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103 Comments. 6 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: Starfield in November 2022
Jun 13, 2021, 19:43
Re: Starfield in November 2022 Jun 13, 2021, 19:43
Jun 13, 2021, 19:43
This reminds me of the trailer for Fallout 4. I was naive, expecting a repeat of New Vegas. Then I finally got to play it - while I found The environments interesting, the gameplay bored me. There were even parts of the game I didn't want to have anything to do with, such as interacting with Preston and base building.

My experiences with Bethesda games leads me to believe that they're satisfied to publish a game with less polish and more bugs than I find acceptable. I'll be keeping an eye on this, but I certainly won't be pre-purchasing or buying on release.
Re: Loot Boxes Under Fire
Nov 22, 2017, 16:21
Re: Loot Boxes Under Fire Nov 22, 2017, 16:21
Nov 22, 2017, 16:21
I don't play Call of Duty, Battlefront, or Shadow of War; but why is it that whenever one of these articles shows up, COD is rarely mentioned in the article or comments. It was my understanding the loot boxes in the latest WW2 game were particularly obnoxious.
Re: Vampyr Delayd
Sep 21, 2017, 07:08
Re: Vampyr Delayd Sep 21, 2017, 07:08
Sep 21, 2017, 07:08
This really sucks.
Re: Call of Duty: WWII In November
Apr 26, 2017, 19:08
Re: Call of Duty: WWII In November Apr 26, 2017, 19:08
Apr 26, 2017, 19:08
In the interest of doing something different, they could have focused on Allied countries like Australia or India. Or even as someone has said previously, a very carefully done viewpoint from the sides of Germany, Italy and Japan would could have brought new meaning to the title Call of Duty.

They could even focus on historical aspects to aid in education. Gulf-War? Kosovo War?

It looks pretty, but I get the feeling Activision were waiting for the wind to change. I feel sorry for games like Battalion 1944, who will have their customer base undermined by these large production cash-grabs.
Re: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Trailer
Oct 26, 2016, 09:27
Re: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Trailer Oct 26, 2016, 09:27
Oct 26, 2016, 09:27
I don't care for live action trailers, really wish developers and publishers would stop doing them.

I'd be happy to plonk some money down on Modern Warfare Remastered, but not Infinite Warfare. Apparently, they're never going to release it separately. Ever. So no sale. I have the original version, and I'm satisfied playing that instead; and keeping my money.
Re: Skyrim Special Edition Trailer
Oct 22, 2016, 09:48
Re: Skyrim Special Edition Trailer Oct 22, 2016, 09:48
Oct 22, 2016, 09:48
Very nice of them to offer this as free for owners of all DLC. I was hesitant to buy Hearthfire, but a sale and the potential for mods to require it convinced me. It is finally paying for itself.

I am concerned however with this being a separate release, much like the recently released Bioshock Remastered games, or will it be delivered as an "update" to current Skyrim installations. Many people may be concerned that their current mod setup will be ruined by Steams automatic update service.

In any case, I intend to buy more RAM.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
Jun 13, 2016, 20:14
Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Jun 13, 2016, 20:14
Jun 13, 2016, 20:14
Fallout 4 (PS4) lost my interest only a few hours in; the poor building UI and Preston was the nail in the coffin. Haven't touched it since. Most of the DLC looks pretty underwhelming as well, except for Far Harbour.

Due to my disappointment, I'm currently half-way through a New Vegas play-through (modded PC version of course), and have had the itch to replay Skyrim for quite some time. Nice to see Hearthfire paying for itself - the free upgrade is a very welcome addition.
Re: Free Natural Selection 2 Map
Jun 6, 2016, 05:49
Re: Free Natural Selection 2 Map Jun 6, 2016, 05:49
Jun 6, 2016, 05:49
Only 1 or 2 active servers with pings below 100 nearby. Usually playable late night during the week, or on the weekend. I don't understand why they separated Combat from the original release. I believe that had a detrimental effect on the community; preventing people who were sitting on the fence, from giving it a try, as it was (my understanding) the most popular gameplay mode from the original Half-Life mod.

