User information for Toph O' Rama

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Toph O' Rama
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February 10, 2006
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Dec 25, 2022, 12:06
Re: Get DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for Free Dec 25, 2022, 12:06
Dec 25, 2022, 12:06
FYI (12PM EST, USA) went to add the game to my library and the Epic Store is throwing up and seems to log me out of my account.
Hopefully it gets resolved!
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Re: Gabe Newell on Brain Computer Interfaces
Jan 25, 2021, 15:41
Re: Gabe Newell on Brain Computer Interfaces Jan 25, 2021, 15:41
Jan 25, 2021, 15:41
As long as they can kill the majority of the, 'Total Recall' type bugs, I'm in.

Take my money.
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Re: Gabe Newell on Brain Computer Interfaces
Jan 25, 2021, 15:26
Re: Gabe Newell on Brain Computer Interfaces Jan 25, 2021, 15:26
Jan 25, 2021, 15:26
WannaLogAlready wrote on Jan 25, 2021, 14:12:
Bill Gates, doctorate or none, has achieved so much.
He has dedicated years of his life to mankind welfare, and the poorest and more needful people, indeed.
Of course he has done wrong things and is not perfect, he is human, but has shown admirable traits.
Today the less capable, uninformed masses asume that disrespectful, jaded posture that no one is good enough.
No one meets their *high* standards.
All achievements are tainted, so if anyone seems to do good, it is with an ulterior motive (greed, power grabbing, harm groups, etc).
To them, Gabe Newell who has brought so many excellent possibilities to gamers, is just an ignorant, despicable money seeking man, you name it.

If all are as mediocre as themselves, they feel less inconsequential.

I think they don't respect themselves, and tend to think that no one deserves better.
And, not surprisingly, they support people that show that ugly demeaning disposition.

This. Hit the nail right on the head.
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Re: Gabe Newell on Brain Computer Interfaces
Jan 25, 2021, 15:20
Re: Gabe Newell on Brain Computer Interfaces Jan 25, 2021, 15:20
Jan 25, 2021, 15:20
WaltC wrote on Jan 25, 2021, 13:23:
One day, in the future, Gabe Newell will develop a functioning human brain! At least, there is a 60% probability of that event (according to MAD magazine.) Right now, however, Newell knows as much about the brain as I do about time travel in the Andromeda galaxy. Newell reminds me of Bill Gates, lately, as both men have become legends in their own minds. Gates has zero medical training or education and never did manage to complete a BA, but he reads laymen-level medical articles in People magazine and thinks he's now a vaccine specialist and biochemist of world renown who eagerly dispenses gratis vaccine advice (to anyone who will listen to him, apparently.) Newell still cannot manage to answer a simple yes-no query about HL3, and otherwise prefers using three hundred multi-syllable words when only three actual words are required. Both men spout incredibly impotent notions about many, many things, however. They will gladly advise the world on any topic without regard as to whether their advice is worth listening to! (We are all so lucky, eh?...;))

This just sounds like you are jealous of both of these guys. You realize that anyone that works hard enough can make good money with or without an official degree or training? You also realize that not all people are dumb that don't go through higher education, and they aren't necessarily smart if they do. Bill Gates is one that worked hard and excelled at building Microsoft. He's also not dumb, or it never would have happened. Maybe he's a good leader that can pull the right smart people together for real action as opposed to Joe Blow that works the regular 9-5 job? And you probably know this by now (maybe you don't), but he's been talking about needing a proper global pandemic response plan years before COVID hit. So some things he talks about is apparently not bullshit. I mean he's in the right neighborhood and it's not crazy. It's not like he's trying to push making a Dyson Sphere, or spout bullshit that the World is flat, right?

I would surmise that at this point, just making money and being in the tech world is likely not necessarily at the top of the Bill Gate's 'what's important' list anymore.

Ever heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? If not, look it up. Where the majority of the planet is at the bottom half of the pyramid, Bill has been at the top half of it for quite some time now.
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Re: RTX 3090 Launches Thursday
Sep 29, 2020, 19:28
Re: RTX 3090 Launches Thursday Sep 29, 2020, 19:28
Sep 29, 2020, 19:28
For clarity, is it true that these stability issues are only affecting the 3rd party overclocked cards, correct?

Meaning there are supposedly no issues with the Nvidia 3080 Founders Edition cards?

