50,000 hours of interviews? Even if he did 40 hours a week dedicated to nothing but interviews, thats 1,250 weeks. If he did this every week thats 24 solid years of interviews. No wonder he struggles to deliver on promises.
Even if KS is not fraud, what about the hype around getting micro transactions from the CUBE. Surely thats basic fraud.
Also... Did anyone else find this contradictory:
Peter Molyneux: The excuse and, the excuse, and it is an excuse and I’ll put my hand up to it and we are going to make it now, the excuse is that we hadn’t finished the game. So you can’t do– it wasn’t an art book, it was a making of book, and we haven’t finished the game. But you know, Jack has got three terabytes of footage and we have now got someone called Connor who is going to be working on that book. Which is, we’ll probably have that out pretty soon."
First he says it can't be delivered until game is completed, then he says we'll probably have that out pretty soon. Maybe I missed something.
Lurking on Blues since mid nineties