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Re: Op Ed
Sep 25, 2016, 19:28
Re: Op Ed Sep 25, 2016, 19:28
Sep 25, 2016, 19:28
At first I wanted to call the article "clickbait", but then realized what he's actually describing is the gaming's casual/accessbility/removing all challenge/"press the button and something awesome happens" trend.

Pac-Man becoming Pac-Mao is just a small part of it.
Re: Saturday Mobilization
Sep 24, 2016, 18:55
Re: Saturday Mobilization Sep 24, 2016, 18:55
Sep 24, 2016, 18:55
One of the most frightening things I've seen, is a grown man on a bicycle, riding right next to traffic in Downtown, with some kind of "seat" on the back with two toddlers strapped into it.
Re: Watch Dogs 2 Trailers
Sep 24, 2016, 06:30
Re: Watch Dogs 2 Trailers Sep 24, 2016, 06:30
Sep 24, 2016, 06:30
I will buy this game in hopes that it places a hobo at every Walgreens, Safeway, bus stop, street corner and parking meter, so I can laud the accuracy with which it simulates my city.
Re: Titanfall 2 PC Specs
Sep 24, 2016, 05:11
Re: Titanfall 2 PC Specs Sep 24, 2016, 05:11
Sep 24, 2016, 05:11
Should be available for free to buyers of the first one.

I had more fun piloting a Strogg Titan in Quake Wars than I did with the entirety of Titanfall.
Re: Oculus Facing Political Backlash
Sep 24, 2016, 03:18
Re: Oculus Facing Political Backlash Sep 24, 2016, 03:18
Sep 24, 2016, 03:18
Slick wrote on Sep 23, 2016, 21:40:
Is there a better way to bridge the retard-gap?

Well, I wouldn't call you so much a retard as a low-information voter. No need to insult someone when they can simply educate themselves. There is always hope for someone like you, and this is where you can start.

Look into Obama Administration's scandals over the past 8 years (making a deal with Iran which pretty much lets it make a nuclear bomb, and lying about negotiating with "moderates" over there, IRS-as-Stasi scandal, NSA expanded spying scandal, sacrificing Americans on American soil in Benghazi and lying about it for weeks, reporter spying, keeping the press out of the White House, violating judge's immigration orders, suppressing our border enforcement laws, destabilizing the Middle East, the VA scandal, creating a new Cold War with Russia, removing Cuba from state terror sponsor list, repeatedly inciting racial division and attacks on police, shitting on America in his speeches overseas, etc), and not just the ones covered by Pravda- sorry, I meant CNN or Reuters.

Look into his past of 20 years under the spiritual tutelage of fascist, anti-Semite Jeremiah Wright, who blessed his wedding, and his other father figure, the radical commie Frank Marshall Davis. Listen to him morally equating socialism and capitalism, and cover for the world's most militant, backward religion time and time again, all the while posing as secular.

Then step away from the media soundbytes which compress Trump's message into two words. Watch a complete speech of his. See the man who speaks off the cuff, and yet channels the common sense that has long been gone from our government. An energetic, charismatic man with a heart and street smarts, a man with a message so much more positive than anything Obama has ever droned off his teleprompter.

A man who, despite vicious attacks from the media, which programmed low-information voters like yourself to hate him, and attacks from popular conservatives and even Fox News, outmaneuvered his political competition, outmaneuvered the press, and is outmaneuvering Hillary Clinton.

These are the qualities we need in a Commander-in-Chief. What we don't need, is someone who is knowingly importing Muslim radicals into our country, which essentially makes Obama the biggest homophobe in American history. If you can't connect those particular dots, look up Wikipedia and Pew research statistics on what percentage of Muslims, similarly imported into France, Britain, Germany, UK etc, and even the ones already here, believe that homosexuality is a sin, what percentage believe in violent jihad and Sharia Law, what IS Sharia Law, etc.

