User information for Frank Walley

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Frank Walley
Tournament and community site that has prizes for competition every week, and the hottest girl gamers on the planet with pics.


Signed On
June 22, 2005
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10 (Suspect)
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Aug 1, 2005, 16:19
No subject Aug 1, 2005, 16:19
Aug 1, 2005, 16:19
Congratulations to all 21 of the winners of last weeks ATI Fast Feet Tournament! Due to a problem with our sign up process we were not able to register many of you who tried to compete in our first tournament. The good news is we have fixed the problem and that we have three more tournaments this week that have great cash and prizes!

Sponsors: ATI, Logitech, Lovesac

Run down of the Fast Feet Fight Tournament:

WarChild.RavenWebb took off with what looked like an insurmountable lead. But his strategy proved wrong in the end (even with a 3rd place finish). He lead the pack with tons of knife kills (25) but he didn’t take into account knife kills were a “multiplier”. Everyone needed high kill to death ratio to start with, then knife kills multiplied the k/d ratio.

HIT][Spike, {cc42angobob and im.anti both started late in the tournament and finished in the top 5. Even =BR1=cman started well into the event and finished with the leaders. This just goes to show its not how long you play, but how you play the rules that makes you a winner.

The =B33F= clan had the most players in the winners circle with the ~~[NFH]~~ coming in with the second most clan members.

As a spectator in many of the matches standing around watching, I did get knifed more times than I expected. But that happens standing in one place. Sometimes the smack got a little thick and players were boasting a bit, but most of those who spent time typing lost valuable points.

Everyone is a Winner – All Club Members paid $9.95 and won at least $10. And there are 16 more tournaments with cash and prizes this month!


1 HIT][Spike ATI X800 XL 256MB Video Card

2 =BR1=cman GAMESAC

3 warchild.ravenwebb $50 Cash

4 im.anti. $50 Cash

5 {cc42angobob $50 Cash

6 ~~[NFH]~~l33tg4m3r $50 Cash

7 ~~[NFH]~~Moses73 $50 Cash

8 [bravo-co]Psycho $50 Cash

9 -75thFS-KamaKaze $50 Cash

10 =B33F=Evilfud $50 Cash

11 [Bravo-Co]Matt MIDDLEMAN Logitech Head Set

12 =B33F=Dirty_Dog $10 Cash

13 =B33F=DaKeith $10 Cash

14 CaribOne|Eurus $10 Cash

15 Dinosaurcam $10 Cash

16 =B33F=Gunslinger $10 Cash

17 ceelocsta $10 Cash

18 =B33F=Palerider $10 Cash

19 thefamousguyman $10 Cash

20 Persuader $10 Cash

21 B20|MuSsEr $10 Cash


$10,000 BF2 and CSS Tournament
Jul 23, 2005, 09:40
$10,000 BF2 and CSS Tournament Jul 23, 2005, 09:40
Jul 23, 2005, 09:40
Get set for some raucous Firescore tournaments. Our last contest winner walked off with Dell Flat Panel Monitor, and the next winner could be YOU!

Starting July 24 there are single and multi-day tournaments in a wild variety of maps, rules and formats. And best of all – ANY PLAYER CAN WIN! At Firescore we thought – “It’s great that top guns get prizes, but it’s even kewler for everyone to have a chance!” – so we designed the competition so that people can win in *many* ways – they can even win if they just compete and are a Noobie.

Yes, we have $500 prizes in Cash, ATI Video Cards, or Game Sacs for those who are great shooters, but we also have $50, $25, and $10 Cash prizes, or Logitech gear for some of you who may not be the best shot. Hundreds of winners are a lot better than one – so get on the servers and gear up for the competition.

OpenTournament This weekend
Jul 1, 2005, 20:37
OpenTournament This weekend Jul 1, 2005, 20:37
Jul 1, 2005, 20:37
Free BF2 Tournament at

prize: Dell 20" Flat Panel Monitor

Dates: Saturday July 2nd & Sunday July 3rd

Time: 4 PM MDT to 8 PM MDT

Servers: 2 -32 players, 2-64 players = 192 players – players can come and go but they have to be in the game at the end each round for their scores to count. So the total number of players should be much higher.

