WaltC wrote on Jan 13, 2019, 17:25:
People may finally be coming to fully understand that while there is a lot of stuff you can do with a desktop computer that you cannot do at all with a pocket cell phone, it's also much, much less expensive to go online with that desktop than it is to do it--or maybe "try to do it" is more accurate--via a wireless cell-phone Internet connection. I mean, the wireless carriers have had a field day, imo, gouging people for years for Internet service nowhere as fast, reliable, and secure as a decent wired desktop connection at home--and the cell-phone users pay through the nose for all of that inferior service and connectivity. (So what qualifies these products as "smartphones"?--should be "dumbphones" for some people..;))
How about data caps--I've seen them as meager as 5GBs a month for some phone plans--can't remember my last data cap for my wired service at home. How about Internet fees assessed every month whether you use the Internet or you don't--on top of the already ridiculous monthly charges and fees the "smartphone" demands. Right now at home I have the fastest, best, and most secure Internet service I've ever had--and I cannot believe how inexpensive it is--and not just compared to a smartphone--but also compared with my old 14.4k modem days..;)
If this is indeed a trend then I welcome it, wholeheartedly. Cell phones--portable phones--aren't going to go away, of course...that will never happen, and I would not want to see that happen! But what seems to be happening is that people are coming to grips with the fact that the highest and best use of so-called smartphones is as a...(drumroll)...cell phone!...;) Best use of a smartphone is really as a dumbphone--you need the phone, not the Internet access...;)
That is actually the way I handle it these days (for the last few years, actually) and the money I'm saving is significant along with a frustration curve that barely registers. I feel like a bird out of a cage. I simply get what I need from the Internet before I leave home but take the dumbphone with me for emergencies and things like--you know--phone calls, etc...;)
Really, I have nothing against Apple except for the fact that I see the company as a fad manufacturer and the company does basically the same thing whenever it has a product hit on its hands--big hits are rare from Apple--but it does happen, as it did with the iPhone. First come all the Apple lawsuits against competitors to try and stop the entire global market from competing with whatever thingamajig Apple is trying sell in an artificially created monopoly market atmosphere which Apple alone controls...;) Of course, this tactic--positively guaranteed from Apple--simply doesn't work. Apple's competitors do know how to manufacture competitive products even if Apple doesn't--so they keep plugging away until the comparative Apple products are obviously inferior and obviously not as good a buy as the other-than-Apple products in the product class. And then it's rinse and repeat for Apple as it tries to find a new fad that will sell hugely as a major hit--and then the lawsuits and the falling behind will begin again.
They tried it with the Apple watch...;) Wow, imagine shelling out $10k for an Apple watch filled to the brim with $30.00 Casio circuitry! I had to laugh out loud at the A watch. The people who did that--and there were a few of them to be sure--are the perfect "dumbphone" candidates, imo. SO the watch is done--what's next? Who knows? All I know is that if it's from Apple I'm not going to be much interested in it!
(Wow what a post but it's a lazy Sunday and I had some free time this p.m...;))
RedEye9 wrote on Jan 12, 2019, 16:23:
All "Real" gamers are waiting on Source 3.
RedEye9 wrote on Jan 11, 2019, 20:15:
That's nothing to get excited about.
RedEye9 wrote on Dec 30, 2018, 19:27:jdreyer wrote on Dec 30, 2018, 15:12:I slammed the subscribe button when he said he'd be bigger than pewdeeshit
Jack Black has a gaming channel? I mean, he looks the part, but who knew?
jdreyer wrote on Dec 28, 2018, 22:33:
The most infuriating game ever.
Timmeh wrote on Dec 21, 2018, 11:46:
That article about sattilite tv is bullocks. Its only talkinga bout AT&T.
I Quit DirecTV this year and moved to dish and it was the best decision i ever made. I love dish. If at&t quits Dish will just get bigger, or someone else will come along.
If you live outside one of these giant liberal cities you dont get 300GB downloads. Heck you would be lucky to get 10 or even 3 in some places.
Dish is a piece of shit buddy...just saying
The millions of people living in rural america are not going to suddenly get super internet and even if they did most of them would not want it.
I like having my TV and my Internet separated. Im sure i am not the only one.
RedEye9 wrote on Dec 17, 2018, 21:08:xXStellarDadXx wrote on Dec 17, 2018, 20:18:god in action
WTF did i just watch?
Kxmode wrote on Dec 16, 2018, 17:22:RedEye9 wrote on Dec 16, 2018, 14:22:
Artifact: The Fallout 76 of card games.
I wouldn't quite put it like that as I assume the game runs very well. I think it's better to call it the Radical Heights of card games.