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Re: The Division Free Weekend
Dec 14, 2016, 19:54
Re: The Division Free Weekend Dec 14, 2016, 19:54
Dec 14, 2016, 19:54
I highly recommend people try it! Despite all the bad press around launch, the game is VERY good! The story campaign is a nice 20 hours or so, and the end-game is REALLY good now, with plenty of delicious loot.

PS: the graphics in this game are still some of the most impressive!
Re: DOOM – Bloodfall Released
Dec 14, 2016, 19:52
Re: DOOM – Bloodfall Released Dec 14, 2016, 19:52
Dec 14, 2016, 19:52
I'm really glad they kept all the DLC MP only. This way I can totally skip it since DOOM MP was UTTER TRASH. If they had tried to throw in some "an extra story mission" and the like, that would have been low.

But yes, like others, I'd prefer they make a real expansion for the SP and charge $20-30 for it. But they'll probably just wait and make DOOM2...which is fine.
Re: Path of Exile Breach Launches
Dec 3, 2016, 13:16
Re: Path of Exile Breach Launches Dec 3, 2016, 13:16
Dec 3, 2016, 13:16
loomy wrote on Dec 3, 2016, 04:43:
this whole game is diablo injected with every drug at once
Indeed it is! I never thought I'd find a way to satisfy my heroin, crack, meth, and rubber cement needs in one place, but Path of Exile is all that and more!

Breach is so fun, too! It's nice to have a challenge league with a really fun gameplay mechanic instead of just a farming mechanic like Essence or Perandus.

Wallshadows wrote on Dec 2, 2016, 23:42:
Got to 49 with my Blade Flurry Assassin.
We're all Blade Flurry Assassins!! I'm only level 30, but I plan to at least try for 24 challenges this league. Also, I was so excited to log in right away and get the nice simple name "Flurio". I've been going around to town folk and saying in Antonio Banderas' voice, "I am Flurio, much blade, so flurry." It really adds to the immersion.
Re: Metal Gear Survive Announced
Aug 18, 2016, 00:27
Re: Metal Gear Survive Announced Aug 18, 2016, 00:27
Aug 18, 2016, 00:27
eRe4s3r wrote on Aug 17, 2016, 20:47:
I have 156hrs in MGS5 TP so yeah To me it was one of the most interesting games released this year... Dragons Dogma was the other one. (for PC)
I love you so much right now eRe4s3r! Heh. MGSV and Dragon's Dogma are two of my most beloved games, having 220 hours into MGSV and 240 into Dragon's Dogma. Not to mention FF13-2, which I know you and I both love. Excellent taste!
Re: Metal Gear Survive Announced
Aug 17, 2016, 19:35
Re: Metal Gear Survive Announced Aug 17, 2016, 19:35
Aug 17, 2016, 19:35
JediPunisher wrote on Aug 17, 2016, 17:53:
I very much enjoyed MGSV, but without Kojima... I think I'll skip this one.
Agreed on MGSV. I don't understand those who hate on it with all this unfinished nonsense. MGSV is one of the most complete, content-rich games I've ever played. And the story was such perfect Kojima...subverting expectations. I still load up the game several times a week to expand my FOBs and replay some missions just for LOLs.

This new game...trash obviously. Much like Operation Raccoon City or Umbrella Corps. Take a beloved series and make a poor rip-off of L4D. Sad.
Re: Activision Blizzard Financials: 15M Overwatch Players
Aug 5, 2016, 13:14
Re: Activision Blizzard Financials: 15M Overwatch Players Aug 5, 2016, 13:14
Aug 5, 2016, 13:14
"The grabbing hands, Grab all they can
All for themselves, After all
It's a competitive world,
Everything counts in large amounts"

Epic song. You're welcome!
Re: The Division Expansion & Patch Released
Jun 28, 2016, 23:06
Re: The Division Expansion & Patch Released Jun 28, 2016, 23:06
Jun 28, 2016, 23:06
Frijoles wrote on Jun 28, 2016, 22:06:
This underground expansion add much solo stuff? I grouped up for some of the larger missions and did some PVP, but most of my time was spent by myself. I enjoyed that, and $15 isn't much if I can get a few hours out of it.
Players reporting it's really fun to go solo into the Underground. Plus they've added some nice solo sets. The random dungeons factor is pretty cool, actually. So yeah, if you prefer solo you should get a lot of good times out of this. Plus now you can gear up pretty well without going into the gankfest Darkzone.
Re: The Division Expansion & Patch Released
Jun 28, 2016, 12:51
Re: The Division Expansion & Patch Released Jun 28, 2016, 12:51
Jun 28, 2016, 12:51
Actually, The Division does provide some really unique gameplay. It also has some fantastic city design and fun exploration. I got the game for free and expected to quit an hour into it. I'm now 140 hours into it because the gameplay is simply fun and the loot system is surprisingly deep.