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Re: Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Re-Vealed
Jun 4, 2020, 12:41
Re: Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Re-Vealed Jun 4, 2020, 12:41
Jun 4, 2020, 12:41
I agree to the overpowering/balance. I was constantly selling 'junk' because I had no space in inventory.

They should not only improve the graphic quality, but also do a re-balance, as well as add co-op for up to 4 players (because there's no MMORPG so let's just get half-way there). Oh, and PC support for all of this would be nice.

and I guess co-op would also mean a re-balance to the re-balance. It never ends...
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Re: Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Re-Vealed
Jun 4, 2020, 12:25
Re: Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Re-Vealed Jun 4, 2020, 12:25
Jun 4, 2020, 12:25
Edit: Looks like what I posted I got only half right, Corefracture has the better info (number 4, below) as he worked there...

I don't think Kingdoms bombed, really. It was an enjoyable game that I remember, and an amazing game from the perspective that it was an indie's first title. At the outset, the future was very bright for Big Huge Games/38 Studios.

I think the issue was, it was more that Curt Schilling had a bigger plan than just this game. This was just the beginning. The first game was supposed to be a taste of what was to come. 38 Studios were also attempting to create an MMORPG in the same setting as Kingdoms, and it was going to compete with the likes of World of Warcraft. In addition, he had whole mess of other products in the pipeline like merchandising, novels etc...

Unfortunately, whomever okayed that loan (we know it wasn't the tax payers...) was an idiot, because (1) the amount they asked for wasn't enough to end up making a triple AAA MMORPG like WoW and (2) whomever okayed that loan was ultimately gambling with taxpayers f'ing money...

PS: Yes, I liked the game. Also, guess where I'm from?
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Re: Diablo Hellfire on
Jun 5, 2019, 15:58
Re: Diablo Hellfire on Jun 5, 2019, 15:58
Jun 5, 2019, 15:58
There were many people looking for the Hellfire expansion immediately after Diablo was first sold on GOG, so there's a lot of nostalgia for it, apparently. Funny, I remember it having a lukewarm reception. I've never played it myself and now I have it, so that's a bonus: People that already purchased Diablo on GOG before Hellfire was integrated need not have to pay for the Hellfire expansion.

To be clear, you can run Diablo either by itself or with the expansion separately from the splash/startup screen. You are not required to play with the Hellfire expansion.

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Re: Bloodlines 2 Pulled from Epic Mega Sale
May 17, 2019, 14:21
Re: Bloodlines 2 Pulled from Epic Mega Sale May 17, 2019, 14:21
May 17, 2019, 14:21

Why would you not clearly communicate with the publishers that are allowing you exclusivity to only your storefront?

They are already trying to stick their neck out for you by doing so, knowing full well they'd get more sales from Steam in a shorter time frame than you ever could at this point.

If it was a mistake then fine, otherwise it looks pretty deceitful from the viewpoint of the publishers, and weirdly a bait and switch tactic while also trying to generate some kind of hurried action on to your potential buyers...

(in the voice of Justin Roiland)
"Hey! Look at us! Come on down! Look at our storefront, we have cheeeaap deals! We're slashing price cuts ON TOP of the regular sales that these publishers are giving you! Tell your friends!"

(two days later), Whoops! But look at our cheap deeeaallls! Better hurry up and buy these games before the rest of our cherished (yeah, whatever) game publishers catch wind of what we're doing!"

PS: Yes, I do like the sales. It just feels so cheesy, Epic.
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Re: Saturday Metaverse
Dec 8, 2018, 21:15
Re: Saturday Metaverse Dec 8, 2018, 21:15
Dec 8, 2018, 21:15
For anyone that has read the Microsoft Edge/Chromium article, this is a strategy Microsoft uses for control. The author may have missed something.

Please look up the term 'Embrace, Extend, Extinguish', and you'll understand what's probably really going on...

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Re: FIX PUBG Campaign
Aug 8, 2018, 16:40
Re: FIX PUBG Campaign Aug 8, 2018, 16:40
Aug 8, 2018, 16:40
Saying 'The campaign is an illusion' sounds like you are trying to make this a negative thing a company shouldn't do...

I don't think it's an illusion and I don't think it's negative at all. It's an obvious PR marketing campaign and there's nothing wrong about it - even if it is also obvious that 'The devs and publisher are sticking to their priorities and haven't deviated from them'.

Chest Thumping is a fantastic method of rallying the troops.

