Jedi Master wrote on Mar 20, 2014, 19:56:
You seem to be confusing Direct3D with DirectX. OpenGL can't do sound or input.
As for OpenGL, as it's older than D3D, it's interesting that it's not in wider use. Why might that be? I was playing more games in OGL in the 90s than now.
Honestly it's because the committee that steers development of OpenGL put the focus on the wrong things during a crucial time in the early-mid 2000's, and OpenGL fell behind what Direct X 10 was doing. It didn't doom the API, but it made people weary of learning how to use it.
Now it's right there on par with DX10-11, which is why we've seen many more games using it, and Linux support is starting to really take off again. Between SDL, OpenGL, and Pulse Audio, Linux basically has everything Direct X offers.