It's fine to delete it.
But it was a legitimate argument
(the idea that 'rejecting human activity A, B or C != bigotry')
Your site, your rules!
The new public square being owned by the digital global hegemon should be required to support the 1st amendment in the US though (China can censor as it pleases, smaller sites like this, etc), because the alternative is a mono-opinion in the public square, which has taken upon itself to point and demonize ("bigots and nazis everywhere!!"), which never ends well.
Bad / evil opinions are naturally weeded out or marginalized by the free market of ideas, not censorship.
Deleting my legitimate arguments is just a preview of what will come.
A control grid, which will inevitably turn on all dissent of its hegemony. I'm shocked that this isn't plainly obvious frankly.
This comment was edited on Jun 13, 2019, 22:43.