That Dawn of War II review is short. That's like review-of-a-casual-game short, not appropriate for a major RTS title. Mine would be longer, if THQ had sent my copy of the game already...get on it, people!
First week: the doors to the store fail to open. Second week: the doors to the store only open when the user manually presses a button, allowing the doors to open. Third week: the doors to the store always stay open, allowing thieves to enter the store at will. Fourth through 1,345th week: Microsoft release a series of patches, one per week, that prevents one specific thief from entering the store.
I'm glad to see that they plan on reducing the requisition rates that went all blowed up in the beta patch for 3v3 games. The deafening noise from the message boards reached the developers
I did not like the shorter title of the Take Command sequel, since the original game was officially called The History Channel: Civil War: The Battle of Bull Run: Take Command: 1861. Nice.
Part of that has to do with the fact that this is essentially still January in terms of content, and it's always been devoid of many releases. This month, however: FEAR 2, Dawn of War 2, the Sins micro-expansion, Perimeter 2...