ZandarKoad wrote on Dec 13, 2023, 05:45:
Seems to be one of those rare cases where the book readers appreciate the movie more than non book readers. For better or worse, depending on who you are.
Maybe the horrible Dune films of the past lowered standards such that anything passable looks great in comparison?
Burrito of Peace wrote on Sep 18, 2023, 23:41:Mr. Tact wrote on Sep 18, 2023, 22:30:*snip*
Pretty sure one 50 caliber round in the wrong location is going to cause the failure of any jet engine. Which is not to say I think the F-35 is a great aircraft. I have serious doubt about it. I am tempted to agree with you about it being a "shitbox", but I realize my knowledge level in that area is not far above an average layman, despite my 7 years, 3 months, and 10 days in the USAF -- so, I don't go that far.
When compared to the last three generations and their capabilities in their eras, the F-35 is absolutely a shitbox. Sure, they can sit on the tarmac an an Air Force base and look pretty but they suck at CAS, especially when compared to the old Warthog which is also a much tougher airframe. You can rake both sides of an A-10 with 7.62x39 and it's going to laugh at you while still going brrrrrrrrrt.
The F-35 falls in to the same trap the Phantom did, which is idiots who breathlessly exclaim "technology is going to do ALL THE THINGS". While conveniently forgetting the lessons learned from the last time we tried that approach.
Mr. Tact wrote on May 4, 2022, 12:43:RedEye9 wrote on May 4, 2022, 12:34:I hope he is right. I hope we don't find out.
He said we have 20+ attack subs who’s only purpose is to shadow and sink Russian boomers.
The Russians know their subs would all disappear before they could get off any nukes.
jdreyer wrote on May 4, 2022, 13:43:Bill Borre wrote on May 4, 2022, 12:28:Some states are trying to pass laws to criminalize abortions for its residents even if they get them done out of state.
I'm not sure why letting states decide is such a disaster for abortion supporters. Sure a young lady might have to buy a bus ticket to California but is that really so onerous?
And the theory of this ruling puts all sorts of cases at risk: Griswold (right to contraception), Loving (interracial marriage), Lawrence (gay marriage), and many others. If this ruling passes as is, it's a radical reversal of 50+ years of court rulings. It's as if the court decided to undo decades of civil rights cases and allow Jim Crow laws again. Oh wait, I forgot they did already.
Dev wrote on Dec 20, 2021, 11:36:
This is a fun one, I already bought it on steam, but sure I'll grab a free copy on epic so they have to pay the devs a bit more.
Definitely recommend playing this if any of the tags for it interest you.