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June 9, 2010
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414 Comments. 21 pages. Viewing page 13.
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Re: Out of the Blue
Mar 28, 2016, 18:50
Re: Out of the Blue Mar 28, 2016, 18:50
Mar 28, 2016, 18:50
Avoiding BvS like the plague which is a shame since I moderately liked Man of Steel.
Re: Dark Souls III Trailer
Mar 24, 2016, 14:40
Re: Dark Souls III Trailer Mar 24, 2016, 14:40
Mar 24, 2016, 14:40
Oh well, I'm sure Japan gets the shaft with a lot of games, so let's let them have this one. Think of it as an extended beta test.
Re: Out of the Blue
Mar 22, 2016, 16:52
Re: Out of the Blue Mar 22, 2016, 16:52
Mar 22, 2016, 16:52
There is a middle ground, you know!

Well, we reach the middle ground after the two sides fight it out from their respective extremes.
Re: Out of the Blue
Mar 22, 2016, 14:46
Re: Out of the Blue Mar 22, 2016, 14:46
Mar 22, 2016, 14:46
Season 6 is their best yet huh? What else is he gonna say?

That's true, but at least he explains the statement in the full interview. Sounds like it should be solid in any case.
Re: BioWare Teases Missed Teaser T-Shirt
Mar 21, 2016, 16:28
Re: BioWare Teases Missed Teaser T-Shirt Mar 21, 2016, 16:28
Mar 21, 2016, 16:28
"Space of Spacecraft"

"This is not World of Warcraft in space!"

"It's much more sophisticated."

My bet is a MOBA as described. I thought this was out already. What is Heroes then? Nahhh, I don't wanna know.

You're thinking Blizzard, bruh.
Re: Op Ed
Mar 21, 2016, 13:06
Re: Op Ed Mar 21, 2016, 13:06
Mar 21, 2016, 13:06
Modern gaming is mostly flash little substance with a few gems here and there.

Things haven't changed that much - we just only remember the good times. For every solid game you remember, there's 100 that you were utter garbage or completely forgettable.
Re: Morning Consolidation
Mar 16, 2016, 14:13
Re: Morning Consolidation Mar 16, 2016, 14:13
Mar 16, 2016, 14:13
Re: Forza Motorsport 6: Apex for Windows 10
Mar 1, 2016, 12:13
Re: Forza Motorsport 6: Apex for Windows 10 Mar 1, 2016, 12:13
Mar 1, 2016, 12:13
Yeah, it's all one big trick to get people to get a free upgrade to the latest version of the OS we all use anyway. Good thing we here are smart enough to see through their scheme. It's not like having everyone on the same OS version would be better for everyone or something.

They'll never make me upgrade my precious Windows 7 just like they never made me upgrade my precious Windows XP.
Re: Green Man Gaming Top Five
Feb 29, 2016, 16:39
Re: Green Man Gaming Top Five Feb 29, 2016, 16:39
Feb 29, 2016, 16:39
Never go full video.
Re: HTC Vive Preorders This Morning
Feb 29, 2016, 14:26
Re: HTC Vive Preorders This Morning Feb 29, 2016, 14:26
Feb 29, 2016, 14:26
Maybe too expensive for the average Joe, but plenty of enthusiasts out there will fill help fill the gap until if/when the technology costs comes down. I doubt the experience would be as good if the equipment cost less at this point. Maybe they could sell at a loss like they sometimes do with consoles, but why would they do that if demand is high for their current production? Sounds like it's priced right.
Re: Out of the Blue
Feb 23, 2016, 12:03
Re: Out of the Blue Feb 23, 2016, 12:03
Feb 23, 2016, 12:03
I'd recommend computer glasses. I believe the main difference is that the focal point geared to about arm's length, so screen text is as clear as it's going to get. Throw in some anti-glare coating and you're good to go. My vision isn't terrible, but I used to get headaches when on the computer before I got computer glasses.
Re: HTC Vive in April for $799
Feb 22, 2016, 17:54
Re: HTC Vive in April for $799 Feb 22, 2016, 17:54
Feb 22, 2016, 17:54
Can't wait to put my money down.

I hope you have a great time and thank you taking the risk of being an early-adopter. I'm definitely interested and might pick a device up in the next year if things look positive, but honestly it'll take less people like me and more like you to make VR a success.
Re: New GeForce Drivers
Feb 16, 2016, 13:05
Re: New GeForce Drivers Feb 16, 2016, 13:05
Feb 16, 2016, 13:05
A 3GB GTX580 still runs every game at or near high settings.

