. With some of the shit that seems to sell decently on consoles, I would have thought that getting a game of this quality would have sold better than this. Is it the 2 in the title without the first being on consoles? Is it they hold a grudge that they didn't get it first instead of PC? Sigh.
Not that its rock solid, but perhaps a decent guess at the console version of sales