Yes, I think it's a great way to show to their existing (and potential) playerbase that they are trying to be as transparent as possible and show the things that they will be resolving along a concrete, reality-based timeline. It evokes a sense of serious commitment towards working on their product.

Yeah, I don't agree with Loot Crates and I don't agree with them filing a lawsuit against Epic games. I think both are bullshit.

But let's get this one thing straight (if you haven't inferred it already): I still think PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is better than Fortnite.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront II Grind Complaints
Nov 13, 2017, 13:26
Re: Star Wars Battlefront II Grind Complaints Nov 13, 2017, 13:26
Nov 13, 2017, 13:26
I think if EA needs clean, honest feedback from their customers I suggest they try this method out:

1. Develop a multiplayer game with different classes and weapons (depending on what class they are), armor, and add-ons.

2. Make all classes and weapons available to everyone in the same way. Everyone can get everything if they grind long enough.

3. Allow people to do the level-up thing, but the level blankets across all classes. At Certain levels different weapons, ammo, add-ons etc. open up for all classes. So maybe at level 5 the grunt gets a pistol, while the sniper gets faster reloads on their basic rifle. This allows everyone to be able to jump into another class at the same blanket level, regardless of how long they did the grind in another class. So A sniper that attains 5th level items will have the same equipment available as any other sniper. A 5th level grunt that plays just grunt can also switch to the sniper class in a round and be presented with the same 5th level sniper equipment. Because everything is equal, everyone is also grinding at the same rate. The only way to be 'faster' than someone else is if you put more time into the game, or maybe if you get certain in game achievements.

4. As we all know, the longer you grind the more boring it is - so don't make the grind longer per level. Add more levels and spread the weapons/add-ons/armor whatever out. Add fun things like little bits you can add to your gun, paint sets or new outfits as the levels increase.

5. Add daily experience point challenges, weekly challenges, set up ranked matches where you can get extra experience points for winning etc...

6. Don't use loot boxes or allow any cash based transactions.

7. Tell gamers at the 3 month point that something exciting is coming, and it will change everything - in 2 months. Push this advertising heavily. Whip up a marketing storm.

8. At the 5 month point the gamers will be ravenous to know what's up. The developers will know that gamers will be half-way through their grind, so at this point switch right back to the loot box/pay to win method. Just flip the switch!

9. Make the grind twice as long to slog through.

10. Tell players they will enjoy playing the game more if they buy the 'all weapons' pack, or pay $$ for 2x experience points for the week.

Tell them the intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different boxes/heroes.

Study the feedback.

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Re: For Honor Cheaters Banned
Feb 24, 2017, 17:12
Re: For Honor Cheaters Banned Feb 24, 2017, 17:12
Feb 24, 2017, 17:12
HoSpanky wrote on Feb 24, 2017, 15:06:
I've never understood the need to cheat in online gaming, and ESPECIALLY don't understand those cheaters then complaining about being punished for cheating. If you cheat to win, you didn't actually win. There's no victory there.

Totally this. I think that maybe the cheaters should be notified by UBI, saying they know who they are and that they will only be able to be matched up with other cheaters, banning the use of the store to scavenge or buy 'upgrades', and slowing player growth to 1% of regular users regardless of what initial package they bought.

This allows them to still be able to play while at the same time disarming the idea of cheating (because now everyone is at the same 'level').
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Re: Far Cry Primal Launches Survival Mode
Apr 13, 2016, 19:31
Re: Far Cry Primal Launches Survival Mode Apr 13, 2016, 19:31
Apr 13, 2016, 19:31
Cool, The large map still available + more fog of war and the stamina trade off for fast travel are really great. I Didn't know this as I'm currently focused on playing the game on Normal settings, and normal difficulty. I wonder, do they remove or severely nerf the opening up of the fog of war upgrades? I would think so, just curious.

Yeah, so for those that are griping about a huge company getting on the band wagon - well why not? They are not stupid. The single player campaign is in a pretty unique setting (not many FPS games are in BC), they can pull in the FarCry mechanics that work for them, the game is absolutely beautiful and taming pets + using them as a weapon or for travel is a bonus and smart. The fact that they added Survival mode + permadeath option (free as part of an update, I think) is fantastic as it just adds and enhances future play throughs with a different feel.

Am I a fanboy? Did you really have to ask? Loved Blood Dragon, really cheesy jokes - I was in 80's heaven. Same mechanics as other Far Cry games. I'm not looking for the 2nd coming of Christ in a game, I just want to enjoy myself at the end of a long day!

