Agent.X7 wrote on Mar 27, 2020, 17:08:HoSpanky wrote on Mar 27, 2020, 15:30:
Just finished the game, took about 14 hours, and I missed some stuff even though I THOUGHT I was quite thorough.
Valve never, EVER said "We guarantee our games will never need advanced equipment to play". In fact, Half life 1 and 2 required hefty rigs when they came out, I don't see what the difference is here. Their goal with each HL game was to push gaming forward, and Alyx is no different.
If you don't want to get a VR kit, go watch someone else play it on YouTube. It'll be a far more authentic experience of the game than if you played a hacked together, absolutely feature-devoid version of it.
That's the thing about all the complaints about VR. People forget that back in 1998 you either had to buy a 3D card or run the game in shitty software rendering mode. Unreal did this too. Then Half-Life 2 was 3D card only. People whined back then about having to buy a 3D card, so expensive, blah blah blah. Then games started coming out with NO SOFTWARE MODE! OMGZ! RAGE! Forcing us to buy 3D card! rawr!
It's the same with people who bought games on PS1, PS2, PS3, Xbox, 360 and then had to upgrade to the new console to play the sequels.
Tech marches on. Keep up or be left behind.
Drayth wrote on Mar 24, 2020, 16:51:
Let me tell you about an experience you can only have in VR.
I start the game on the railed balcony most of you have probably seen by now.
I spend the first 5 - 10 minutes tweaking settings, getting everything perfect for moving forward. From there I decided to just relax and take in the site. There's a lawn chair you can pretend sit on; a radio you can tune (the antenna works too); cans you can crush, etc.. Finally I decide to throw a glass beer bottle off the side, so I do while leaning on the railing so I can watch it fall...
...except the railing doesn't actually exist so I fall flat on my side.
No joke.
This actually happened. My instinctive desire to lean on the railing + a split second of being completely lost in the moment gave me a (dumb ass) gaming moment I will never forget.
Verno wrote on Mar 23, 2020, 19:36:
Valve is back baby.
HoSpanky wrote on Mar 22, 2020, 11:50:
Keep right on with your invalid complaints against VR. Tomorrow, I'll be playing the new Half-life game. Meanwhile, you'll be watching videos of it on Youtube, not understanding why it's slower paced and using that as a crutch to help you feel better about missing out on it.
If it gets stellar reviews, you'll claim reviewers are only saying it's amazing because of some agenda. If it gets so-so reviews, you'll say it's flat-out awful and the worst thing to ever happen to gaming. Either way, it'll help you sleep at night.
In a few years, when you finally pick up a VR headset, you'll kick yourself for being so closed-minded. But you'll never admit to it.
VR isn't going to replace monitor gaming. It'll be another way to game, with its own types of games. If you want to play those games, you'll need to pick up the hardware for them. It's literally that simple.
Tipsy McStagger wrote on Mar 21, 2020, 21:39:Retired wrote on Mar 21, 2020, 20:41:
Big misstep VR only.
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's a misstep.
I bet you people will be talking about this for 20 years.