ION wrote on Oct 10, 2016, 17:06:
"Squadron 42 is delayed."
"To celebrate the delay of Squadron 42 we have launched a new ship, you can purchase Spam Javelin for £138971 (or £139971.99 with the Anus Aerospace skin) for 1 week only"
Full disclaimer, I am a backer but I feel in 40 years I will tell my
At least Dick Turpin wore a mask!
grandson that I backed this game more for a laugh about the fact that I backed it than for actually playing it.
Creston wrote on Sep 29, 2016, 14:38:jdreyer wrote on Sep 29, 2016, 13:14:Creston wrote on Sep 29, 2016, 10:53:
"Let's investigate this a month+ after the game came out, and nobody pays any attention to the ad anymore! That'll really make it look like we care, and we're Serious Folks who are Not To Be Messed With!"
How else do you do it? The game only came out a few weeks ago. Before that it was impossible to do the compare. So, account for a couple weeks for dissatisfaction to build and make a complaint, a couple of weeks to investigate the validity, and a couple of weeks to formulate and execute a plan of action, and we're at the current date. How could it have been any faster?
It probably couldn't have been faster, but look at what these guys can actually "do."The ASA has the power to have advertisements it believes are in breach of its code of conduct withdrawn, and prevent them from appearing again
Ooooh, they can make you take the ad down!!! That'll REALLY hurt two months after the game's been released. Where's the 5 million GBP fine?
Their "power" is like the Invisible Boy who can only turn invisible if nobody's watching.
I'm still a bit confused why EA gave them the greenlight to make Titanfall 2, I know the first one was a financial success but that was because on xbox one the selection of games was rather thin. This looks pretty but where is the physics and destruction? Large stompy robot can't even move a shipping crate or down a tree.
Mordecai Walfish wrote on Sep 18, 2016, 13:06:
Glad Everspace made the list, even if only at #10!
While I agree this looks like they're pulling out all of the stops, I think I might be a bit disappointed at the setting. The West was super popular back in the early 70s when the original debuted, but much less so these days. I wish they'd chosen a setting that is more popular. Perhaps Medieval World, given the popularity of GoT. Or some kind of Futureworld.
I suppose it could be argued "The West hasn't been done in a while!" And doing The West is probably cheaper than other options, like the Future. Still I can't help feeling like this was a missed opportunity. Roaring20s World would have been awesome.
Creston wrote on Sep 8, 2016, 09:38:They say DX12 may improve better performance on some systems, but offers no visual or gameplay differences.
That's funny, because you sure implied that it would look better back when you were pimping it heavily.
I would much rather them devote the resources to the next red dead or gta and have it on pc from the start.
Squirmer wrote on Sep 2, 2016, 18:56:HoSpanky wrote on Sep 2, 2016, 14:22:Well I'm glad no-one told this to the devs at CD Projekt Red, who make plenty of money treating customers with respect and releasing expansions with as much content as most full games.
Should it have been included in the original game? Old-school gamer logic says yes. Old-school gamer logic doesn't make MONEY, however, and I doubt you go to work and hand out YOUR time for less money than what you could be getting.
This is the 61st piece of paid DLC they have released for this game. That's just crazy...I long for the days when this nickel and dime DLC was collected together and released as a big expansion pack.
As much as I liked Human Revolution, I'm still holding off on this one, as I still have to finish Fallout 4 before I purchase another game. Yes, I'm trying to be disciplined.
I tried to watch Firefly and i could not take it and stopped at episode 3. I thought it was very bad.
My Win10 desktop after a couple days work so far:Except for that ugly ass excuse for a start menu that takes up 28% of the screen.