I'm getting really tired of those people that keep telling us anti-ads people to chill or slit our wrists. Not a single one has put forth reasoned arguments to our concerns.
1. We're not being given a choice. Most of us who would pay more for ad-free games. Some of us would be OK with free or low-cost games. Not myself, but again, no choice.
2. WE JUST DON'T WANT TO SEE ADS. When we play games we try to escape from other ad-infested real world.
I, however, will put reasoned arguments to their talking points:
Development costs have skyrocketedHave costs increased? Yes. Skyrocketed? Absolutely unprovable. It would take a long time to by an objective source to measure inflaton, impact of new tools and middleware which make it easier to create new content, offshoring, the draining of an experienced talent pool to more and more development houses, risk spread across platforms, etc. And that's just off the top of my head.
This was also the reason justified for the $60 360 and PS3 games. And yet they still contain ads (Sheep still buy them too!). Sorry the argument doesn't wash.
They're innocuous/You haven't seen how they are implemented/People have tuned them outWE DON'T WANT TO SEE ADS IN OUR GAMES. WE'RE TRYING TO ESCAPE THE REAL WORLD. SPEAK ENGLISH?Nothing's free anymore/It's needed for maintenance and improvementsSeriously debunked already. The game industry has long survived before ads in games showed up. There are plenty of examples of games that don't have ads in them with continued support and improvements. Guild Wars, all the BF games and expansions until 2142, Battle.net games, Half-Life and CS (until Valve got greedy), etc.
This website/TV has hadsI didn't/don't pay for either. I have to pay for these adware games. Your point is?
Increase the price and you reduce the number of salesThere is serious evidence to dispute this. Look at the price of 360 games. It hasn't stopped Microsoft from selling millions of games. Look at how well CE editions of games sell too.
The spying is anonymousThis is split. I personally could care less about the privacy aspect of it. But I support the notion I should still have the choice to control whether or not any statistics are gathered and sent to a third party. I can do this with browsers (by controlling cookies).
sure they might cost a bit more to make but the ammount[sic] of people buying games at the moment is massive
Please quanitify and provide a source. That statement is worthless as it is. In the month of April game sales 'only' improved by 20% over the year before. And that was considered a slow month. Most industrys would kill to have that problem.
http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles/djf500/200706151413DOWJONESDJONLINE000875_FORTUNE5.htmDon't buy games like this and you have to suffer the evil of console ports, increased prices and more limited support.Now that I've proved that game sales are more massive, prove boycotting PC games with ads results in console ports, increased prices, and more limited support.