Hopefully this will help you in your goal. Get informed, and godspeed.

This comment was edited on Sep 24, 2016, 03:33.
Re: Oculus Facing Political Backlash
Sep 23, 2016, 20:36
Re: Oculus Facing Political Backlash Sep 23, 2016, 20:36
Sep 23, 2016, 20:36
I will buy any product made by a Hillary/Obama/Bernie supporter, if the product is actually good.

Even though I completely disagree with your political views, I will fight for your right to have them, and all that jazz.

This used to be a liberal motto, no? Sometime a long time ago, I guess

I mean, if Oculus Rift had a boot-up logo saying "TRUMP 2016", I would perfectly understand the "outrage". But it doesn't.

I always thought the conservative cries to stop supporting various Hollywood people "with your wallet" were crazy, too. They're good at acting, I like their movies, they are just people and have a right to stupid opinions, now leave me alone.

I guess everyone's an outraged virtue signaler these days. Not sure how much virtue is in doing that, though.

This comment was edited on Sep 23, 2016, 20:58.
Re: Morning Metaverse
Sep 23, 2016, 19:11
Re: Morning Metaverse Sep 23, 2016, 19:11
Sep 23, 2016, 19:11
Quboid wrote on Sep 23, 2016, 10:02:
Obama isn't a massive bigot. Trump is. People hate Trump because Trump hates people.

Obama got plenty of hatred, including loads from racists like Trump.

So Trump jokes that he would date his daughter. Or he calls some woman a pig.

Meanwhile Obama imports unreformed Muslims who believe that women are a subservient class, and homosexuality is a sin. A good (double-digit) percentage of those Muslims believe in Sharia Law specifically, aka stoning gays and clitoral mutilation.

You think I am being dramatic or exaggerating? The data on Muslims is supported by multiple polls. While most of the imported Muslims are (supposedly) moderate (and yet still their wives look like ninjas in public), a significant percentage is simply incompatible with SOCIALLY LIBERAL Western Values.

30+% of Muslims that France let in, believe that violent jihad is an appropriate response to someone "offending" Islam.

Britain has "No-Go" zones for non-Muslims. This religion, which comes with a bonus governing structure (Sharia Law) is the hardest to assimilate, and is responsible for the majority of current armed conflicts around the world.

This is because Islam is 500 years younger than Christianity, another Abrahamic religion which went through a similar violent radical period. And yet nobody can just "fix it" and propel Islam 500 years into the future, because there is no magic wand.

Trump is the one trying to put the brakes on the Muslim import process until we have a vetting process which isn't just smoke and mirrors. Syrian infrastructure is in shambles, so there are no records to check, and Obama's minions are not going to subject anyone to real psychological testing. Obama actually refuses to use the term "radical Islam", period.

That Muslim who killed 50 gays in Orlando night club? Not an Islamic terrorist, according to Obama.

So... one person is knowingly importing a good deal of violent homophobes and oppressors of women. The other is trying to stop it.

Remember that big scandal about the priests molesting children? Even though vast majority of them did no such thing, would you like to start indiscriminately importing thousands MORE priests from under the same general umbrella into the country, without any psychological or prior-crime screening, guaranteeing -for certain- that you'll have dozens of sexual predators traumatizing children for life?

What, you say? Yes, you would?

Mind you, the percentage of radical (or rather, "serious") Muslims, to one degree or another, is much higher than the percentage of perverted priests in the Christian church (which is 4%).

Based on his actions, Obama is actually the biggest homophobe, anti-feminist bigot in the country. He signed the equality of marriage act (because it was highly visible and showered him in praise), and yet he is purposely failing to protect the gay community.

Nothing Trump said or did even compares to the scale of damage that Obama is doing. And hopefully the LGBT population at least starts to wake up and see who really is on their side.

Stop only paying attention to words. That's how you are manipulated. Anyone can stand at the podium and spout demagogy about "fairness", "Islamophobia" and any other trigger words that you've been automatically programmed to react to.