Don't pretend that the hundreds of dollars you wasted on diminishing performance returns means that others have low standards. Most games run just fine without the GTX970 you were hyped into buying by poorly optimized PC ports like GTA5.

Just because you can't run a game at highest settings doesn't mean it's not optimized. You're asking for more games that look like shit on their highest settings. Highest settings should be for the super-rich/enthusiasts or the average person 2 years after release on a new graphics card. GTA5 looks and runs a hell of a lot better on medium settings than the native XCOM2 which indicates that GTA5 wasn't a bad port or poorly optimized.
Re: XCOM 2 Troubleshooting
Feb 11, 2016, 19:09
Re: XCOM 2 Troubleshooting Feb 11, 2016, 19:09
Feb 11, 2016, 19:09
The main problem I have with the XCOM 2 performance is that even while framerate is wildly dipping, my video card's fan is still at idle speed - it doesn't seem to be using the full capability of the card. Hopefully a patch or some new drivers will fix this.
Re: Steam Top 10 - XCOM 2 Edition
Feb 7, 2016, 23:08
Re: Steam Top 10 - XCOM 2 Edition Feb 7, 2016, 23:08
Feb 7, 2016, 23:08
Disabling v-sync in XCOM 2 helps a lot with the framerate. Still needs a patch, though. In the meantime, I just cranked all the graphic settings down and get lost in the gameplay.
Re: Game Reviews
Feb 1, 2016, 14:01
Re: Game Reviews Feb 1, 2016, 14:01
Feb 1, 2016, 14:01
XCOM and the in many ways similar Darkest Dungeon will be competing for my time for a while.
Re: The Ship: Remasted Next Month
Jan 18, 2016, 18:50
Re: The Ship: Remasted Next Month Jan 18, 2016, 18:50
Jan 18, 2016, 18:50
If you have to explain your pun, it's probably not strong enough to be used as the title.

Remasted is part of the game name. I think it's pretty obvious and doesn't need need explanation, but Blue was probably trying to head of the proofreading police with that note.
Re: New Star Citizen Alpha
Jan 15, 2016, 16:19
Re: New Star Citizen Alpha Jan 15, 2016, 16:19
Jan 15, 2016, 16:19
(development continues)

This comment was edited on Jan 15, 2016, 16:32.
May 29, 2015, 14:13
Re: KEEFOX_CHECKED_FLAG_FALSE May 29, 2015, 14:13
May 29, 2015, 14:13
El Pit wrote on May 29, 2015, 11:37:
Jerykk wrote on May 29, 2015, 02:35:
El Pit wrote on May 29, 2015, 00:26:
I caved in and bought it for 25. That's quite a lot of money for a console-centered game, I know. *sigh* I'll wait and give it some time to be turned more and more into a pc game with the coming patches.

Not sure what you expect them to add to make it "more" of a PC game. The only thing I can think of is a hotbar, but that's not going to happen.

Really? You don't know? Then please read this thread and the other Witcher 3 threads. I won't repeat everything that's been written here.

At least all the keys are now rebindable. It's evolving into a pc game. In a year or so the bugs have been fixed and it will be perfectably playable with keyboard/mouse.

If you think ANY game coming to both PCs and consoles is going to be a true PC game, you need to get real. Here they managed to succeed in creating a game that wasn't designed specifically for consoles or PCs, but a balance of both. Oh, I'm sorry - you wanted something designed from the ground up for PCs only? Okay, let's go back in time and at reduce the development budget by at least half. You happy now? Because that's what you give up if you want something for PCs only. You get something like Pillars of Eternity. And that is great in it's own way, but it had (has?) bugs. It has dated graphics, audio, etc. If that's what you want, go support PC only games like that (I did). Just don't ask for something clearly marketed as an action-RPG to be some true PC game. It never was and will never be. Witcher 3 is great and absolutely meets or exceeds all expectations created for it.
Re: The Witcher III Patched
May 26, 2015, 14:06
Re: The Witcher III Patched May 26, 2015, 14:06
May 26, 2015, 14:06
I don't care what you guys say, I am absolutely loving this game. The interface, gameplay, story, writing, and everything else are miles beyond the previous game, and most other games I've ever played. Sure, it could use some improvements here and there, but given what they've achieved and the grand scope of this game, it is absolutely a masterpiece.

I heartily disagree with most of what Mac says in his Worth A Buy review of the game (with only 10 hours under his belt, by the way), and that's a first for me. I've never before disagreed with him so thoroughly.

You and me, both. The only complaints I have are minor and I imagine they were will be patched eventually. The world is just extraordinary. And it looks and runs great for me.
414 Comments. 21 pages. Viewing page 13.
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