User information for ochentay4

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January 17, 2007
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386 Comments. 20 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: AMD Driver Rebranding
Nov 30, 2017, 11:01
Re: AMD Driver Rebranding Nov 30, 2017, 11:01
Nov 30, 2017, 11:01
The stupidest thing. Why would I care the "name" of the drivers? Its been countless times that it has been rebranded with the most stupidest names. Why not AMD Video Driver and get over it? Sigh.
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Re: WRC 7 This Fall
Jul 12, 2017, 21:23
Re: WRC 7 This Fall Jul 12, 2017, 21:23
Jul 12, 2017, 21:23
WRC games suck. They should polish them and make them every 2 years, no EVERY DAMN YEAR.
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Re: Morning Mobilization
Jan 11, 2017, 22:28
Re: Morning Mobilization Jan 11, 2017, 22:28
Jan 11, 2017, 22:28
Tom wrote on Jan 11, 2017, 21:24:
One way to avoid issues like this is to stay at least one major release of the OS behind, letting others act as the guinea pigs. And I don't mean Windows 7 - you can actually accomplish this on Windows 10 now.

Instead of allowing the automatic upgrades from one major release to the next, get O&O ShutUp10 and check the option for deferring upgrades. You'll still be more or less forced to get security updates for the older release but it tends to be minor stuff and not the mess of breaking crap that happens on the latest OS release.
You dont need that crappy app for that, just do tick the box on Windows configuration "Defer Updates" and done.
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Re: Homefront: The Revolution Content Patch & DLC
Nov 9, 2016, 20:25
Re: Homefront: The Revolution Content Patch & DLC Nov 9, 2016, 20:25
Nov 9, 2016, 20:25
Creston wrote on Nov 9, 2016, 20:14:
Hi guys! Here's more Homefront DLCs!


... Guys? ... GUYS??!

*coyote howls*
Yeah. If only the game was released polished and with all content included it would have been a hit, as the game is fun, but bugs, performance and lenght brings it down.
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Re: DOOM Demo Extended
Jun 21, 2016, 11:42
Re: DOOM Demo Extended Jun 21, 2016, 11:42
Jun 21, 2016, 11:42
HoSpanky wrote on Jun 21, 2016, 09:56:
ItBurn wrote on Jun 21, 2016, 09:49:
Why are they doing this? It's been proven time and time again that demos don't work. Also, it's not Bethesda's habit to release demos. Seems like a waste of resources to me.

It's been proven time and again that poorly done demos, or demos of mediocre games, don't work. Demos of shit-hot, great games DO work. DOOM's multiplayer is blah, but the single player game is so, so much better than I expected.

If you have a 360 or Xbone, try the Forza Horizon or FH2 demos. They give you a taste of the full game, with a surprising amount of playable space, but not so much that you feel like you've done it all when you're finished.
Absolutely. I wanst sure if buying Doom, but now that Ive played the demo and seen how it runs on my pc, will buy it definitely.
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Re: System Shock Remastered Kickstarter Next Month
May 16, 2016, 10:49
Re: System Shock Remastered Kickstarter Next Month May 16, 2016, 10:49
May 16, 2016, 10:49
Drayth wrote on May 16, 2016, 10:47:
Unity can't do exclusive full screen, correct? Which means all Unity games are stuck at desktop gamma settings. Not the best limitation for this particular game, though the early footage looked pretty good otherwise.
Where did you get that? Of course it can do fullscreen.
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Re: Diablo III Turns Four
May 16, 2016, 10:48
Re: Diablo III Turns Four May 16, 2016, 10:48
May 16, 2016, 10:48
No one cares. Just want Diablo 2 remastered, or in HD with modern graphics options.
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Re: Umbrella Corps in June
Apr 7, 2016, 20:34
Re: Umbrella Corps in June Apr 7, 2016, 20:34
Apr 7, 2016, 20:34
Just like Fable Legends, this game should be put down. Nobody asked for this, fans hate franchises beaten to death with its iterations, and it doesnt look that good.
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Re: Dying Light: Enhanced Edition Map Pack
Mar 5, 2016, 09:08
Re: Dying Light: Enhanced Edition Map Pack Mar 5, 2016, 09:08
Mar 5, 2016, 09:08
Techland support on Dying Light has been fastastic. Many developers should learn from them (Rocksteady, Netherrealm, Ubisoft, Deep Silver)
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Re: WRC 5 Demo
Jan 22, 2016, 21:43
Re: WRC 5 Demo Jan 22, 2016, 21:43
Jan 22, 2016, 21:43
xXStellarDadXx wrote on Jan 22, 2016, 20:17: looks good though...
I've tried the demo on PS4 days ago. It sucks so much that I can't understand how they managed to release 5 games on a lot of platforms. It's terrible.
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Re: The Crew Wild Run Patched
Jan 21, 2016, 07:10
Re: The Crew Wild Run Patched Jan 21, 2016, 07:10
Jan 21, 2016, 07:10
Great, looking forward to it.
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Re: The Ship: Remasted Next Month
Jan 18, 2016, 11:23
Re: The Ship: Remasted Next Month Jan 18, 2016, 11:23
Jan 18, 2016, 11:23
The original game already runs in HD. Why a remaster? Also, 25% discount only? Are they serious?
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Re: EA Launches Origin Access Subscriptions
Jan 13, 2016, 06:55
Re: EA Launches Origin Access Subscriptions Jan 13, 2016, 06:55
Jan 13, 2016, 06:55
Saboth wrote on Jan 12, 2016, 22:43:
$60 a year to rent 15 games (since you lose rights to those games once you stop paying), most of which are worth maybe $2-$5 at this point. The ones that aren't that old have been around $15 on sales recently (like DA:I). A 10% discount on new games is $6. You can usually do better on GMG, Amazon (20%), etc. If their vault had say, 100 or 200 games, I could maybe see it. 15 games is a joke.
You fail to see the deal here. I plan to suscribe for 1 or 2 months and play Hardline and Dragon Age. Thats excellent value for me.
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Re: The Crew: Wild Run Released
Nov 17, 2015, 22:50
Re: The Crew: Wild Run Released Nov 17, 2015, 22:50
Nov 17, 2015, 22:50
xXStellarDadXx wrote on Nov 17, 2015, 20:08:
ummmm...the crew sucks and from what i hear this doesnt make it any better...
Well, I'm an avid and harsh gamer and I loved it. Played on the Xbone to death and want to buy the bundle digital as I sold the disc for quite amount of cash. I find it similar to Forza Horizon / NFS Rivals / Driveclub.
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Re: The Crew: Wild Run Closed Beta Begins
Oct 16, 2015, 09:11
Re: The Crew: Wild Run Closed Beta Begins Oct 16, 2015, 09:11
Oct 16, 2015, 09:11
xXStellarDadXx wrote on Oct 15, 2015, 19:28:
i bought thy crew when it came out...played maybe 2 to 3 hours and deleted it...hated everything about waiting to see if thy new NFS coming out soon is any good...hoping they get back to there roots and make it as fun as it was when it first came out...

