Rilcon wrote on Jan 1, 2019, 14:15:
It's a DMCA, it can't be thrown out outright. Anyone can write one up for free using a template, and it's on the receiving party to prove, via hiring lawyers and starting a civil suit against the sender. In the meantime, platforms like Steam have to assume the sender is telling the truth just because they pinky-swore in a legal document.
And of course, apart from being expensive to fight a DMCA, even if you're in the right, you can fail depending on the judge being in a bad mood or being taken to some district on the other side of the country known for always calling one way or the other. And even if you win, they can escalate further.
Sending a DMCA for anything other than straight-up piracy or copying is generally a cheap bitch move.
Trevellian wrote on Dec 18, 2015, 20:53:
If they have fixed said matchmaking issues now is actually a good time to do a free weekend and get those people like me who were on the fence back on board.
Rhett wrote on Nov 27, 2015, 13:43:
Besides the stupidly bright blood, I haven't noticed much... but I've always thought the PVP was really off (supposedly the tickrate is really really low...). Terrorist hunt is seemingly much harder. Kanal is awesome.
Panickd wrote on Nov 26, 2015, 16:47:
The closed beta was fun as hell. I poured several hours of my weekend into it with a "just one more round" mentality. Changes they've made since then have put a significant dent in the fun factor. After a handful of rounds I think I'm done with it. There isn't any way to just drop in and play it and fuck around anymore. It's all been tweaked into hyper-competitive bullshit.
yonder wrote on Oct 31, 2015, 07:11:Quboid wrote on Oct 31, 2015, 00:33:yonder wrote on Oct 30, 2015, 19:05:
I bet Greenheart Games is ecstatic at the thought of people thinking this is a sequel to their superb Game *Developer* Tycoon!
They kinda ripped off Game Dev Story, I wouldn't feel sorry for them.
There's over a decade between those two games, so the accusation certainly holds up a bit more with the two Tycoon games. There was barely more than a year between GDT and GT1.
Fantaz wrote on Apr 8, 2014, 18:38:"At this time, you do not qualify for the Fortnite Alpha. Thank you so much for your interest."
WTF? what questions did you guys answer correctly to qualify? or is it U.S. only and not Canada?
eRe4s3r wrote on Feb 18, 2014, 22:22:Ah, in Titans. Yes, arc would have been nice. 40mm cannon is the only Titan weapon on PC, the other two are unnecessary when you can aim.Crustacean Soup wrote on Feb 18, 2014, 21:51:
What? Who cares about bullet drop when you're ripping around like you can in this? Or is that some in-joke I'm missing?
Makes hitting crits on titans a total no brainer... i got a KD of 10+ in this and I am not a superb pro gamer. But I *can* aim perfectly when weapons are hit-scan
I am quake railgun master
DangerDog wrote on Feb 18, 2014, 21:35:There has to be a way you can do more with the game mode of a faster speed game though, beyond team deathmatch and friends. Deathmatch is great and all, but I've been playing it since Doom 2. Titanfall's Hardpoint mode barely gets beyond that.
It's a fast shooter like unreal tournament or quake.
Agent.X7 wrote on Feb 18, 2014, 19:54:
Static map. Bigger than most COD maps, smaller than most 64 player BF maps, manages to feel empty with just 12 people. Mechs are more useful if you set them to auto-guard an area or follow you than if you actually pilot it yourself. The auto-pistol is BULLSHIT. Pure console gun that is WAY overpowered on the PC.
jacobvandy wrote on Feb 7, 2014, 19:34:That's how it works. You also get pop-ups when they make announcements. Otherwise, you'll just see the announcements in the hub.
AFAIK, if you're seeing Payday 2 announcements in your Activity feed, that means you joined their community group. If you don't want to see them, then quit the group.
xXBatmanXx wrote on Jan 12, 2014, 12:06:
Pet peeve: "The combat system is terrible" yet no one ever says what an awesome combat system is. I have been playing games since a Commodore 64 and friend's Atari's. Please enlighten me on what a good/great combat system is. I am truly interested, considering I have played THOUSANDS of games across every single console and platform - and honestly, the combat is normal style combat just like all the other games of this type.