Rules: You must play on FireScore BF2 Servers

You must play using your registered FireScore Handle

You must be in the game at the end of each round to count

You must be registered on the FireScore site to win.

Only 1 prize is offered


Regulations: READ ALL THE REGULATIONS - By playing in the tournament all players agree to the terms of the rules and regulations

Maps: Map selection is random – selected by FireScore judges

Rounds: 1 map per round

Map Time: Map times will run between 30 minutes and 1 hour – selected by FireScore judges

Scoring: FireScore is using a multiplier system. All scores are based on how BF2 reports your scores.

* Total Score - 1=1
* Skill Points - 1=2
* Deaths are subtracted from the total
* EXAMPLE: 50 total points AND 25 skill points AND 10 deaths = 90 Tournament Point
o 50 + (25 *2) - 10 = 90

Tie: In the event of a tie, the players tied will compete in a 30 minute match on Monday beginning at 6:00 pm MDT.

Results are totaled and posted on the site not later than Sunday morning for round 1 and Monday morning for the total scores by 9:00 pm MDT.
Remember, if you're not registered, you can't win. There is NO special registration process for the tournament. Just register for the FIRESCORE.COM.

Jun 25, 2005, 02:27
Ranked Jun 25, 2005, 02:27
Jun 25, 2005, 02:27
Earlier this month EA released news about "Ranked Servers"

"Ranked servers will be where the hardcore bump heads and clash knives. All Ranked Servers will be configured to provide the definitive competitive Battlefield experience."

"Ranked servers will be heavily administrated and have Punkbuster on. The integrity of the stats system is of paramount importance to EA (and of course to those participating in it) and so we will be monitoring things constantly. At the end of the day, Ranked servers will be a safe, regulated environment on which the most competitive players will be spending their time. If this environment doesn’t sound right for you, that’s great. That’s what Unranked servers are for."

That sounded like it made some sense... and they continue....:

"Unranked Servers
These servers are the wild cards – every one will be different, set to suit a specific part of our community (that part can be an individual player turned server operator, whole clans or even fan websites). The one thing these will all have in common, however, is the lack of pressure to meet the high standard of play we will expect on Ranked servers (i.e. don’t be a nuisance, don’t break EA’s Terms and Conditions and strive to be a team player)."

I have waited with every other BF guy to get this new game and have some excitement again, just like DC did for BF1942. But! Do you remember playing Battlefield 1942 or Battlefield Vietnam and remember thinking that your scores didn’t matter because EA was watching over them? Me neither. It seems EA with these statements is openly implying, if not admitting they think those of us who are more likely play mostly on "Unranked" servers are the less competitive or "hardcore" gamers than those that play ranked servers. In both of the games we have been playing for years you go to clan servers for the best games and you go to the EA servers if you are an a lost noob or you just want to feel better about yourself and waste a dozen or two of them. Why are they really doing this??? I predict that the EA “Ranked” servers are going to get all the guys that have only mastered the Cobra or gunships, that have small wood, and point to their individual scores for validation. Actually, if we could banish all the players like that to EA servers…

If you find your self, like I do, migrating to clan servers because your favorite mods is there and EA doesn’t play those, and the competitions are more challenging there, and the noobs are either getting trained or getting killed in a hurry there. We are the players that made the Battlefield series the success that it is today! Why are they isolating us? They give some sort of cooler UNLOCKABLE WEAPONS to those that decide to play on EA servers?

I hope the open source movement of some kick ass mod developers wins out over this,

Can’t Sleep


Jun 25, 2005, 02:23
Ranked Jun 25, 2005, 02:23
Jun 25, 2005, 02:23
Earlier this month EA released news about "Ranked Servers"

"Ranked servers will be where the hardcore bump heads and clash knives. All Ranked Servers will be configured to provide the definitive competitive Battlefield experience."

