User information for Evik Bledstudt

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Evik Bledstudt
Concealed by request
Nothing to see here folks. move along, move along.
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Signed On
July 14, 2005
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1 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Jul 14, 2005, 19:15
Re: VACS Jul 14, 2005, 19:15
Jul 14, 2005, 19:15
Ah yes, they always do begin with ad hominem attacks.

The only thing I see BF2 mildly pushing the limits of would be graphics. As far as my gaming experience has dictated, it's not breaking any ground in other areas, like some of the games you mentioned did (Tribes being the game that arguably the BF series got much of it's vehicular/on-foot combination multiplayer combat from). It certainly is breaking customer's patience, though.

We might not see BF2 specifically on consoles, but we will see very similar games that take advantage of everything the new consoles will have...which from what I can tell are all of the things you've listed, plus other things (webcams displaying who you're playing against, for instance) that aren't listed. Consoles are very much becoming specialized versions of the PC, and if gaming companies such as EA don't move away from "quantity over quality" quickly, people will be moving over to games that they can at least play from the time the come back from the store without such silly programming errors.

Oh yes, and before something can be called a masterpiece, it must stand the test of time. Until then, that's just an opinion.

This comment was edited on Jul 14, 19:16.
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