Look at the person's actions, and the data. That's how you start thinking for yourself.

This comment was edited on Sep 23, 2016, 20:04.
Re: Morning Metaverse
Sep 23, 2016, 04:21
Re: Morning Metaverse Sep 23, 2016, 04:21
Sep 23, 2016, 04:21
Quboid wrote on Sep 22, 2016, 22:07:
Yeah, I don't really believe any of that. You tried, so it looks like you're trying to convince yourself.

Well then, the resulting conclusion is that I want Hillary to drop out of the race for reasons OTHER than her health, while knowing that there are several candidates who are far more likeable and have better chances of winning than her.

Leading this chain of logic to its conclusion, I want Bernie (passionate and less corrupt) or Michelle Obama (a younger, fresher female Presidential candidate) to run, or pretty much ANY FRESH DEMOCRAT FACE, increasing the chances of Democrats winning, which makes me a Democrat.

Yeah, that makes sense.

In reality, actually, if I was heartless, I would want Hillary to keep running, as her campaign is circling the drain.

It just hurts to see someone get so strained and humiliated, with an EMT following her everywhere, having weird seizures and scaring reporters, fainting and being dragged into a van. She will probably have a humiliating health moment at the debate as well. She is scaring the Left, which is why Obama has made a desperate plea saying that this election is not about Hillary, but about his "progress", and that he would be personally insulted if you don't vote Democrat.

You've convinced yourself that Trump is a *victim* of hatred so this is a piece of cake.

If you've been following the news at all, all major networks, and even Fox News's "Kelly File", have been attacking Trump on regular basis. They also set him up during the first Republican debate. He has been under assault from both political parties. Even conservative talk show host Mark Levin dislikes him, and that nutcase Glenn Beck downright hates him.

In 2007-2008 election period, Obama has not been subjected to 1% of the smearing and hatred that Trump has been at the receiving end of. The media attacks have been absolutely massive, not just on Trump and his family, but anyone who dares to give him a fair shake. Most recently the Left has turned on their very own Jimmy Fallon, for daring to have Trump on his show and being "softball" with him in the same exact way as all late-night show hosts have been with Hillary.

I started fast-forwarding Conan O'Brien's opening dialogue a long time ago, because his first joke is always about Trump, often a skit that goes on forever, then another one, also about Trump, etc. None about Hillary, though.

You know how the media reported the violence of anti-Trump protesters who were blocking people access, yelling and even physically assaulting his supporters? "Trump-fueled violence" said the headlines.

Trump rallies received far more coverage in order to make them seem like violence orgies, than did the Occupy Movement, which was full or actual assault, rape and defacing of public property.

His rallies have always been filmed by the major media news sources in a zoomed-in way that hides the absolutely massive crowds he has been gathering.

Yet despite all these smears, Trump manages to continuously use jiu-jitsu on the media and direct its power against itself. He is an impressive strategist and a wise man. For a change.

It must be hard to imagine that there are people who are capable of separating the human from their politics, and this is a pattern that has become very prominent on the Left.

The second half of that sentence shows that you're not one of the people you refer to in the first half.

I'm capable of separating people from their politics, including the people who have trouble separating me from my politics. Try not to dislocate something with those mental gymnastics

This comment was edited on Sep 23, 2016, 04:31.
Re: Morning Consolidation
Sep 23, 2016, 03:00
Re: Morning Consolidation Sep 23, 2016, 03:00
Sep 23, 2016, 03:00
Nintendo highlights having no games for 3DS except for Japanese anime crap featuring 5-year-old protagonists.
Re: Morning Metaverse
Sep 22, 2016, 19:09
Re: Morning Metaverse Sep 22, 2016, 19:09
Sep 22, 2016, 19:09
Quboid wrote on Sep 22, 2016, 17:52:
Going by the previous two posts in your history, I'm gonna have to say that this is massively insincere. I don't know if you're trying to convince us or yourself but I do not believe that you are concerned for Clinton's health in the slightest.

