It brightens my day to come on here and read a bunch of fanboys bash Halo for PC as if it's going to make a difference. You guys seem to think you're Joe Average Gamer when in reality you (we) are far different from the norm. The majority of PC gamers and gamers in general don't investigate the story behind the games. They walk into Best Buy, look at the shelf, and buy what stands out. Not only that, but many of these gamers have seen or played Halo on an XBox so they know if they like it.
This title will be a success. It might not be a huge success, and it more than likely won't be anything major. And of course you all, being fanboys, will tout this as Bungie getting some sort of comeuppance because they "screwed you". News flash fanboys: Bungie wouldn't exist in it's current form today without MS and the XBox only release.
So while you may sit there and say "FUCK BUNGIE" or something similar, keep in mind what makes the gaming world go around, and also that designers usually don't design games for you. If they did, would there be Sims? Would there be 300 Tycoon games? No. Because you aren't a target audience for anyone except a minority of game companies.
This comment was edited on Jul 15, 09:12.