Bit of a shame, I am always hopeful the original development team retaking the reins of development will breathe new life into it.
Re: Evening Previews
Jun 1, 2016, 09:50
Re: Evening Previews Jun 1, 2016, 09:50
Jun 1, 2016, 09:50
Not a preview at all. More of an assimilation of information already readily available.
Re: Civilization VI Announced
May 12, 2016, 03:58
Re: Civilization VI Announced May 12, 2016, 03:58
May 12, 2016, 03:58
I can't expect any further development on Beyond Earth? That's disappointing. I was looking forward to at least one more large add-on.
Re: etc.
Apr 11, 2016, 03:28
Re: etc. Apr 11, 2016, 03:28
Apr 11, 2016, 03:28
My 'Oh' face?
Re: Escape from Tarkov Trailer; Beta Signups
Dec 24, 2015, 16:41
Re: Escape from Tarkov Trailer; Beta Signups Dec 24, 2015, 16:41
Dec 24, 2015, 16:41
The previous gameplay posted on Blue was more loud, compared to the silent exploration in this video. They definitely present the game well in these presentations, though I am starting to wonder, does that cover up flaws? I haven't been able to see much so far, aside from at the beginning of this video, the character is unable to pick up the weapon from the ground, and has to reposition to do so. Still, it looks promising.
Re: Natural Selection 2 Improves Hit Detection
Dec 23, 2015, 16:37
Re: Natural Selection 2 Improves Hit Detection Dec 23, 2015, 16:37
Dec 23, 2015, 16:37
One of the main reasons why I stopped playing. The community where I live is mostly dead, save for 2 - 3 servers. So, too little, too late.
Re: Escape from Tarkov Trailer
Nov 26, 2015, 08:37
Re: Escape from Tarkov Trailer Nov 26, 2015, 08:37
Nov 26, 2015, 08:37
I can appreciate the critique, but this looks a little better than the current, or even past, fare. Leaning is always welcome, scope and/or ironsight is useful, and it has impressive lighting and texturing. I'm not fanatical in any way - this is the first I've heard of the game, and the first time I've seen it. But I reckon if they has included elements based on future technology, or a futuristic setting, I reckon this would be dismissed as a Black Ops ripoff.
Re: Far Cry Primal Announced
Oct 7, 2015, 18:45
Re: Far Cry Primal Announced Oct 7, 2015, 18:45
Oct 7, 2015, 18:45
Just don't expect the dialogue to be award-winning =)
Re: Hitman Rollout Detailed
Sep 29, 2015, 17:49
Re: Hitman Rollout Detailed Sep 29, 2015, 17:49
Sep 29, 2015, 17:49
I don't see how this could be appealing to new customers, let alone entice fans. People who have played Hitman games in the past, to my knowledge, have no interest in a multiplayer experience.

All they had to do was create a single player experience with almost impossible-to-complete missions. That's where the sense of achievement came from - being the 'silent assassin'; with the possibility to turn into a complete bloodbath.
Re: Batman: Arkham Knight PC Sales Suspended
Jun 25, 2015, 09:09
Re: Batman: Arkham Knight PC Sales Suspended Jun 25, 2015, 09:09
Jun 25, 2015, 09:09
WB made a statement recently along the lines of "can't believe we keep getting away with this!!" /gloating
Re: Star Wars Battlefront 3 PC Footage
Jun 24, 2015, 18:46
Re: Star Wars Battlefront 3 PC Footage Jun 24, 2015, 18:46
Jun 24, 2015, 18:46
After a long hiatus from playing BF3, I returned only to find that my account had been hacked. I was able to clear my account up, change my name and language settings, and set new security measures. So I put down money on a Premium pack which was on sale only to find I had been banned for the precise reason for leaving in the first place; and I couldn't play on any server with a half-decent ping.

No help from EA or PunkBuster - pointing the finger at each other. I can't come up with the words to describe just how much I loathe them both.

Sad thing is that I know I'm not the only person with this problem - EA openly admitted to their players being wrongly banned.
Re: Retail Wolfenstein: The Old Blood Next Month
Jun 10, 2015, 06:45
Re: Retail Wolfenstein: The Old Blood Next Month Jun 10, 2015, 06:45
Jun 10, 2015, 06:45
I don't know why, but New Order's the whole future-Wolfenstein thing didn't do much for me. Old blood seems much more appealing, and hopfully the price will be too. Suppose I could wait for a boxed set with both New Order and Old Blood, but that probably won't happen.
Re: The Witcher 3 Patched
Jun 5, 2015, 22:13
Re: The Witcher 3 Patched Jun 5, 2015, 22:13
Jun 5, 2015, 22:13
The first and second games are very time consuming, and as people say, the combat definately needs improvement (though I did enjoy the combat in Assassins of Kings). Wild Hunt doesn't require you to have played the previous two games, though it can give you some perspective on King Radovid and Foltest. I'm currently trying to learn the alchemy ingredients by sight, and after I do that , I'll attempt to learn the bestiary by heart! =D

You're missing out on a LOT if you skip the dialogue. Personally, I've always found Geralt's mannerisms and tone hilarious (n.b. disdain).
103 Comments. 6 pages. Viewing page 1.
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