So, you think I want any of her potential replacements to run? Like Bernie Sanders, who is actually more popular than her, less corrupt, more passionate about his (misguided) cause, and would have a better chance, if the Democrat machine didn't stomp him down? Or maybe someone like Michelle Obama?

Yeah, that makes complete sense.

I have seen old people in my family get sick and die. I have been with them, through the assisted living facilities and the hospitals, and seen how unbearable and miserable it gets.

It must be hard to imagine that there are people who are capable of separating the human from their politics, and this is a pattern that has become very prominent on the Left.

Complete demonization of the opposition, "2 Minutes Hate" has been working marvelously. In my city there's now a naked statue of Trump, and I keep hearing all these "kill Trump" "jokes" with a disturbing frequency in my social ventures.

Never in my life did I say that I want Obama to die or get sick. Nor do I want to see Hillary in this state, regardless of how corrupt and destructive politically she is. On the ground level, we are all still human, and the most important thing is our health.

But keep projecting your smarmy cynical view onto others. What a fabulous life it must be.
Re: Morning Mobilization
Sep 22, 2016, 17:48
Re: Morning Mobilization Sep 22, 2016, 17:48
Sep 22, 2016, 17:48
Total-Khaos wrote on Sep 22, 2016, 16:48:
So I'm still going to have my desktop application? No, it will be renamed to Blizzard Tech or something even more retarded.

IRVINE, CA: Blizzard Entertainment has released a follow-up announcement. In regard to our new "Blizzard tech" moniker, we want to clarify some things. No, you will no longer see the icon in your system tray. The new "Blizzard" tech is an innovative approach that fully integrates itself into your operating system at the networking and filesystem layers. You'll never even know it's there!

Please be aware that some antivirus products, such as Kaspersky or Norton, may falsely detect Blizzard tech as a "rootkit". This minor inconvenience should go away soon, as we bribe them with giant wads of money.

Sincerely yours,
Bobby Kotick
Re: Morning Metaverse
Sep 22, 2016, 17:41
Re: Morning Metaverse Sep 22, 2016, 17:41
Sep 22, 2016, 17:41
I am really concerned for this woman's health, and think she should drop out and take some serious self-care, because the stress of this election is breaking her.

I don't care of that makes Pence the candidate, or of it gives Sanders another stab at it, or whoever else - I have this feeling that Hillary should say, "fuck your expectations, fuck the money, fuck the promises, it's my life and I choose to live it".

But of course, she is not going to do this, and instead will basically murder herself, regardless of whether she wins or loses.

Hospitals are the worst. No amount of politics is worth ending up with a breathing tube.
Re: Evening Metaverse
Sep 22, 2016, 17:30
Re: Evening Metaverse Sep 22, 2016, 17:30
Sep 22, 2016, 17:30
@HorrorScope: Really, you're going there? Well okay, I'm gonna let you hang on to that if it makes you feel better

ForgedReality wrote on Sep 22, 2016, 08:03:
Oh Jesus fucking christ. I didn't think these kinds of morons were gamers. Fucking hell. It's permeating and infecting everything. Humanity is doomed.

Nah, I just have the perspective of growing up in a totalitarian regime, and am immune to the 1984-style brainwashing which is happening in American colleges and mainstream media. Now complete with "2 Minutes Hate" perpetuated against the likes of Trump and Cruz, in the media cycle, over and over.

I also follow a wide range of news sources, from CNN to Drudge, and have not forcefully severed my connection with reality and common sense. And I do believe in allowing dissenting opinions, no matter how stupid they are, and a censorship-free Internet. First Amendment is a great thing, and thus, ICANN should be controlled by what is still the free beacon of the world - compared to everyone else, at least. Have a good look at Britain, lately?