Well, in constrast, I love it. I also play Forza Horizon 2 and prefer The Crew. The world is fantastic, filled with vehicles and different landscapes.The handling really improves once you start upgrading your car/s. There is a LOT to do, and really fun to play alone (as I do) or with friends. Sadly I lost my XBOX One disc. I plan to upgrade to GOTY/Complete DIGITAL on the XBONE so I can continue with my saves.

DLC is only cars and money (cheats). 100% skippable.

The Crew its like a mix of NFS Rivals, Test Drive Unlimited 2 and Forza Horizon 2. I don't understand why people don't like it more. In fact, I have spent more time with The Crew than any NFS tittle in years, and I always loved NFS iterations.

The only downside its thats Online only.

Don't jump on the hate bandwagon of Blue's News and try the game.
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Re: Source 2 Running on Vulkan
Sep 24, 2015, 11:19
Re: Source 2 Running on Vulkan Sep 24, 2015, 11:19
Sep 24, 2015, 11:19
ShadyPete wrote on Sep 24, 2015, 10:15:
vulkan exists in the vendor's driver. and let's say they did somehow have the OS interfere in some way and you own a game with a vulkan backend only and find out the MS is intentionally disabling features of hardware you own.

DX is the new Glide.. it's days are numbered
Glide was vendor specific. DX is not. And its mainstream. 99% of Windows software that use 3D use DX, not OGL/Vulkan. DX is not going anywhere.
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Re: Dead Island Epidemic Ending Next Month
Sep 17, 2015, 10:23
Re: Dead Island Epidemic Ending Next Month Sep 17, 2015, 10:23
Sep 17, 2015, 10:23
This game was doomed on its inception. Deep Silver screwed the pooch with Dead Island franchise.
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Re: Umbrella Corps Announced
Sep 15, 2015, 12:53
Re: Umbrella Corps Announced Sep 15, 2015, 12:53
Sep 15, 2015, 12:53
Nobody asked for this. NOBODY!!!
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Re: Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen PC Plans
Sep 9, 2015, 10:00
Re: Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen PC Plans Sep 9, 2015, 10:00
Sep 9, 2015, 10:00
This is the type of game I would like to see on PS4/Xbox one despite that everyone complains on remasters. I spend most of the time on my couch, not my desk...
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Re: Arkham Knight PC Fixed Prioritized
Jun 26, 2015, 09:45
Re: Arkham Knight PC Fixed Prioritized Jun 26, 2015, 09:45
Jun 26, 2015, 09:45
Shineyguy wrote on Jun 26, 2015, 09:36:
So, is it Rocksteady that's fixing it? Or the studio that did the port?

Good if it's Rocksteady, but to be honest, I think delaying the game so that development could have stayed completely in house would have been a better idea.

Absolutely. Same for Witcher 3. Why the fuck can't they take another couple of months to release a stable game? The industry should take note and people should vote with their wallets. Preorders should should be banned/illegal on any product except those that are limited.
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