"Ranked servers will be heavily administrated and have Punkbuster on. The integrity of the stats system is of paramount importance to EA (and of course to those participating in it) and so we will be monitoring things constantly. At the end of the day, Ranked servers will be a safe, regulated environment on which the most competitive players will be spending their time. If this environment doesn’t sound right for you, that’s great. That’s what Unranked servers are for."

That sounded like it made some sense... and they continue....:

"Unranked Servers
These servers are the wild cards – every one will be different, set to suit a specific part of our community (that part can be an individual player turned server operator, whole clans or even fan websites). The one thing these will all have in common, however, is the lack of pressure to meet the high standard of play we will expect on Ranked servers (i.e. don’t be a nuisance, don’t break EA’s Terms and Conditions and strive to be a team player)."

I have waited with every other BF guy to get this new game and have some excitement again, just like DC did for BF1942. But! Do you remember playing Battlefield 1942 or Battlefield Vietnam and remember thinking that your scores didn’t matter because EA was watching over them? Me neither. It seems EA with these statements is openly implying, if not admitting they think those of us who are more likely play mostly on "Unranked" servers are the less competitive or "hardcore" gamers than those that play ranked servers. In both of the games we have been playing for years you go to clan servers for the best games and you go to the EA servers if you are an a lost noob or you just want to feel better about yourself and waste a dozen or two of them. Why are they really doing this??? I predict that the EA “Ranked” servers are going to get all the guys that have only mastered the Cobra or gunships, that have small wood, and point to their individual scores for validation. Actually, if we could banish all the players like that to EA servers…

If you find your self, like I do, migrating to clan servers because your favorite mods is there and EA doesn’t play those, and the competitions are more challenging there, and the noobs are either getting trained or getting killed in a hurry there. We are the players that made the Battlefield series the success that it is today! Why are they isolating us? They give some sort of cooler UNLOCKABLE WEAPONS to those that decide to play on EA servers?

I hope the open source movement of some kick ass mod developers wins out over this,

Can’t Sleep


Any one getting Scores to work on BF2?
Jun 23, 2005, 14:56
Any one getting Scores to work on BF2? Jun 23, 2005, 14:56
Jun 23, 2005, 14:56
We were going to run a tournament this weekend but can't get the scores out of BF2. Does anyone have additional info yet?

We have the following servers up for performance testing right now, please come to to see what we have going on.

Battlefield 2 Server NOT THE DEMO
Battlefield 2 DEMO - NEW

Re: BF2 Tournament
Jun 23, 2005, 14:52
Re: BF2 Tournament Jun 23, 2005, 14:52
Jun 23, 2005, 14:52
yo yo mang, was up wit dis'n da ho's yo? gotta keep our pimp arm strong!

Come on man, the girls are fun and we had a good time coming up with names. Anna Kournikova is not the best tennis BF2 players in the world, the Firescore Girls are not the best girl gamers in the world, but they are a lot of fun to look at and they enjoy playing just like the rest of us do. And they are in the servers everynight having a good time.

I personally came up with Command-ho, my feelings are hurt you don't like it *^)

Anyhow, we are not getting the stats out of BF2 yet, and it doesn't look like any one else is either at the moment so we are pushing back the tournament a week while EA gets the scores feature working. If anyone has more info on scores please post it!

Here are our current servers that are open for play

Battlefield 2 Server NOT THE DEMO
Battlefield 2 DEMO - NEW

If anyone has any comments or questions please feel free to email me at or visit the site at

Re: Shit Hot Gaming Girls
Jun 22, 2005, 13:17
Re: Shit Hot Gaming Girls Jun 22, 2005, 13:17
Jun 22, 2005, 13:17
Have you seen MyAssisSYN at

BF2 Tournament
Jun 22, 2005, 12:50
BF2 Tournament Jun 22, 2005, 12:50
Jun 22, 2005, 12:50
Hey everybody, we are hosting a small free tournament this weekend and giving away a 20" Dell Monitor. Please come by and check it out!

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