PS: This is a little off topic, but...I think people on here should post something positive about a game they like once a week, or something hopeful about a game they haven't played. It may just change your future outlook on games in general.

Anyway, I was stoked when I first played and finished Castle Wolfenstein on my Apple II+ back in 1981. It was the height of graphics and sound back then and the story was fleshed out in two sentences on the box. My friend and I would take turns playing the game having chips and soda. I know I still remember it because it was just an enjoyable way to spend the afternoon in the summer. I don't ever remember bitching about how simple the game was, or how much the sound wasn't like real-life, how much it cost me to buy it. Not even sure if there was music. I could have complained that the f'n keys were set for a righty, but then again I don't think you could even rebind the keys. I think I would have had a seizure (pissed my pants and foamed at the mouth uncontrollably) if the next game I played in '81 was Far Cry: Primal.

In the early 90's I wrote a paper in college about Virtual Reality, that it would be available to consumers in 20 years, and you can experience it today the way I imagined it would. It's only going to get better!

Life is short. Stop bitching and enjoy yourself!
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Re: Far Cry Primal Launches Survival Mode
Apr 13, 2016, 11:07
Re: Far Cry Primal Launches Survival Mode Apr 13, 2016, 11:07
Apr 13, 2016, 11:07
Beamer wrote on Apr 13, 2016, 09:04:
This sounds miserable.

Roguelike options are fun in games that are played in short bursts, not 40+ hour open world games. These changes don't add enough variety to play through multiple times, but are too restricting for your first playthrough.

Not to mention taking away navigation and fast travel options would make any game like this miserable. Exploring is fun, but returning to explored places is significantly less so. I didn't mind so much in FC4, because I just autogyroed everywhere, and autogyroing with a grenade launcher in one hand never got all that old (and getting places never took too long), but... though I've yet to play this FC, I can't imagine there's a short manual way from point A to point B.

I like the idea of the new options, -and- I also agree the game should be played the first time as originally intended. That being said, in survival mode there should be some way to 'paint' persistent caveman arrows or symbols to figure out your orientation (to find your homebase). Otherwise you won't be able to upgrade anything and just get lost.
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Re: Developer n-Space Closes
Mar 30, 2016, 16:48
Re: Developer n-Space Closes Mar 30, 2016, 16:48
Mar 30, 2016, 16:48
MT Silver wrote on Mar 30, 2016, 16:33:

I think the game got dragged in the mud because they tried to be like NWN, not for being a D&D game. Specifically, much of the hype was about the freedom you would have to make your own adventures. But SCL is nowhere near as free as NWN was. I played some incredible modules made with the NWN editor. There's nothing like that in SCL. Icewind mentioned a few of the limitations in SCL above.

I guess what I'm saying is that N-Space should have either lived up to their inspiration source or not cite it at all.

Though maybe if they did that we wouldn't be talking about it at all.

I agree to all of this.

Reading the NWN forums back in the day would bring me down a bit as there was a lot of griping, but I was always looking for that perfect module remake.

We know publishers have a heavy hand at leaning hard on the hype machine as no one in their right mind would sell their product as, 'yeah, it's almost like NWN, but not quite the experience you remembered'. I wished I had bought the game 4 weeks later, as that's the price point that would have made more sense for it from the beginning. But the hype machine stirs shit up big time, and when weakened I can get suckered in to motorboating me some big titties getting waved at me like that...
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Re: Developer n-Space Closes
Mar 30, 2016, 16:05
Re: Developer n-Space Closes Mar 30, 2016, 16:05
Mar 30, 2016, 16:05
MT Silver wrote on Mar 30, 2016, 15:27:
You're missing the point. Icewind is saying that the game being licensed as a D&D product didn't improve it in any way. They wasted the story and setting aspect and they didn't use the mechanics of 5th edition. It may as well not be based in the Sword Coast at all.

No, I get what he's saying. What I'm thinking about is, could the game have been viewed with any less criticism without the marketing hoopla that comes with the D&D albatross attached to any game? So if you market your game with the D&D license, you are tasked with raising the bar or failing before getting out of the gate. No D&D license? Bar is not set as high for a new dev company, less of a direct comparison to previous D&D licensed games, more of a chance for people to see that the devs actually working on improving the game month by month (they were trying their best if you followed them).

and so my question was, did Icewind think the game could stand on its own as a D&D game and eventually flourish even though certain very D&D-ish items were not used (and explained in marketing as such) so as not to clash with the fanatic fan base while also providing and adding to the story (canon)? Or should they go the way of no D&D story entirely? Did he think that could bypass the online vitriol?

