User information for bluelurker

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January 22, 2006
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2 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: No subject
Mar 25, 2006, 14:41
Re: No subject Mar 25, 2006, 14:41
Mar 25, 2006, 14:41
If the book encourages or explains how to do things that are against the user agreement or game rules or whatever, then I hope the kid gets crushed. If not I hope blizzard loses.

Either way the book is a scam.

It is not a scam.

Sure most if not all the information in this "book" are avaible free online.

But did you ever think not everyone wants to alt-tab to their browser or even a text file to look up something while they are playing WoW? Did you ever consider some of us would like to have it all in printed form complete with an index and such for quick listing? No need to alt tab or anything else.

Sure you yourself can even print it out, but not everyone has a printer, OR wants to waste a ton of paper/ink to print out the massive information that WoW contains. The book is a reasonable price considering production cost, it would be cheaper to buy it. Not to mention some people, like myself, would rather pay a few bucks and save myself hours apon hours of watching my printer clunk out 50+ (and thats a small estimate) pages of WoW information.

The only thing the guy has to worry about is if his guide, as you mention, is if he discusses exploits or cheats. I doubt he does so under DMCA and the First Amendment he is well within his rights to write this book and sell it.

Are you kidding me?
Jan 21, 2006, 23:51
Are you kidding me? Jan 21, 2006, 23:51
Jan 21, 2006, 23:51
quoting Rathy

"Farscape: crap. Andromeda: real crap. Firefly: boring (sorry)."

I lurk, all the time. While I enjoy reading the comments part of each article, I never felt the need to reply. You sir, are a reason to register and reply.

Farscape was crap? Are you insane? Farscape was some genius television. You didn't care for "muppets"? Didn't like the dialgue? Those are usually the bigger gripes of people. The show was pure genius. It reminded me alot of Babylon 5 and Deep Space Nine: from episode 1 you are kicked into a season progressing storyline. Sure there were plenty of filler and episodal stories but if you watch the show from season 1 to season 4 and the miniseries that tied it up you have to admit the long running stories were some of the greatest entertainment ever. While I can agree SG-1 "was" getting a little stale, the meer fact it is being rekindled with the man known as John Crichton, mr Ben Browder, I think that speaks enough for itself how much Scapers want to see Ben the lead in another show.

Firefly was boring? Two words: Joss Whedon. If that isn't enough for you to enjoy this show despite its short run, then you obviously are not much a tv show fan.

Please, go back and watch American Survivor Idol Island or whatever popular popculture lowest common denomiator tv show is "hip" at the moment.

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