But to each their own, y'know ;)Feel free to stick to your insults.
Re: Evening Metaverse
Sep 22, 2016, 06:19
Re: Evening Metaverse Sep 22, 2016, 06:19
Sep 22, 2016, 06:19
Russia, China and IRAN are members of the "new ICANN". Chinese "new ICANN" office is in the same building as their vast Internet censorship brigade.

America has been the beacon of freedom in the world, compared to pretty much any other country. It invented the Internet, it built its initial infrastructure, and it should've remained the gatekeeper.

Obama's relinquishing ICANN to an international body is sabotage. If this made "no technical difference" to the function of the Internet, and was "purely clerical", he wouldn't have bothered. Internet censorship is part of this man's agenda, as he has proven to be a dictator through and through. This child-king jailed a filmmmaker (Dinesh D'Souza) for making a critical movie about him. He has a thin skin, and would love nothing more than to shut down those pesky dissenters. "Fairness doctrine", anyone? So, there will be, in fact, a functional decline in the Internet freedom, even if it won't be immediately obvious.

And of course, after Obama is booted out of the White House (which will need to be thoroughly bleached), he will do his utmost to secure a position at the UN, and "contribute" to the future of the Internet in that way.

Ted Cruz is a patriotic man who is following his conscience, despite being mocked by our Soviet-style government-media complex. God bless him and godspeed.

This comment was edited on Sep 22, 2016, 06:36.
Re: New NVIDIA GeForce Drivers
Sep 21, 2016, 19:11
Re: New NVIDIA GeForce Drivers Sep 21, 2016, 19:11
Sep 21, 2016, 19:11
Mandatory month waiting period to see how many people's computers explode.
Re: Evening Tech Bits
Sep 21, 2016, 19:10
Re: Evening Tech Bits Sep 21, 2016, 19:10
Sep 21, 2016, 19:10
Good luck removing that upgrade thing from my system. The moment it appeared, I removed all permissions from the executable...
Re: Elite Dangerous May Drop Win32 and DX10
Sep 19, 2016, 21:26
Re: Elite Dangerous May Drop Win32 and DX10 Sep 19, 2016, 21:26
Sep 19, 2016, 21:26
Creston wrote on Sep 19, 2016, 21:03:
So this is basically people still on Windows XP, right? 7 has DX11 out of the box, and I think even Vista has 11 if somewhat patched?

DX11 support is needed in hardware. For example, NVidia GTX 260 is an old, bulky card, which has no DX11 support, but otherwise it still pushes thru a ton of polygons with the older APIs.

On Win7+ it will NOT run DX11 games like Alien Isolation, despite the OS providing DX11 API.

As a side note, I do find it interesting that

1) Elite Dangerous is still alive
2) They think they can afford to drop any players whatsoever

Re: Morning Tech Bits
Sep 19, 2016, 18:04
Re: Morning Tech Bits Sep 19, 2016, 18:04
Sep 19, 2016, 18:04
SpinRite does appear to make things worse. It just grinds the drive too much in trying to retrieve data from damaged clusters, damaging it further.

However, Gibson's other stuff does work, and has been useful. His web-based firewall security checks, the hardware DEP check utility, all those little things are quite useful and functional.
Re: Morning Legal Briefs
Sep 14, 2016, 18:02
Re: Morning Legal Briefs Sep 14, 2016, 18:02
Sep 14, 2016, 18:02
Under Trump, Snowden may in fact get a pardon, because it is thanks to him, that we know about the NSA surveillance program being boosted under Obama. Thus, he hurt Obama's "most transparent administration in history", which works for Trump.
Re: Steam Review Changes to Fight Fraud
Sep 13, 2016, 20:18
Re: Steam Review Changes to Fight Fraud Sep 13, 2016, 20:18
Sep 13, 2016, 20:18
Indie devs use sites like Keymailer to get visibility, and Steam is now murdering part of this idea.
765 Comments. 39 pages. Viewing page 6.
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