Fantaz wrote on Aug 1, 2013, 18:08:I Played RtCW and WET for a good 10 years. They were amazing multiplayer games. It's just unfortunate that the community for these games died, I would love to pick up and play them again.
I'm looking forward to this just due to there not being many other mindless shooters coming out lately... I'm still disappointed that there won't be multiplayer, not even deathmatch style or co-op.![]()
jacobvandy wrote on Jul 31, 2013, 13:47:I loved them up to that point. The Enemy Territory games were fantastic. Brink was immensely disappointing for me...w00tie wrote on Jul 31, 2013, 13:27:
Splash Damage eh?
Will this be as forgettable as Brink?
If you're bringing it up, was it really that forgettable?
ItBurn wrote on Jul 31, 2013, 10:00:eRe4s3r wrote on Jul 31, 2013, 00:55:
If by "currently" you mean games before Battlefield 3... Frostbite 2 was pretty damn revolutionary ^^
And this tech was developed for Frostbite 2.. which is why BF3 and BF4 look alike. BF3 is already using it.
Other than the constant and massive lens flares (which I don't really consider lighting tech. More like a sprite overlay), I don't see what's so revolutionary about the lighting in BF3.
ChopperDan wrote on Jul 30, 2013, 22:15:Try some harder missions. I've been getting 150k per mission on the very hard missions. Not that expensive for guns if you do it this way.
I'm Playing the Beta and I enjoy the new types of missions. The guns are a little high priced... $90,000 for a shotgun? I can buy a new one for $350. Other than that wierdness I'm having a blast playing it.
Krovven wrote on Jul 20, 2013, 19:05:You think this kid is bad? Go read the Steam forums for Payday 2. Tons of spoiled brats demanding refunds or other insane things because they don't have the beta yet. Saying they were lied to by the developers....ItBurn wrote on Jul 20, 2013, 18:58:
Now yes, they stated that it was only for the 4 quest DLCs, but this doesn't matter to me
You bought what they advertised. End of story. As it is, they already included the UVHP in the Season's Pass, which they didn't need to do as it wasn't advertised.
Fucking children these days think they deserve everything in the world for nothing.
Kinda like the person in the sale thread complaining about a $1.50 difference between what he would pay for Van Helsing/DLC (he stated $8) and not paying the sale price cus it was too expensive ($9.50).
Closed Betas wrote on Jun 18, 2013, 22:57:Well we could always hope the new Wolfenstein is more RtCW than Wolfenstein...but it's doubtful.
heh just tried to play BF3, omg gaming is so lost... i swear i felt like i was engaged wiht a bunch of babies with hacks... fucking COD killed the entire competitive gaming arena... we are in serious need of a holocaust
wtf_man wrote on May 11, 2013, 09:31:This video is nothing more than a marketing video for the brainless morons that only play what they're told to play.Prez wrote on May 11, 2013, 00:15:
I don't give a rat's ass about the discussion about PC vs console - everyone with a brain knows that the only way the PC version will look inferior to the new consoles is if Ubisoft purposely gimps it
I'm not worried about the looks... I'm worried about mouse / keyboard support, graphics options like AA and FOV, etc.
Initially, they came across sounding like the PC was the lead platform... now it's sounding like the next gen consoles are the lead platform.
Jerykk wrote on Apr 21, 2013, 00:04:Fletch wrote on Apr 20, 2013, 14:46:
Ironic that a consolized, third-person shooter is made by a company called "Old School Games". No buy. Not even interested.
You realize that third-person shooters aren't inherently consolized, right? Max Payne 1 & 2 were designed for PC and were both third-person. Same with MDK. The Tribes games had both first and third-person cameras. Same with the ArmA games.
Cutter wrote on Feb 28, 2013, 14:42:I think True Blood has the market share on that name. Would you like to try another name?
6 year old gfx + cel-shading + vampires = lose.
Why do vampires always have to have cool names and dark backstories? Why not Bill from accounting? He's make a good vampire too!