Yes, the hackers ruined it for weeks on end...they've quit playing now because of perma-bans. Yes, the exploits ruined it also, but those are mostly fixed...mostly.

But on PC they refuse to sell each DLC separately, meaning I have to pay $40 for a full "Season". This is anti-consumer. If I could pay $15 for this Underground expansion like XB1 users can, I probably would since I do enjoy the game.

EDIT: Now, on launch day, they do offer Underground for $15 on Steam and they waited until the last minute to force people into the Season Pass...

TL;DR: The Division is actually a quality game...riddled with issues and bugs, but it can be very fun despite the issues.

This comment was edited on Jun 28, 2016, 13:54.
Re: Overwatch Launch Details
May 24, 2016, 00:38
Re: Overwatch Launch Details May 24, 2016, 00:38
May 24, 2016, 00:38
Sepharo wrote on May 23, 2016, 23:19:
and not that you just don't like team/class based MP
NO. That isn't what I said at all. [Removed to be nicer.] I said the mode is stale because we've played it for years on end. Team/Class based MP is very fun...but I've played TF2 for years on end like millions of others.

That is why Overwatch is a big letdown IMO. If you're 13 years old and this is your first FPS, then you might find it amazing and unique. If you're experienced with team-based FPS games (Return to Wolf, Battlefields, CoD Domination, TF, TF2, CS...), Overwatch adds nothing new apart from cool art stuff.

Sepharo wrote on May 23, 2016, 23:19:
The characters and their abilities are the essentially the new gameplay feature.
Well...ok...if you really think having different visual stuff is new. But the actual gameplay is very much the same: cap points, stand on points, push payload.

Just because I have a sword, a mech, spells, or me that is mostly cosmetic...but if you feel that is enough innovation for you...fair enough.

Anyway, Overwatch will sell millions of course because Blizzard...I still maintain people should have higher standards, content-wise and gameplay-wise.
Re: Overwatch Launch Details
May 23, 2016, 23:06
Re: Overwatch Launch Details May 23, 2016, 23:06
May 23, 2016, 23:06
Sepharo wrote on May 23, 2016, 22:55:
TF2 did not launch with the payload mode. That was a later edition and they copied it from Wolf:ET.
...right. Payload was added in April of 2008 to TF2, about 7 months after TF2 released. But you are missing the point. The point is Overwatch is launching in 2016, in a post-TF2 world. The bar has been set WAY higher because TF2 has been out for ages.

Also...your claim about Wolf:ET also misses the point completely. The point: Overwatch's Payload mode has been done for YEARS and is STALE. Bringing up Wolf:ET doing the Jeep escort mode just makes Overwatch's lack of innovation even worse.

Why do you defend a barebones game release? I suggest we have higher standards rather than let Blizzard put out a lazy game with game modes from 2008 or earlier. So what if they have shiny and cool characters? The GAMEPLAY is what matters.
Re: Overwatch Launch Details
May 23, 2016, 19:16
Re: Overwatch Launch Details May 23, 2016, 19:16
May 23, 2016, 19:16
Hump wrote on May 23, 2016, 18:38:
I enjoyed the beta but I just don't feel its worth the retail price ATM......
Totally agree. I can't justify $40-60 for a multiplayer only game that gives us the exact same game modes TF2 offered in 2008. It is shameful that Blizzard thinks rehashing TF2 gameplay some 8 years later justifies a "full" game.

Valve at least had the courtesy to bundle TF2 with two other amazing games with the Orange Box. And then they made TF2 free for the last 5 years.

Maybe my standards are just too high, but why are people eating up what is basically a less-featured TF2 clone? A sad state of affairs.