My opinion is that the story and game could survive as a D&D title while not also having to be strictly bound to the D&D ruleset. Or even not be part of the D&D world at all.

I have my own opinion about how things went down. It's not ridiculous to think of a different possible line of reasoning. It's conjecture to open a forum of thoughtful conversation.
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Re: Developer n-Space Closes
Mar 30, 2016, 15:00
Re: Developer n-Space Closes Mar 30, 2016, 15:00
Mar 30, 2016, 15:00
Icewind wrote on Mar 30, 2016, 13:18:

Are you Dan Tudge, by any chance?

Seriously though, the game had a lot of faults, and saying you can "remove" the D&D license and it would be fine is ridiculous. Yeah, they could have, but then it would just be another bland CRPG amongst a sea of bland Steam CRPGs that already exist. Go play Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms if you want an example of that.

SCL barely used 5th edition. It used it in much the same way Pool of Radiance 2 used the 3rd edition rules...which is to say *barely*. The system they implemented was extremely watered down and bared little resemblance to 5th edition. Not the way ToEE/BG/IWD or any other D&D license game used their own rule edition at the time.

the mediocre reviews it received were deserved. The game's combat was abysmally bland, the story was bland, and the character creation? Yup. Everything about the game was middle-of-the-road average. Not bad per se, but just "bland". We live in an age where a hundred RPGs get shoved out onto steam every year, so if you want to make money you better make something with some real heart behind it, or risk going out of business.

No I'm not Dan Tudge.

Okay, so you say that removing the D&D license is ridiculous. How about removing the ruleset but staying on with the same World? If you knew for a fact that the ruleset in the backround wasn't official 5th edition, could you handle playing the game, or would it annoy the hell out of you?

The question is: Does a D&D game have to have the official ruleset attached to be enjoyed? or just not make the game at all if you cannot do it that way? Personally, I'm all for it if the story fits and adds more to the World they have attached the game to. It's a computer game, I'm not necessarily going to need to see dice rolls if the game feels good.

or do you think it needs to be so tightly bound in the rules that it's an exact simulation?

I think we are almost skirting around the realm of talking about Dragon Age - that actually did alright as I recall, with it's own ruleset and no D&D license...

Just curious see how you would have done it.
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Re: Developer n-Space Closes
Mar 30, 2016, 14:46
Re: Developer n-Space Closes Mar 30, 2016, 14:46
Mar 30, 2016, 14:46
Cutter wrote on Mar 30, 2016, 13:29:
I still say there was some sort of payola scam going on here because all the press previews don't come remotely close to jibing with the actual game they released. And n-SpaceDE's marketing was really scummy to boot, implying that this was the next NWN when it clearly wasn't. This is one of the few games I feel I actually got scammed on by a company's marketing - classic bait n' switch. And because I bought it through GMG there's no chance of a refund. Sigh.

So double whammy. Yeah nowadays with alot of games, it's like the publishers are practically waving tits in your face and hoping you motorboat. You motorboated, damn it! Hehe

They had the D&D license behind them which means to a lot of people that an comparison would be made point-by-point to the previous Bioware games. They had to know that (right? a no brainer) there would be a reaction from D&D fans (to make a direct comparison) upon release. They took the chance and it didn't work out.

So how many years do you think will go by until some other devs try it again?
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Re: Developer n-Space Closes
Mar 30, 2016, 14:35
Re: Developer n-Space Closes Mar 30, 2016, 14:35
Mar 30, 2016, 14:35
ldonyo wrote on Mar 30, 2016, 13:44:
I know of at least one game-stopping bug. My wife found it while fighting the humongous spider right before you go into Underdark. As far as I know this has not yet been fixed.

You fight the gigantic spider, then kill off the waves of little spiders. This happens three times, then the large spider is supposed to drop down for the final fight. It drops down, but then goes right back up, never to be seen again. Meanwhile, you're stuck in combat mode until you exit the game. You can re-fight this over and over, you can choose to reset as far back as the game allows, but it always ends the same way once you get this bug. The only option is to start a new game and hope it doesn't happen again.

Arrgh, sucks. Hopefully some kind of community patch will come out that can fix it plus tweaks on difficulty or something. Who knows if that's even a possibility.
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