Quboid wrote on Sep 23, 2016, 10:02:
Obama isn't a massive bigot. Trump is. People hate Trump because Trump hates people.
Obama got plenty of hatred, including loads from racists like Trump.
So Trump jokes that he would date his daughter. Or he calls some woman a pig.
Meanwhile Obama imports unreformed Muslims who believe that women are a subservient class, and homosexuality is a sin. A good (double-digit) percentage of those Muslims believe in Sharia Law specifically, aka stoning gays and clitoral mutilation.
You think I am being dramatic or exaggerating? The data on Muslims is supported by multiple polls. While most of the imported Muslims are (supposedly) moderate (and yet still their wives look like ninjas in public), a significant percentage is simply incompatible with SOCIALLY LIBERAL Western Values.
30+% of Muslims that France let in, believe that violent jihad is an appropriate response to someone "offending" Islam.
Britain has "No-Go" zones for non-Muslims. This religion, which comes with a bonus governing structure (Sharia Law) is the hardest to assimilate, and is responsible for the majority of current armed conflicts around the world.
This is because Islam is 500 years younger than Christianity, another Abrahamic religion which went through a similar violent radical period. And yet nobody can just "fix it" and propel Islam 500 years into the future, because there is no magic wand.
Trump is the one trying to put the brakes on the Muslim import process until we have a vetting process which isn't just smoke and mirrors. Syrian infrastructure is in shambles, so there are no records to check, and Obama's minions are not going to subject anyone to real psychological testing. Obama actually refuses to use the term "radical Islam", period.
That Muslim who killed 50 gays in Orlando night club? Not an Islamic terrorist, according to Obama.
So... one person is knowingly importing a good deal of violent homophobes and oppressors of women. The other is trying to stop it.
Remember that big scandal about the priests molesting children? Even though vast majority of them did no such thing, would you like to start indiscriminately importing thousands MORE priests from under the same general umbrella into the country, without any psychological or prior-crime screening, guaranteeing -for certain- that you'll have dozens of sexual predators traumatizing children for life?
What, you say? Yes, you would?
Mind you, the percentage of radical (or rather, "serious") Muslims, to one degree or another, is much higher than the percentage of perverted priests in the Christian church (which is 4%).
Based on his actions, Obama is actually the biggest homophobe, anti-feminist bigot in the country. He signed the equality of marriage act (because it was highly visible and showered him in praise), and yet he is purposely failing to protect the gay community.
Nothing Trump said or did even compares to the scale of damage that Obama is doing. And hopefully the LGBT population at least starts to wake up and see who really is on their side.
Stop only paying attention to words. That's how you are manipulated. Anyone can stand at the podium and spout demagogy about "fairness", "Islamophobia" and any other trigger words that you've been automatically programmed to react to.
Look at the person's actions, and the data. That's how you start thinking for yourself.
This comment was edited on Sep 23, 2016, 20:04.