SmyTTor wrote on May 23, 2016, 19:14:
You want something to fail because you dislike the game (company?) without even playing it?
I'll jump in and say I do want Overwatch to fail (it will sell millions and be a huge success of course) because it is yet another example of companies delivering less content and hardly any innovation, yet they expect us to pay $40-60 for it.

Why would I want Blizzard to be rewarded for giving us game modes directly ripped from TF2? Do you want to encourage developers to stop making Single-Player campaigns and meaningful Co-op? Do you even understand they just stole their ideas from TF2, a game that has been Free-to-Play for 5 years? I played the Beta, which is the full game minus some maps. It is TF2 with less features...

This comment was edited on May 23, 2016, 19:23.
Re: Overwatch Open Beta Overtime
May 8, 2016, 23:41
Re: Overwatch Open Beta Overtime May 8, 2016, 23:41
May 8, 2016, 23:41
loomy wrote on May 8, 2016, 23:19:
overwatch is expensive at face value. it's just tf3, and tf2 is free. but it's also the highest quality thing blizzard has ever done
Clearly you've never played The Lost Vikings. THAT is the best thing Blizzard has ever done. I would also accept Rock n' Roll Racing or Blackthorne has answers.

But more seriously, Overwatch is a huge letdown for me...two or three game modes is totally lame...all ripped from year 2008 TF2. It's just not acceptable to come out with a TF2 knock-off some eight years later and expect me to pay nearly full price.

Where's my SP or Coop campaign? Where's the innovative game modes? I won't apologize for demanding innovation and substance, especially from a company like Blizzard.
Re: Ubisoft Fighting Hostile Takeover
Feb 26, 2016, 13:10
Re: Ubisoft Fighting Hostile Takeover Feb 26, 2016, 13:10
Feb 26, 2016, 13:10
Re: Gone Gold - Quantum Break
Feb 20, 2016, 00:38
Re: Gone Gold - Quantum Break Feb 20, 2016, 00:38
Feb 20, 2016, 00:38
I'm so EXCITED to use the Windows 10 store!! Nothing but awesome memories of Games for Windows Live!! So happy to be back in Microsoft's firm/buggy grip!!

... ... ... ... said NO ONE EVER.
Re: Saturday Legal Briefs
Feb 14, 2016, 17:00
Re: Saturday Legal Briefs Feb 14, 2016, 17:00
Feb 14, 2016, 17:00
jdreyer wrote on Feb 14, 2016, 01:13:
You couldn't have given a more bullshit answer than CoD. The game engine is 7 years old, so of course it's going to run well.
You clearly never tried Black Ops III or Ghosts...those had significant, SIGNIFICANT, performance issues on PCs.

jdreyer wrote on Feb 14, 2016, 01:13:
The difference is you didn't illegally acquire the printer/scanner/equipment. The company lent it to you as a trial in hopes that you'd buy a whole bunch.
Yeah, and that's why PC publishers would do well to offer a trial/demo version, or a free day/weekend right at launch. Let players seriously try it. I bet you'd see significantly more sales.

jdreyer wrote on Feb 14, 2016, 01:13:
You're a sociopath. ...Complete rationalization of illegal behavior.
You realize how silly it is of you to argue with a sociopath? We have no emotion. You can't win. I can troll you all day and feel nothing.

PS: methinks you don't actually know what a sociopath is. Rationalizing illegal stuff, ironically, proves you aren't a sociopath since it shows you are trying to assuage guilt.

Re: Saturday Legal Briefs
Feb 13, 2016, 19:03
Re: Saturday Legal Briefs Feb 13, 2016, 19:03
Feb 13, 2016, 19:03
NKD wrote on Feb 13, 2016, 17:56:
I don't believe anyone who says they pirate a game, play it, and then buy it if they are satisfied. Yeah, maybe they buy it on a Steam sale 2 years later when they want to re-play it, but they aren't slapping down $50-60 when it really counts in the first critical couple weeks of sales.
Well, lots of players do buy it at release if the pirated copy works well. Case in point is the Call of Duty games, which these days are notorious for being horrible PC ports. Plenty pirate the game (offline play only of course), test it, then if it runs well, they buy it so they can play online.

So many games that have Achievements, Leaderboards, Coop, or Multiplayer still have strong incentives to legally buy it even if you can pirate.

But yeah, a lot of people will pirate and never buy. Those people also would be very unlikely to buy in the first place. But that's the classic debate that has raged for decades.

