Farcry 1 is in my top 5 games of all time. Loved the multiplayer, the enemy AI, the stealth, the level design, the horror parts (yes, I liked the mutants. They added variety). It kinda felt like the first time I played Half-Life 1. FC2 is my second favorite Farcry game. While it was completely different from FC1, I liked the gun system, the game economy and the "wasteland" feeling of it. The second map was also mind blowing and both maps were really interesting to explore. FC3 was still good, but it was oversimplified, they broke the economy and it was kinda generic. 4 was basically a remake of 3, so, I liked that one even less (4's story is great though). Then you get Primal, which is the one I disliked the most. It was just bland and couldn't keep my attention. Didn't play FC Instincts, because console... Oh and Blood Dragon was good, but I found it repetitive and kinda boring in the end. I guess my ranking is: 1,2,3,4,BD,Primal. It doesn't bode well for FC5...
As for all the Crysis games, 1 and Warhead were good, but there's something lacking from them. I guess they're not enough of a "game". The levels are insanely beautiful though. Just a marvel to look at. Crysis 2 and 3 are complete garbage. Linear soulless consolized bore fest.