VaranDragon wrote on Dec 10, 2020, 04:28:
Sounds promising Drayth. I'm a bit concerned with the reports of bullet sponginess. When I eventually get to play I was hoping to create an assassin-like character that can take down enemies (preferably) from stealth using silenced handguns, with deadly headshots. When that turns to shit go melee, slow down time and hack em to death with Matrix like moves...Hope that's a thing
That's exactly how I'm playing, and as someone else pointed out, it's very much like Deus Ex:HR. Playing at Hard (2nd highest difficulty), I'm about 25 hours in and I have a stealth/shooter build I'm really enjoying it; even without any skills in melee, from stealth I can definitely one shot most enemy npcs (I actually nearly dropped a boss in one hit from stealth with a katana). The bullet-sponginess really doesn't feel like a thing to me unless I'm shooting center of mass with an assault rifle/submachine gun (and given how heavily modded some npcs are this is NO surprise), but a headshot will usually take off 90% of an npc's health from stealth, and 10-20% (silenced pistol), a revolver or sniper rifle will definitely one shot from stealth and usually the same within combat.
The timed responses thing annoyed me at first but after a few missed ones, I can generally react with the option I want in time and they fit the context really well (reacting to an NPC roughing V up, etc...). I'm running a 1070ti and a 2790 i7, and it looks quite pretty, but I did turn shadows down (and all shadow related settings), as I did with reflections. I still get texture pop with cars (which looks very bizarre, you'll see what looks like a piece of popcorn kinda scoot by on the road before it resolves into a car). Speaking of cars, I rarely if ever use one, since fast travel exists and I honestly have more fun running around looking at the scenery, picking a fight with random npcs, or just exploring.
I have experienced exactly one crash, but there are the random weird graphical bug, usually unselectable items/objects that I should be able to pickup or interact with; I get the fly-away bug randomly as well where I suddenly zoom to a location 200 meters away from where I was. Yeah it definitely has bugs, but after looking at some of the steam reviews (I know, always a mistake), I am wondering if we're playing the same game, I am not sure if people are trolling or genuine, because several of the things I repeatedly hear (bullet sponginess, lack of meaningful choices, or lack of things to interact with), are untrue.