El Pit wrote on Feb 13, 2016, 15:11:
Brumbek trying his best to justify what he intended to do from the beginning... Obvious.

Brumbek orders a pizza. The pizza is not okay, so he asks for a refund. Problem solved.

Brumbek buys a game from Steam. The game is not okay. so he asks for a refund. Problem solved.

But Brumbek says Nooooo, not good enough. I need to eat at least half of the pizza, ahm, play hours of the game.
I admire your attempt at creativity. And your liberal use of Brumbek.

I just think a lot of gamers aren't mature business-minded people. In business office settings it isn't uncommon to get a new printer/scanner/equipment and use it for a week or even a month before deciding on a final purchase decision.

And yet, I'm accused of being a greedy pizza jerk because I also want assurances the game functions as intended after 5 or 10 hours of play.
Re: Saturday Legal Briefs
Feb 13, 2016, 14:30
Re: Saturday Legal Briefs Feb 13, 2016, 14:30
Feb 13, 2016, 14:30
El Pit wrote on Feb 13, 2016, 14:23:
Brumbek - there are exactly how many gameplay/let's play videos out there per game? Enough to check the quality of the game? I'd say so. In addition, there are boards like this one and plenty of others (like over at the steam - the boards are FREE) to check out the players' opinions. And the "But... but... maybe it won't run on my machine" reason has gone with the return policies over at Steam and Origin...
Hmm. Many of us don't want to watch others play a game. I don't want the intro and first few chapters spoiled by watching others play. These are games we, individually, are meant to play.

Message boards? Steam forums are a cesspool. It's full of trolling liars, idiots who will spoil the ending...I can't take that recommendation seriously.

Steam refunds are the best option...but Steam refunds isn't good enough for me since 2 hours is like 1 hour tweaking settings and only 1 hour actually playing. There are plenty of games with major issues past the first chapter or two.

I'm the type of guy who wants to know, KNOW, that if I spend $60 on something, that it works exactly as intended. I'm the customer; I don't owe corporations anything.

So for some people (I admit to nothing), pirating a game to play it a good 10 hours before making a purchase decision is the only way they'll buy it. But I respect that you don't have the same wacky convictions that I have!
Re: Saturday Legal Briefs
Feb 13, 2016, 13:28
Re: Saturday Legal Briefs Feb 13, 2016, 13:28
Feb 13, 2016, 13:28
I just don't know who to trust anymore!

Are those dang dirty pirates ruining life and taking away diamond-encrusted swimming pools from executives?!

Or does piracy give players a way to test game releases before buying, which also lets players decide on the quality, which means players will actually buy more of the good games?!

Do I side with the dirty pirates or the evil corporate overlords!?

EDIT: in seriousness, since I couldn't try Just Cause 3 or Tomb Raider, which both had/have performance issues on some hardware, there is no way I would buy them at release. Steam refunds isn't good enough for me since 2 hours is like 1 hour tweaking settings and only 1 hour actually playing.

This comment was edited on Feb 13, 2016, 14:24.
Feb 10, 2016, 12:47
Re: METAL GEAR ONLINE DLC Announced Feb 10, 2016, 12:47
Feb 10, 2016, 12:47
I've been playing MGO on PC on and off. It is surprisingly good, actually. It starts with the fantastic movement and shooting controls of the base game, and then adds some innovative and interesting game modes.

For MGO being free, I've gotten a good 10 to 15 hours of fun out of it. But paid DLC? Nope. Especially if the maps will divide the playerbase. Anyway, MGSV has totally given me a great value: 180 hours of SP, 20 hours of FOB stuff, and 10-20 hours of MGO.
Re: Steam Top 10 - XCOM 2 Edition
Feb 7, 2016, 16:31
Re: Steam Top 10 - XCOM 2 Edition Feb 7, 2016, 16:31
Feb 7, 2016, 16:31
eRe4s3r wrote on Feb 7, 2016, 16:12:
Timers never become an issue Finished all timer missions with 2+ turns to spare, and I did not particularly rush ever (Beat the game on Veteran - 28 hours, 30 missions)
But perhaps you are just a super-genius?!? Congrats on beating it, in seriousness! I'm waiting for a few patches before I try it. Also, good to talk to you again eRe4s3r. My convincing you to play FF13-2 is still something that makes me all happy inside! Best wishes!
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