jdreyer wrote on Sep 27, 2011, 14:57:
Actually China DOES fly planes from that movie. They fly MiGs, which were shot down...
Cutter wrote on Sep 27, 2011, 14:24:
Yes, because England would never lie or do evil shit.
Optional nickname wrote on Sep 27, 2011, 13:07:
"at a future date that is yet to be determined"
buckle up folks, this one will be bumpy.
Beamer wrote on Sep 27, 2011, 12:36:
Not sure the complaints here. It's not like they ran out and spent millions to get Justin Timberlake, Will Smith and Jack Black to have them play 3 kings...
Silicon Avatar wrote on Sep 27, 2011, 12:14:
When the last game came out people complained that there weren't enough voice actors and all the NPCs sounded the same and were poorly acted.
So now Bethesda hires pros and people are complaining that the voice actors are "too famous" or they should have spent their budget elsewhere.
Really, guys?
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Sep 27, 2011, 10:50:
It would've been a user-friendly little extra to mention movies those actors played in, Blue! Maybe it's just that us, but my girlfriend and I are very bad with actor names. I know who Nathalie Portman and Zooey Deschanel are for obvious reasons but that's nearly it.
Guess I'll have to spend time googling after work!
As for famous actors in games... I hate it. It DESTROYS thr immersion for me as much as getting a black kid with my white wife in Fable 3. Yes. I think it's that bad.
I kept seeing Boromir in Oblivion. I couldn't freaking stop reliving that arrow-piercing heroic scene from LotR every freakin' time the prince had something probably interesting to say!
Fion wrote on Sep 26, 2011, 17:10:
Skyrim was playable at Eurogamer Expo. Unfortunately it sucked apparently. Some of the 'reviews' I've read said the lighting was really poor, textures were blurry and low rez. Water fx are minimal, framerate drops were frequent, draw distance is really short. Enemy AI was 'horrendous'. Animations were terrible and the FoV was extremely limited. Duel spell/duel weapon mechanics were real clunky and the weapons were useless compared to the magic. One even said the voice acting was terrible and the dialog is written like a soap opera lol.
Mind this was all on an Xbox 360 and we all know how low end the hardware there is, they may have had to really stretch to make the game playable. Really low FOV, short view distance, lot of texture and object pop in and out.
Still, considering the game hits in barely over a month, this isn't good news. They only have a few weeks before the game goes gold and from various reviews and opinions I've read, it needs a lot of work. I may personally wait a few weeks after it hits just so the modders have a chance to fix the game like they had to with Oblivion and Fallout 3.
Tony!!! wrote on Sep 27, 2011, 04:10:
How do you compare the Greatness that is Dead Space to.....Lost Planet??? What imaginary lines are you drawing there?
Cutter wrote on Sep 26, 2011, 14:37:
Argonians ftw!