User information for SagaciousFoo

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March 6, 2011
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4 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: CoD Ghost Requires 6MB of RAM
Oct 23, 2013, 20:35
Re: CoD Ghost Requires 6MB of RAM Oct 23, 2013, 20:35
Oct 23, 2013, 20:35
Get used to it. In fact, you better be prepared for games requiring 8GB to run, as that is the amount on Xbox One and the PS4.
Re: No Adult Games on Windows 8 Marketplace
Oct 11, 2012, 15:19
Re: No Adult Games on Windows 8 Marketplace Oct 11, 2012, 15:19
Oct 11, 2012, 15:19
Bhruic wrote on Oct 11, 2012, 14:45:
You probably also missed the part where someone claimed MS was doing this because they were legally required to. Ie, told by the government.

I missed that part. No harm, no foul, though, because--at least in the US--MS isn't legally required to do anything like that and if someone said differently, they're either lying or ignorant. There's no law like that in the US for the same reason that state laws banning sales to M rated games to minors have been consistently ruled as unconstitutional.

Re: Fallen Enchantress Preorders Get Beta Access
Aug 30, 2012, 00:20
Re: Fallen Enchantress Preorders Get Beta Access Aug 30, 2012, 00:20
Aug 30, 2012, 00:20
KilrathiAce wrote on Aug 29, 2012, 22:49:
Why is the font color of this news different than all other items?

It has jaundice.
Re: etc., etc.
Apr 6, 2012, 22:13
Re: etc., etc. Apr 6, 2012, 22:13
Apr 6, 2012, 22:13
Wow. Just, wow. The author to that article must've really had his feelings hurt when PA refused donations from Retake Mass Effect (RME). I don't think the author could've been more a spiteful and angry at everyone. And feeling impotent because there's not much he could do, he rages at EA. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between RME taking money in some vague promise that if enough money was raised, BioWare would be forced to change the ending of Mass Effect--even though there's no way in hell any amount of money would've changed anything--and EA saying if you buy this DLC, we'll make a donation to Child's Play. There's a friggin' huge difference there.

Sometimes, I really hate gamers. The fact that EA was even nominated for "Worst Company in America" shows how little perspective they have.
4 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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